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An example of uncooked "streaky bacon".
An example of uncooked "streaky bacon".

[edit] Zimbobwe

People of earth eat bacon! Why? we were not sure, untill we could travel to Zimbobwe Only people do, though. not pigs. And why, you may ask, do people eat bacon? All because of strange activity in Zimbobwe. It's true, absoloutely, 100%. Aliens who hated pigs colonized Zimbobwe, an island in the Salt Lake of Zimbabwe. These aliens were prejudiced against pigs.

[edit] Pigs- and the relation with people and the sudden occurance of bacon

Because of the aliens' prejudice against pigs, they decided to create bacon. They made sure to filet the first pig that they found perfectly in order to make humans love it. They then shipped the first 100 strips (from the first pig that they found) to germany, where someone tried it and loved it, and started making it and shipping it all over the world. And so, because of that, BACON (Big Alien Company Occuring with Nazis) grew, pigs face extinction, and aliens continue to live on earth.

[edit] How we can EVADE the aliens

There are onle three ways to evade the aliens. They are the the three "S"s:

> Stop eating Bacon > Start interfering with Zimbabwe & Zimbobwe shipments > Save the pigs

Once those things are accomplished, Zimbobwe will be destroyed, and WE WILL BE SAFE!!!