Zoque languages

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Spoken in: Mexico 
Region: Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco
Total speakers: >90,000
Language family: American
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: to be added
ISO/FDIS 639-3:

The Zoque languages are languages of the Zoquean branch of the Mixe-Zoquean language family indigenous to southern Mexico.

The Mixe languages are spoken in the in northern Chiapas and far eastern Chiapas around Chimalapa, and in Ayapa Tabasco altogether by around 88,000 indigenous Zoque people. The Zoques call their language O'de püt.

The other languages of the Zoquean branch are Soteapanec Zoque and Texistepec Zoque and Ayapa Zoque.

[edit] References

  • Wichmann, Søren, 1995, The Relationship Among the Mixe-Zoquean Languages of Mexico. University of Utah Press. Salt Lake City. ISBN 0-87480-487-6

[edit] References

Bachillerato bilingüe Mixe de Tlahuitoltepec

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