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Now I don't know diddly-squat about Hebrew, but I seriously doubt there's an actual double-quote sign (", %22) in the word. Shouldn't it be "Zt''l"? How do I write a doubled single-quote sign without <nowiki></nowiki>, anyway? JIP | Talk 13:35, 18 May 2005 (UTC)

There absolutely is, what looks like a double-quote sign. In modern Hebrew acronyms are written with that sign before the final letter.

For example, here is how zatzal looks in Hebrew:


as you can see, a google search of the term turns up 240,000 results. By contrast, without the " symbol less than 1000 are returned.


To amplify this response, the double-quote symbol is often used in Hebrew to indicate omitted letters, the way an apostrophe is in English to show a contraction. This is because a single apostrophe looks far too much like a yodh י.

-- Rpresser 18:28, 11 October 2006 (UTC)