Talk:Zheng Zhenduo

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[edit] Inverted Pyramid Writing

As told by my tutor that in writing a journal, we should put the most important and the summary of the contents at the beginning. It is because the readers may not have so much time to read through the journal. Even though, they can still get the information they want by reading the first paragraph. This is the reason why I put the summary in the 1st paragraph. If u agree with me, please do not delete it! 0101LAMkp

[edit] Reference

Why do somebody delete my reference list? 0101LAMkp

hi dear fellow, for the reference list, i think what we are doing now is a bit redundant. Remember what TA Li has said, she mentioned our main audience in the Wikipedia reads English, but not Chinese. But most of the reference are just in Chinese. Besides, actually there're tons of books talking about Zheng. And I don't think those putting up in our pages are worthwhile to be quoted as "Reference". I think we should open a column stating "bibliography" or " cited Work" instead of reference here. People would be confuse of our "reference" and don't know if these are the material we've been using for building up this page or just some further information for them to know more about Zheng. I have no offence to you, and i just want to scrutinize and make our page to be the best page. Hope you understand why i am doing the erasing work. 0101CHIUwy

Yes , u are right!0101LAMkp

[edit] Verification of dates

Dear all,
I have read through a lot of articles about Zheng and found that some questions about the dates. There are 2 versions (Nov 1920 / 1921) for the date of the establishment of 文學研究會. What should we write? After reading different sources, I think Nov 1920 is more likely to be the correct date. Another event was about 蔣介石's 反革命政變. Some sources said it was on April 12, 1927 while somee said April 11. Can anyone try to seek the verification of the date? Melody 13:41, 17 Oct 2004 (UTC)

[edit] General Discussion

Hello, everyone. I am doing a research on Zheng Zhenduo. Actually, I really do not know much about him but somehow, it's really interesting to work with all these "invisible" interested parties and to have a discussion on that. In fact, I have found that there are many books wrote by and being written on Zheng. I hope I can read some of them and share my view with everyone of you.

For me, the most interesting part to understand Zheng is not what he was but rather what he thought and what he had done in his life to make him such an important man, not only in the literary arena but also in the mass media during the 19th century.

By the way, I forget to tell my name : 0101NGhk


Hi everybody~ Actually I don't know much about Zheng Zhenduo and I have collected a little information so far. I was so busy this week and could not edit this article. But I watch it twice a day and I am really happy that many people are contributing to this article~ I hope that I can make my contribution this weekend~ Keep it going! (^_^)

0101CHENGwy 14:27, 7 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hello everyone, i am doing this topic too, and i am gathering information right, hope i can contribute to this page as much as i can and have a good co-operation with you guys. forget to say, I am 0101CHIUwy. As I forgot to log-in, so this message has previously shown by an unidentifiable person, and now i have logged in again, hope it will work okay!!

[edit] A new topic

Hi everyone, I am 0101NGhk. It's so good to see everyone working on this wikipedia about Zheng. I suggest we should open another coloumn about "His Influence to public as a journalist" or something like that. In fact, I can't find materials exactly talks about him as a journalist but he is really powerful over the mass media.

Well, I am finding information about the new topic, hope that the other groupmates could give some suggestions or comments.

Hi~~ I'm 0101CHANlc. I strongly agree for 0101NGhk's thinking, it is quite difficult to find his influence of Journalism. I hope that i also can find more information about him and can do as well for this project with all of groupmates... Add oil together0101CHANlc

Hi, this is 0101LAMkp, I also agree to you two. I think we should have this topic since we are asked to search how Zheng influence jornalism.

And one more thing to remind all of you (including myself), we should follow the same format in writing, e.g . in writing the PINYIN(拼音), we should use italic words to emphasize them. right?

Ya,this is 0101CHENGwy. I think we have to follow the same format in writing. But I remember I have read an article in Wiki that states some rules to follow, for example, to make the names of books/ agazines italic (only for the first time the books appear). Do anyone know this? I want to show you the article, but I do not have the link right now.

Also, I think we should add more subtitles in the section "A Journey Towards Journalism" as there are a lot of paragraphs. Melody 14:52, 14 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Some references on how to edit and format a page:

Melody 15:15, 14 Oct 2004 (UTC)

[edit] About Bibliography

Hi everyone. I am 0101CHENGwy. I think we should only list some important books and translate the names into English. We should choose the books which have influence on Journalism. Do you agree? Melody 14:52, 14 Oct 2004 (UTC)

I have read some translation of the names of the books. I think we need to improve it because it is rather strange to translate the Chinese characters on by one into Pinyin. I think there are too many books and the readers may find it difficult to understand as there are no clues what the books are writing about. I think we should give a very brief description on the important acheivement.

Melody 01:57, 15 Oct 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Cite our source

Don't forget that we have to set up the references section~ Cite the sources, e.g. books, journals, newspaper or websites. For the format of linking, please refer to Melody 15:15, 14 Oct 2004 (UTC)

I am 0101NGhk. In fact, though it is good to add subtitle in the "A Journey towards journalism", it would also be fine if we organize it well. I found it is quite hard to define each paragraph with a subtitle.

[edit] Keep on editing!

Hi Folks, things are looking better. what is the difference between "Career" heading and "journey towards journalism"? keep on editing! figure out how to hide your external links! (for example: Google) (JMSC0101 TA - Li) Lfcho 15:17, 19 Oct 2004 (UTC)

This article has definately grown since the the last time I went through it. Great work everyone! Keep it up, I'll go and do some copyediting now... [[User:MacGyverMagic|Mgm|(talk)]] 18:16, Oct 20, 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Influence

Hey, guys!! Should we add some information for his influence of Jounalism?? 0101CHANlc