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Zerox, aka "The Sorcerer's Planet", is a fictional planet in the DC Universe 30th century, featuring in a number of adventures of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Zerox is the 30th century name for Gemworld, though this fact was not revealed until much later.

A large number of magic-users, mystics, wizards and other arcane practioners settled on Zerox during the millenium before the 30th century. There, they practiced and refined their art, and were generally acknowledged as the most advanced users of magic in the known galaxy. Other noted planets with heavy magic use were Orando, Avalon and Tharn.

The Legionnaire White Witch, from the planet Naltor, learned her sorcery on Zerox.

The most famous sorcerer to arise from Zerox is undoubtedly Mordru. In a mystical coup, he seized control of the planet, gaining control of most of the other sorcerers on the planet. He then lead Zerox on a series of conquests that gained control of over half the galaxy, maintaining his capital on Zerox. When Mordru was finally defeated, a benign council of sorcerers assumed control of the planet.

During the Great Darkness Saga, Zerox played a major role. First, the White Witch was attacked by the Servants of Darkness there, and later all five servants and their master (Darkseid) fought the Legion there, which though defeated, did manage to keep them away from the council, which had been working a ritual seeking a way to defeat Darkseid. The result of this ritual was a child, who turned out to be Izaya, aka the Highfather.

During the Magic Wars, at the end of the v3 legion, magic started to suddenly become more commonplace throughout the universe. Figuring the Sorcerer's World might shed some light on this, the Legion found it in the grasp of a being called the Archmage. It was revealed he had been imprisoned at the heart of Zerox, perhaps the source of some of its magic. In defeating The Archmage, Zerox was destroyed.