1922 Land Code
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1922 Land Code of the RSFSR (Земельный кодекс in Russian, or Zemelniy kodeks) was the first principal document that systemized land legislation in the RSFSR.
1922 Land Code was adopted at the 4th session of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Всероссийский центральный исполнительный комитет (ВЦИК), or Vserossiyskiy tsentralniy ispolnitelniy komitet (VTsIK)) and carried into effect on December 1, 1922. It was elaborated under the supervision and with the direct participation of Vladimir Lenin. The main purpose of the code was to regulate the land tenure by rural communities. Similar land codes were adopted by other Soviet republics between 1922 and 1929. After the universal agricultural collectivization, land codes of the Soviet republics lost their significance.
In 1970-1971, the Soviets adopted new land codes in all of the republics. 1970 Land Code of the RSFSR was adopted on December 1, 1970.