10-10 International
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Ten-Ten International Net, or 10-10 for short, is an organization of amateur radio operators dedicated to maintaining high levels of amateur radio communications on the 10-meter amateur band (28.0-29.7 MHz). Established in 1962, 10-10 has grown continuously since that day, with some ups and downs according to the numbers of sunspots and the openness of the band. As you read this, the number of 10-10 numbers issued to members is over 70,000. 10-10 would welcome your membership in the organization if you have an amateur radio license with 10-meter privileges.
10-10 is a volunteer organization with no paid officers. Although 10-10 does contract for certain services to ensure that each member receives his or her quarterly issue of 10-10 News, the 30+ page journal of 10-10 activities, the real work of providing services for members falls on the shoulders of dedicated volunteers.
The 10-10 Mission Statement 10-10 offers the 10-meter enthusiast the opportunity to share in a wide variety of activities internationally, not the least of which is meeting new and old friends. By keeping the band active through participation in 10-10 nets, QSO parties, and certificate collection, 10-10 offers both satisfaction and challenges, while promoting learning and courteous operating practices. The combination of on-the-air activities, awards, a bi-annual convention, and the 10-10 News creates an unusually strong bond among 10-10 members.