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Christ’s Resurrection Church dominates the Žaliakalnis' skyline
Christ’s Resurrection Church dominates the Žaliakalnis' skyline

Žaliakalnis (literary, "the green hill") is a neighbourhood in the second biggest city of Lithuania, Kaunas. It has elderate status. Žaliakalnis is located north of the old town and the downtown area, between the Neris and Girstupis rivers. It is one of the biggest residential areas in Kaunas.

[edit] History

Žaliakalnis became part of Kaunas in 1919, when the city was temporary capital of Lithuania. Beginning in 1922, active planning of Kaunas' expansion began, and a general plan was needed. Engineer M. Frandsen from Denmark was invited to devise this plan.

In his project, Žaliakalnis was very important part of Kaunas, where all administration should be relocated. This did not ultimately happen, although the neighbourhood quickly became very popular and many modern architectural residential houses were built. In 1924-1925 alone, more than 300 plots were created and sold. According to plan, different streets were planted with different trees, and space was left for gardens. By 1940, all the houses had been built, and only a few plots remained empty.

[edit] Notable places

Žalikalnis is home to the Ąžuolynas park, formed from centuries old oak wood. It is the biggest city oak wood in the whole of Europe (63 h). A few parts of it are separated and called Vytautas Park and Dainų slėnis.

Žaliakalnis has a number of sports and educational institutions:

[edit] See also

Elderates of Kaunas Vilnius Coat of Arms

Aleksotas | Centras | Dainava | Eiguliai | Gričiupis | Panemunė | Petrašiūnai | Šančiai | Šilainiai | Vilijampolė | Žaliakalnis

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