Zagora, Morocco

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Zagora (Arabic: زكورة‎) is a town in southeastern Morocco. It is located at around 30°19′0″N, 5°49′60″W. It is flanked by the mountain Zagora from which the town got its name. Originally it was called 'Tazagourt' the singular of plural 'Tizigirt', Berber for 'twinpeaks', referring to the form of the mountain. In old European maps the mountain Zagora is already indicated but the town itself was only built in the 20th century. On the top of the Zagora mountain the remains of an Almoravid fortress can still be seen. [1] The exact location of the former Almoravid mosque is still a matter of dispute.

[edit] Bibliography

  1. ^ Allain (Ch) & Meunie (J.), La forteresse almoravide de Zagora, Hespéris, 1956, vol. xliii, fasc. 2, pp. 305-325.

[edit] External links

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