Ôgon Batto

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Ôgon Batto (the Golden Bat) is possibly the first Japanese superhero. Created by Takeo Nagamatsu in 1930, some sources say that the character first appeared in a pulp novel, while others say that he debuted in Kamishibai, a traveling show in which a sequence of pictures is narated by a storyteller.

The character had enduring appeal, and would appear in a 1966 live action film, and a 1967 animated TV series from Osamu Tezuka.

Ôgon Batto is a mummified Egyptian Pharaoh or Atlantean warior, resurrected by a little girl's tears. He has a skeletal appearance, and the power to transform into the golden bat from which he takes his name.

Outside of Japan, the character is known as Phantoma or Fantoman, Fantaman (Italian) Fantasmagórico (Spanish), Fantomas (Portuguese).

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