
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's me. It bugs the hell out of me that I ended up with a different username on Wikipedia Commons than I have here on Wikipedia Prime, but 'Card was already taken over there, and Ken Thomas was already taken over here, so what are ya gonna do? It's entirely possible that there's some dark and arcane method for merging the two and simply using one username on both, but I've yet to discover it. Feel free to deliver unto me a cluebrick if thou art privy to this secret knowledge.

Other than that, if for some odd reason you don't find yourself overly enamored with something I've done to an article, feel free to change it. My self-identity isn't particularly tied to my contributions, so any changes you make aren't likely to inspire much of a reaction on my part. If I've neglected to adhere to some obscure standard, then I'd appreciate enlightenment, but if what you have in mind is some sort of debate over some minor philosophical point, then please don't bother. I'm very interested in doing Wikipedia. I'm not nearly as interested in talking about it.