279 Thule

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279 Thule
Discovery A
Discoverer Johann Palisa
Discovery date October 25, 1888
Category Main belt (Thule)
Orbital elements C
Epoch 30 January 2005 (JD 2453400.5)
Eccentricity (e) 0.012
Semi-major axis (a) 639.809 Gm (4.277 AU)
Perihelion (q) 631.907 Gm (4.224 AU)
Aphelion (Q) 647.712 Gm (4.33 AU)
Orbital period (P) 3230.561 d (8.84 a)
Mean orbital speed 14.4 km/s
Inclination (i) 2.338°
Longitude of the
ascending node
Argument of
Mean anomaly (M) 274.796°
Physical characteristics D
Dimensions 127.0 km
Mass unknown
Density unknown
Surface gravity unknown
Escape velocity unknown
Rotation period unknown
Spectral class D
Absolute magnitude 8.57
Albedo (geometric) unknown
Mean surface
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279 Thule is a very large Main belt asteroid. It is classified as a D-type asteroid and is probably composed of organic rich silicates, carbon and anhydrous silicates.

The orbit of Thule is unusual. It appears to orbit in the outermost edge of the Main belt in a 3:4 orbital resonance with planet Jupiter. Unlike the Hilda asteroids whose eccentricity is fairly typical of main belt asteroids, Thule has a very low eccentricity - actually much lower that that of Jupiter itself and only slightly higher than that of Earth. The origin of this orbit is not clear, as is the reason for the absence of smaller bodies in similar 4:3 resonances with Jupiter.

Some astronomers have argued that Thule's present orbit is the natural result of the force of Jupiter on a body orbiting at precisely the distance from the Sun Thule does, in the same way (though with the reverse effect) as the Kirkwood gaps in the more inner parts of the asteroid belt. It could thus be that the resonance which holds Thule in an extremely low-eccentricity orbit serves to eject other smaller bodies whose distance from the Sun is only slightly different from that of Thule itself.

It is the sole member of the Thule dynamical group.

It was discovered by Johann Palisa on October 25, 1888 in Vienna and was named aptly after the ultimate northern land of Thule.

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