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Zo'or is a character in the science fiction television series Earth: Final Conflict, played by Anita La Selva.
He was the leader of the Taelon Synod, and child of Da'an. Zo'or was the youngest Taelon, and the last to be allowed to grow. He quickly became part of the Taelon political system and when Quo'on was destroyed by a Jaridian replicant, he was voted to become Synod leader. Whereas Quo'on had lead as more of a chairperson and arbiter, Zo'or appeared to often lead with minimal Synod oversight, and possibly without the Synod's knowledge.
Zo'or was noted for his calculating and ruthless nature, and in later seasons, an inability to cope with the thought of his demise leading to an increasingly unstable demeanour. In season 2, it is said that Zo'or retains a greater degree of aggression than other Taelons. This aggression could have been dispersed by the commonality, but it was decided to allow this reserve to continue, so that Zo'or could do those darker and baser things that the other Taelons could not bring themselves to consider.
Interestingly, in the first season, Zo'or had an energy form distinct from other Taelons, and was represented with a greater degree of red and gold elements in his energy anatomy than other Taelons.
In the fifth season, the androgynous Zo'or, was resurrected as a female Atavus, showing actress Anita La Selva in a form much closer to her actual physical appearance. Zo'or was ultimately killed by Renee Palmer.