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Systematic name cyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione
Other names p-benzoquinone; p-quinone
Molecular formula C6H4O2
SMILES O=C/1\C=C/C(=O)\C=C\1
Molar mass 108.095 g/mol
Appearance Yellow monoclinc prisms
CAS number [106-51-4]
Density and phase Solid - 1.318 g/cm³ at 20°C
Solubility in water  ? g/100 ml (?°C)

Slightly soluble in water and petroleum ether.
Very soluble in ethanol, benzene, ether.
Soluble in acetone.

Melting point 115°C (388 K)
Boiling point Sublimes
Acidity (pKa)  ?
Basicity (pKb)  ?
Chiral rotation [α]D  ?°
Viscosity  ? cP at ?°C
Molecular shape planar
Dipole moment 0 D
MSDS External MSDS
Main hazards toxic
NFPA 704
Flash point  ?°C
R/S statement R: 23/25-36/37/38-50
S: 26-28-45-61
RTECS number DK2625000
Supplementary data page
Structure and
n, εr, etc.
Phase behaviour
Solid, liquid, gas
Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MS
Related compounds
Other anions  ?
Other cations  ?
Related ?  ?
Related compounds 1,2-benzoquinone
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state (at 25°C, 100 kPa)
Infobox disclaimer and references

1,4-Benzoquinone is the chemical compound with the formula of C6H4-1,4-O2. This aromatic six-membered ring compound is the oxidized derivative of 1,4-hydroquinone. The molecule is considered interesting because it is multifunctional: it exhibits properties of a ketone, forming an oxime, an oxidant, forming the dihydroxy derivative, and an alkene, undergoing addition reactions.


[edit] Applications in organic synthesis

It is used as a hydrogen acceptor and oxidant in organic synthesis.[1] 1,4-Benzoquinone serves as a dehydrogenation reagent.[2] It is also uses as a dienophile in Diels Alder reactions.[3]

[edit] Related 1,4-benzoquinones

A variety of derivatives are known. Illustrative examples:

  • 1,4-Naphthoquinone, derived by oxidation of naphthalene with chromium trioxide.[4]
  • Ubiquinone-1, a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
  • Chloro-p-benzoquinone (CAS no. [695-99-8])[5]
  • Chloranil, 1,4-C6Cl4O2, a stronger oxidant than 1,4-benzoquinone.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Yang, T.-K.; Shen, C.-Y. ”1,4-Benzoquinone” in Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis (Ed: L. Paquette) 2004, J. Wiley & Sons, New York. DOI:10.1002/047084289.
  2. ^ Vogel, E.; Klug, W.; Breuer, A. “1,6-Methano[10]annulene” Organic Syntheses, Coll. Vol. 6, p.731 (1988); Vol. 54, p.11 (1974).
  3. ^ Oda, M.; Kawase, T.; Okada, T.; Enomoto, T. “2-Cyclohexene-1,4-dione” Organic Syntheses, Collected Volume 9, p.186 (1998).
  4. ^ E. A. Braude E. A.; Fawcett, J. S. “1,4-naphthoquinone” Organic Syntheses, Collected Volume 4, p.698 (1963).
  5. ^ Harman, R. E. ”Chloro-p-benzoquinone” Organic Syntheses, Collected Volume 4, p.148 (1963).

[edit] External links

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