2578 Saint-Exupéry

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2578 Saint-Exupéry is a small main belt asteroid, which was discovered by Tamara M. Smirnova on November 2, 1975. It is named after Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the French aviator and writer. The name is appropriate, as Saint-Exupéry's best-known character, The Little Prince, lives on an asteroid.

In the book, the little prince's asteroid also has a unique code: B612. 2578 Saint-Exupéry's provisional designation was 1975 VW3, which is not a match. However, there is another asteroid called 46610 Bésixdouze, which is French for "B-six-twelve" (B612 in hexadecimal notation equals 46610).

[edit] See also

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