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Občina Zavrč
Area: 19,3 km²
Population 1.338
 - males 679
 - females 659
Mayor: Miran Vuk
Average age: 37,41 let
Residential areas: 38,15 m²/osebo
 - households: 472
 - families: 376
Working active: 632
 - unemployed: 167
Average monthly salary (avgust 2003):
 - gross: 227.288 SIT
 - net: 145.541 SIT
College/university students: 29,00
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, census of 2002.

Zavrč is a town and a municipality in Slovenia.

Slovenia | Slovenian regions
Flag of Slovenia

Urban municipalities: Celje | Koper | Kranj | Ljubljana | Maribor | Murska Sobota

Nova Gorica | Novo Mesto | Ptuj | Slovenj Gradec | Velenje

Coordinates: 46°23′N 16°03′E