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My Mother must be so proud...
My Mother must be so proud...

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My real name is Chris Horry. I was born in England in 1978 and was raised in the market town of Boston. Most people, including many Bostonians, are blissfully unaware that Boston, MA is not the original, I blame this on the school systems. I went to the University of Hull between 1996 and 1998, dropping out at the end of my second year (not one of my better moments). After leaving University, I moved to Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire (best known for ducks, and something of an armpit) and worked for an Internet Service Provider starting out doing technical support and eventually moving into the operations department. I learned more there in my first 2 weeks than I did in 2 years at University.

In 2000 I emigrated to the United States, the catalyst in my move was my wonderful fiancée (and now wife!) Kelly, whom I met on the Gameslink IRC network whilst maintaining a server for my employer. We have two children, both boys, Thomas who was born in November of 2002 and Alexander was born in August, 2005. I currently reside in Florida. After spending 4 years doing on site support for a large customer service company (who decided to lay me off one week before Christmas) I now suddenly find myself doing telephone support again, this time for enterprise customers using backup software.

Yes, the hurricanes sucked in 2004, but we dodged some huge bullets this year. Charley and Frances knocked out our power for a week each, Jeanne intermittently for 24 hours, Charley also felled all 7 of our trees and part of the roof. I don't like hurricanes, but one nice thing about not having power is you don't have an irritating glowing box impeding conversation so you actually communicate with each other. Which is a good thing.

To trade, I'm a Unix systems administrator who also builds networks. My main Unix interest is with Linux and I've been using it for 10 years now. My current job has taught me a lot about Microsoft operating systems, but so far has not made me start to like them.

Aside from occasional edits to Wikipedia my hobbies include Computing, Amateur Radio, Reading, History, Astronomy and Baseball (I'm New York Yankees fan).

People occasionally e-mail me to ask if I'm related to basketballer Robert Horry. It's a source of amusement to me, since, for starters, he's black and I'm white. So far as I know, the only thing we have in common is that we share the same surname. The origins are probably completely different, but I would be intrigued to find out how he got his surname.

[edit] Wikipedia stuff I'm most proud of

I started the Steve Dalkowski article in January and it became featured in February after going through peer review.

I was part of the successful push to get Laika featured which also included writing the Russian Space Dogs article.

[edit] Shameless Plug

Wibble UK is my personal, and oft neglected web site. There's a lot of fun stuff there though if anyone is interested. :-)

[edit] To Do

(In)Famous family members

Both are waiting on my parents to get me their family history research, William Clarke still needs a huge amount of work. See also Anthony Babington, who is related to us via William Clarke's second wife.

Personal Interest

This user lives in or hails from the state of Florida,
the Sunshine State.
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