Zlaté Moravce

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Zlaté Moravce
Coat-of-arms N/A
Region (kraj) Nitra Region
District (okres) Zlaté Moravce
Location 48°22′42″N, 18°23′48″E
Altitude 196 m
Population 13,554 (as of 2004)
Area 45,36 km²
Time Zone
• Summer DST
Telephone prefix +421-37
Postal code 95301
Car registration plate ZM
Zlaté Moravce location map

Zlaté Moravce (German: Goldmorawitz, Hungarian: Aranyosmarót) is a town in western Slovakia.


[edit] Basic data

It is the biggest town of the Zlaté Moravce district. It is approximately 120 km far from the Slovak capital Bratislava and 32 km from Nitra.

[edit] History

The town is situated on the banks of the river Žitava, in the northern part of the Podunajská Heights. Nowadays, it also includes the area of formerly separate boroughs Chyzerovce and Prílepy. Thanks to its favourable location on the natural terrace of the river Žitava, the traces of the continuous settlement of this area go back to the Paleolithic Age. The rich archeological findings in the town area also prove intensive Great Moravian settlement in the 9th-10th century. A unique finding – a golden pectoral cross – is associated with this settlement. The origin of the oldest name of the borough "Morowa" in the Charter of Zobor of 1113 is related to that time as well. This charter is the oldest written proof of the existence of Moravce as Zobor Monastery’s property. The borough that was situated on the important route to Tekov was already in the 13th century dominated by a small Roman church surrounded by a cemetery, which was located on the site of today’s square.

The first written mentions of the town are from 12th century A.D. (1113 Morowa, 1284 Marouth). "Moravce" [pronounced app. Moravtseh], a word in plural, was a frequent settlement name in Slovakia and means "settlement of (the tribe) Moravians". The attribute "zlaté", meaning "golden", was added only later in order to distinguish the settlement's name from all the other "Moravce"s.

Janko Kráľ, the poet of Slovak Romanticism lived and died here.

Rivers (Žitava, Zlatnanka) in the surrounding areas were known in the past for gold washing.

[edit] Industry

The town is known for the production of kitchen technologies and building materials - bricks.

[edit] External links

edit Municipalities of Zlaté Moravce District Flag of Slovakia

Zlaté Moravce
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