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en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-us-ca Dude, this person is totally a native California English speaker.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
da-0 Denne bruger forstår ikke dansk.
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[edit] About Me

Resident of Maryland, born and raised in California. I'm a Librarian, sports junkie, freelance writer, and amateur historian.

[edit] I Geek For

[edit] I Heap Scorn Upon

  • Political extremists. If ever there was a time for the “silent majority” to rise up and tell the radicals on both sides how ridiculously out-of-touch they are with reality, this is it.
  • Biased journalists who claim not to be. Let’s just let our news sources come out and openly declare that they’re left-wing or right-wing like they do in Europe, and quit hiding behind these poorly disguised attempts at objectivity. They're not fooling anyone.
  • Labor strife in sports. Y’all are making millions of dollars already, and for doing nothing productive except keeping the rest of us entertained. So just split up your damn pot of gold and go play ball, already!
  • Selfish drivers. The ones who weave through traffic, zoom to the front of long exit ramp lines on the freeway and then bull their way in, hold everyone up while they try to make a left turn from three lanes over…you know the kind.
  • Cell phone addicts. There’s a reason why places like libraries and movie theaters tell you to turn the phone off, people. They’re supposed to be quiet environments, and the rest of us who are being quiet don’t want to have to sit there listening to you tell your friends about all the gory details of last night’s disastrous date.
My Sports Teams
OAK This user is an Oakland Athletics fan.
BUF This user is a Buffalo Bills fan.
SJ This user is a San Jose Sharks fan.
This user supports
My Activities
This user enjoys reading anything.
This user loves to bowl but would love to get more strikes.
This user is a swimmer.
This user plays tennis.
This user is a BoardGameGeek.
About Me
This user is proud to be an American.
Seal of Maryland
This user lives in or hails from the state of Maryland.
Flag of Maryland
This user is male.
This user is mixed-handed.
MLIS This user has a Master of Library and Information Science degree.
Other Interests
This user is interested in flags and emblems.
This user is interested in maps.
This user is interested in coin collecting.
 This user enjoys cooking.
This user enjoys writing.
This user is interested in ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in
ancient Israel.
This user is interested in the Renaissance period.
This user is interested in the Baroque period.
This user is interested in the Spanish missions in California.
This user is interested in World War II
Computer and Video Game Habits
+ This user plays retro games.
fan-3 This user thinks that Berzerk is the best computer or video game ever made.
This user still plays games on the NES.
CIV This user plays one or more versions of Civilization.
html-2 This user is an intermediate HTML user.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.