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Zaleplon chemical structure
Systematic (IUPAC) name
CAS number 151319-34-5
ATC code N05CF03
PubChem 5719
DrugBank APRD00411
Chemical data
Formula C17H15N5O
Mol. weight 305.34
Pharmacokinetic data
Bioavailability 30% (oral)
Metabolism Hepatic
Half life 1 hour
Excretion Renal
Therapeutic considerations
Pregnancy cat.


Legal status

Schedule IV (US)

Routes Oral

Zaleplon (marketed under the brand names Sonata® and Starnoc®) is a sedative/hypnotic, mainly used for insomnia. It is a nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic from the pyrazolopyrimidine class.

[edit] Chemistry

Zaleplon is a white to off-white powder that has very low solubility in water as well as low solubility in alcohol and propylene glycol. It has a partition coefficient in octanol/water is constant (log PC = 1.23) when the pH range is between 1 and 7.

[edit] Mode of action

Taken orally, Zaleplon reaches full concentration in approximately one hour. It is extensively metabolised, into 5-oxo-zaleplon and 5-oxo-desethylzaleplon (the latter via desethylzaleplon), with less than 1% of it excreted intact in urine.

Zaleplon interacts with the GABA receptor complex and shares some of the pharmacological properties of the benzodiazepines. Although not a benzodiazepine, Zaleplon can cause similar effects: anterograde amnesia (forgetting the period during the effects) as the most common.

Zaleplon is primarily metabolised by aldehyde oxidase, and its half-life can be affected by substances which inhibit or induce aldehyde oxidase.

[edit] Side-effects

Zaleplon may cause hallucinations, abnormal behavior, severe confusion, day-time drowsiness, dizziness or lightheadedness, unsteadiness and/or falls, double vision or other vision problems, agitation, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain, depression, muscle weakness, tremor, vivid or abnormal dreams and memory difficulties or amnesia.

Zaleplon is habit-forming, meaning addiction may occur. Stopping this medication suddenly after prolonged or frequent use may cause withdrawal effects such as mood changes, anxiety, and restlessness.

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