19th Chess Olympiad

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Official Logo of the Siegen Olympiad
Official Logo of the Siegen Olympiad

The 19th Chess Olympiad, comprising an open team tournament and the Annual Congress of the Fédération Internationale des Échecs, took place between September 5 and September 27, 1970, in the small town of Siegen, Germany.


[edit] Tournament report

Held at the Siegerland Hall venue, a total of 64 nations applied to enter the tournament. Unfortunately, space constraints and FIDE 's intended model format meant that only 60 could be accommodated. Rather too conveniently it was then found that 4 teams were to have their applications rejected on the grounds that they had missed the deadline or some such technicality.

The tournament was run as a 2-stage round-robin. Six preliminary Groups determined the composition of five Finals Groups, denoted A to E, the strongest qualifiers ending up as Group A and so on. There were several unsatisfactory aspects of this system however and they manifested themselves in a variety of ways.

Firstly, the pressure was raised to fever pitch at a very early stage in the proceedings. A poor result in the prelims would condemn a team to a low Group. All this proved too much for England's top player, Jonathan Penrose, who in his crucial final prelims match, blundered a piece and fainted from the shock. A nervous player at the best of times, he was retired from the rest of the contest on medical grounds and England ended up adrift in Group C, which they won by a hefty margin.

The Sunday Times reported instances of cheating. For example, in the Indonesia vs. Switzerland prelims match, a player moved his queen next to the opponent's king with check. KxQ was forced and so the player made the move for his opponent, declaring stalemate and shaking hands all in one movement. His dazed opponent ended up signing the scoresheet, before recovering his wits and realising (too late) that it wasn't stalemate at all.

It was possible for strong teams, sitting comfortably in favourable qualification spots, to not try as hard as they might have in other circumstances. Such actions undoubtedly influenced the qualification process below them and as a deliberate ploy, could have assisted in relegating a strong rival to a lower Group.

Then there was the whole question of apartheid. Albania decided to forfeit their game against South Africa as a protest against racial segregation and so lost 4-0. Naturally, this meant that the whole group dynamic was lost and the resulting placings, somewhat distorted. There were some teams and a small number of strong players who did not compete at all.

The teams competed for the Hamilton-Russell Cup. Matches were scored by game points, with match points being used in the event of a tie-break. The Chief Referee was International Arbiter (IA) Harry de Graaf. 360 players took part, including 35 grandmasters and 66 international masters.

As was customary, A FIDE congress was held during the Olympiad and the major news concerned the retirement of President Folke Rogard after 21 years of service. He was to be replaced by former World Champion Max Euwe and this appeared to be a universally popular decision. Another important issue was the presentation of a proposed new system for the award of FIDE Grandmaster and International Master titles; the congress adopted in full the report submitted by a committee comprising Svetozar Gligoric, Professor Arpad Elo and the Vice President, Mr Dorazil.

The tournament was very well attended by the public, particularly on the day that Boris Spassky played Bobby Fischer, with an estimated 3000 spectators turning up ( - Spassky won).

[edit] Individual performances

World Champion Boris Spassky took the best score on board one (79.17%) and won a suit as a prize. Bobby Fischer finished a close second with 76.9% and Bent Larsen a close third with 76.5%.

Tigran Petrosian extended his amazing run of unbeaten Olympiad games to 90 (won 58, drawn 32).

Viktor Korchnoi lost only one game - as a result of oversleeping he defaulted to the Spaniard, Diez del Corral. There was no satisfactory explanation as to why team captain Paul Keres or one of Korchnoi's team-mates could not have telephoned his room when noticing he was a few minutes late.

Oscar Panno drew a record 15 games; however this may be partially explained by his accommodation. Siegen is a small place and many competitors were housed in the surrounding area. When Korchnoi asked Panno where he was living, his reply was "in a pure field".

[edit] Final Group A, top 10 finishers

Place of finish Team Players Matches won Matches drawn Matches lost Total score [1]
First Flag of Soviet Union U.S.S.R. Boris Spassky, Tigran Petrosian, Viktor Korchnoi, Lev Polugaevsky, Vasily Smyslov, Efim Geller 7 4 0 27.5
Second Flag of Hungary Hungary Lajos Portisch, Levente Lengyel, Istvan Bilek, Gyozo Forintos, Istvan Csom, Zoltan Ribli 8 2 1 26.5
Third Flag of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Svetozar Gligoric, Borislav Ivkov, Milan Matulovic, Aleksandar Matanovic, Bruno Parma, Dragoljub Minic 8 3 0 26.0
Fourth Flag of United States United States of America Robert Fischer, Samuel Reshevsky, Larry Evans, Pal Benko, William Lombardy, Edmar Mednis 5 3 3 24.5
Fifth Flag of Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Vlastimil Hort, Miroslav Filip, Vlastimil Jansa, Jan Smejkal, Josef Pribyl, Frantisek Blatny 3 6 2 23.5
Sixth Flag of West Germany West Germany Wolfgang Unzicker, Lothar Schmid, Klaus Darga, Hans-Joachim Hecht, Dieter Mohrlok, Klaus Klundt 4 2 5 22.0
Seventh Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria Milko Bobotsov, Georgi Tringov, Nikola Padevsky, Luben Popov, Ivan Radulov, Atanas Kolarov 3 4 4 21.5
Eighth Flag of Argentina Argentina Miguel Najdorf, Oscar Panno, Julio Bolbochan, Miguel Quinteros, Jorge Rubinetti, Carlos Eleodoro Juarez 4 2 5 21.5
Ninth Flag of German Democratic Republic East Germany Wolfgang Uhlmann, Burkhard Malich, Heinz Liebert, Artur Hennings, Lothar Zinn, Friedrich Baumbach 1 5 5 19.0
Tenth Flag of Romania Romania Florin Gheorghiu, Victor Ciocâltea, Theodor Ghiţescu, Emil Ungureanu, Gheorghe Mititelu, Emanoil Reicher 1 3 7 18.5

Group A was completed by Flag of CanadaCanada (17.5 points) and Flag of SpainSpain (16 points).

[edit] Final Groups B-E

Of the remaining Final Groups, the top 3 finishers were as follows;

Group B ... 1st Flag of IsraelIsrael 2nd Flag of PolandPoland 3rd Flag of AustraliaAustralia.

Group C ... 1st Flag of EnglandEngland 2nd Flag of PhilippinesPhilippines 3rd Flag of IcelandIceland.

Group D ... 1st Flag of SwitzerlandSwitzerland 2nd Flag of AlbaniaAlbania 3rd Flag of PeruPeru.

Group E ... 1st Flag of New ZealandNew Zealand 2nd Flag of RhodesiaRhodesia 3rd Flag of TurkeyTurkey.

[edit] Best Game

The 'Best Game' prize went to Lothar Schmid (West Germany) - Anton Kinzel (Austria) from the preliminaries.

[edit] References