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Flag of the Zanthalonian Empire
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Zanthalon is a fictitious inter-galactic empire I created during the days of my youth (in the mid-1980s) when I was heavily into role-playing games. I chose it for my nick here because I imagined that it would be original.


[edit] Pedophilia

Many of you have commented that the majority of my edits are on pedophilia-related articles. This is an area of interest for me since I am myself a pedophile, a girllover to be specific. I would stress, however, that, I am not a child molester, having never broken the law or engaged in any intimate physical activities with any persons under the statutory age of consent.

I do not have a great deal of time to devote to Wikipedia, so most of it up until now has been devoted to pedophilia-related articles. Hopefully in the future, I will be able to spend more time on other articles as well.

[edit] Blake's Quatrain

A personal favourite:

This life's dim windows of the soul
Distort the heavens from pole to pole
And lead us to believe a lie
When we look with, not through, the eye

[edit] A Quote from Runaway Horses

"The law is an accumulation of tireless attempts to block a man's desire to change life into an instant of poetry. Certainly it would not be right to let everybody exchange his life for a line of poetry written in a splash of blood. But the mass of men, lacking valour, passed away their lives without ever feeling the least touch of such a desire. The law, therefore, of its very nature is aimed at a tiny minority of mankind. The extraordinary purity of a handful of men, the passionate devotion that knows nothing of the world's standards…the law is a system that tries to degrade them to "evil", on the same level as robbery and crimes of passion."

--Yukio Mishima

[edit] OfficialWire

A few comments about Alfred Cunningham's article of 13 December 2005 on OfficialWire. Cunningham wrote:

"One user, who goes by the name of Zanthalon, writes on his profile, "Many of you have commented that the majority of my edits are on pedophilia-related articles. This is an area of interest for me since I am myself a pedophile, a girllover to be specific." He then goes on to add the standard disclaimer that is echoed by many convicted child molestors, "I would stress, however, that, I am not a child molester, having never broken the law or engaged in any intimate physical activities with any persons under the statutory age of consent"."

For the record, I will say that I have never been convicted of child molestation or any other offense.

[edit] My Identity

As it is obvious that I may not convince anybody of my innocence whilst hiding behind the name Zanthalon, I have no choice but to reveal my true identity. As some here have already speculated, in real life I am Lindsay Ashford.