1st World Science Fiction Convention

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During the first Worldcon, fans took the opportunity to visit Coney Island: Front: Mark Reinsberg, Jack Agnew, Ross Rocklynne Top: V. Kidwell, Robert A. Madle, Erle Korshak, Ray Bradbury
During the first Worldcon, fans took the opportunity to visit Coney Island: Front: Mark Reinsberg, Jack Agnew, Ross Rocklynne Top: V. Kidwell, Robert A. Madle, Erle Korshak, Ray Bradbury

The First World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) was held in the Caravan Hall in New York 2-4 July, 1939, in conjunction with the New York World's Fair, which was themed as "The world of tomorrow". The convention was later named nicknamed "Nycon I" by Forrest J. Ackerman (whom attended the convention in a costume designed by his girlfriend, this is considered a forerunner to modern Cosplay and fan costuming.). The event had 200 participants.

The guest of honour at the first Worldcon was Frank R. Paul and the event was chaired by Sam Moskowitz. Other notable people attending included John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, L. Sprague de Camp, Ray Bradbury and Harry Harrison.

[edit] See also

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Preceded by
List of Worldcons
1st World Science Fiction Convention
Nycon I in New York, USA (1939)
Succeeded by
2nd World Science Fiction Convention
Chicon I in Chicago, USA (1940)