Ülo Kaevats

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Ülo Kaevats is an Estonian statesman, academic, and philosopher.

Kaevats holds a PhD from Vilnius State University in Lithuania. He served for many years (1989-1992, 1995-2000) as Editor-in-Chief of the Estonian Encyclopaedia, the main national work of reference; earlier, he worked as a research fellow at the Estonian and the USSR Academies of Sciences, mostly in the History of Science field. He is now Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Tallinn University of Technology (TUT). As a scholar, Kaevats specialises in the Philosophy of Science and the Philosophy of Technology.

Between 1992 and 1995, during the beginning and reestablishment of independent Estonia, he served as Secretary of State (Riigisekretär; the most senior civil servant with Constitutional rank) of the Republic.