[edit] Pages I have worked on...
65daysofstatic - The best band in the world along with The Fall of Math - Their first album and One Time For All Time - Their second album.
Microscope, Optical Microscope, Microscopy and the related articles differential interference contrast microscopy, dark field microscopy,
Love Hearts - Awesome sweets.
Reading School - My old school.
Polymerase Chain Reaction and the PCR techniques - Nested PCR, Inverse PCR, RT-PCR, Q-PCR, Real-Time PCR and Touchdown PCR.
mRNA, Post-transcriptional modification and the modifications - Polyadenylation, Splicing and 5' cap.
Translation (genetics), RNA polymerase, RNA polymerase I, RNA polymerase II, RNA polymerase III and the related TATA Binding Protein, TATA box, Promoter, Transfer RNA and RNA polymerase control by chromatin structure.
Glycolysis, Oxidative decarboxylation, and all the proteins and enzymes in these pathways.
Chromatin and Chromosome
Enzyme catalysis
Trypanosoma brucei
Lambda phage
Transposons as a genetic tool and Transposons
Mating of yeast
Prokaryotic translation
Eukaryotic translation
Burghfield - Where I live!
Porin (protein)
[edit] Articles I wish I had time to work on
- Impedance matching - add a section on energy transmission at a gradual impedance change.
- Brass instrument - add and correct information on the physics of brass instruments, and improve valve diagrams.
- Quorum sensing - add improved details of the pathways involved.
- Protein folding - add details on the mechanism of glycosylation mediated folding.
- Chromatin - general clarification and improvement.
Operon - clarification as a set of cotranslated genes, ie. under the same operator. Create the regulon and stimulon pages.