Zelman Cowen

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The Rt Hon Sir Zelman Cowen
Zelman Cowen

In office
8 December 1977 – 29 July 1982
Preceded by Sir John Kerr
Succeeded by Sir Ninian Stephen

Born 17 October 1919

Sir Zelman Cowen AK GCMG GCVO QC (born 7 October 1919), 19th Governor-General of Australia, was born in Melbourne. He was educated at the University of Melbourne, and served in the Royal Australian Navy during World War II. He then went as a Rhodes Scholar to New College, Oxford, where he completed the degree of Bachelor of Civil Law and jointly won the Vinerian Scholarship. From 1947 to 1950 he was a fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, and was also a consultant on legal matters to the British Military Government in Germany.

In 1951 Cowen returned to Australia and became Dean of the Law Faculty at the University of Melbourne, a post he held until 1966. During these years he was frequently a Visiting Professor at American universities, including the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois and the University of Washington. He also advised the British Colonial Office on constitutional matters, and advised the governments of Ghana and Hong Kong on legal issues. Among many other works, he published a biography of Sir Isaac Isaacs, the first Australian born (and first Jewish) Governor-General of Australia.

Cowen was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of New England in Armidale, New South Wales, in 1966, and in 1970 he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Queensland in Brisbane. By this time he was regarded as one of the leading constitutional lawyers in the English-speaking world. He was Emeritus Professor of Law at Melbourne and the Tagore Professor of Law at the University of Calcutta. During his time in Queensland he handled disturbances at the University resulting from protests against the Vietnam War with diplomatic skill.

When Sir John Kerr's turbulent period of office as Governor-General ended with Kerr's early resignation in 1977, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser offered Cowen the post. He was in some ways a perfect choice. He was a distinguished Australian with an international reputation, his professional qualifications were beyond dispute, and since he had never been in politics his political views were unknown. The fact that he was Jewish gave his appointment a multicultural aspect in keeping with contemporary Australian sentiment.

Cowen served five years as Governor-General, and succeeded in restoring the dignity and respect of the office after the tumult of the Kerr years. Fraser was Prime Minister throughout his term, and there were no significant constitutional issues to deal with. From 1982 to 1990 Cowen was Provost of Oriel College, Oxford. After his retirement he returned to Australia and became active in Jewish community affairs in Melbourne, where he continues to reside. He has also pursued a range of other interests, including serving for five years on the board of Fairfax newspapers (three of them as chairman) during a turbulent period for the company, and being patron of St Kilda football club. During the 1999 debate on Australia becoming a republic, he supported a moderate republican position. His son, Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen, is Director of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization in Melbourne.

Government Offices
Preceded by
Sir John Kerr
Governor-General of Australia
Succeeded by
Sir Ninian Stephen
Governors-General of Australia
Hopetoun | Tennyson | Northcote | Dudley | Denman | Munro-Ferguson | Forster | Stonehaven | Isaacs | Gowrie | Gloucester | McKell | Slim | Dunrossil | De L'Isle | Casey | Hasluck | Kerr | Cowen | Stephen | Hayden | Deane | Hollingworth | Jeffery