Zone of the Enders Characters

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Here are a list of information for Zone of the Enders characters in alphabetical order.

  • A.D.A

A.D.A is the A.I. for the Jehuty frame. She started emotionless until Leo taught her of how do be human. She shares a bond with Leo.

  • Cage

The main character in the the Fist of Mars.

  • Dingo Egret

Dingo Egret is the main character in The 2nd Runner. He formally worked under BAHRAM until Nohman abandoned him on his mission to fight against earth. He quit BAHRAM and began work as a miner in Callisto, which is shown in the beginning the The 2nd Runner. At Callisto, Dingo discovers Jehuty. Because of his bad experience he hated both BAHRAM as well as the space force.

  • Elena Weinberg

She helps Leo escape in the first game. She pilots a heavy ship called Atlantis. She makes a return in the sequel as a minor character.

  • Ken Marinaris

She appears in the 2nd Runner as an enemy near the beginning of the game. Ken pilots the Ardjet, an orbital frame that has the ability to launch massive amont of wisp missiles. She is also the one who saved Dingo after he got shot down by Nohmann. She put Dingo on life support to Jehuty. Unfortunatly she cannot pliot an orbital frame without an A.I. Ken is also Dingo's love interest. Near the beginning of the game she claims to be a spy, and did not expect Dingo to trust her. She confesses she is a BAHRAM grunt trying to revolt. Also her father was one of the soldiers in Dingo's unit who died trying to transport the Aumaan project. At the end, she and Dingo became very close.

  • Leo Stenbuck

The main protagonist of the first Zone of the Enders game. He is Jehuty's first pilot. He made a second appearance in The 2nd Runner piloting the Vic Viper. Leo grew up in a space colony near Jupiter with no parents. He has a childhood friend named Celvice. He has a unique relationship with Jehuty's A.I. A.D.A. IDuring the story in the 2nd Runner he became tougher.

  • Lloyd

A scientist working for BAHRAM.

  • Nohman

The leader of BAHRAM and the main Villain of the series. In both the first Z.O.E and the Fist of Mars his face is never revealed. Nohman is mainly behind the scene master mind type of antagonist. He was formerly the pilot of the Sekis but after the discovery of Anubis give it away. He finally met his end at the hands of Dingo. Dingo discover his ambition for power is to harvest destruction of all existence. He made a brief appearance in the ending of the Fist of Mars.

  • Taper

Taper is soldier for the space force. He is a minor character that serves as a comic relief.

She is veteran runner serving under BAHRAM. She pilot's Neith. She fought against Leo in the first game. Viola challenged Leo and lost.

  • Viola A.I.

An A.I. containing the memories, skills and personality of Viola. She piloted Nepthis, and later took control of Ardjet. She was created by Nohman. She took control of Ken's orbital frame Ardjet but was eventually deleted by A.D.A.

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