Talk:Zagreb Pride

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[edit] References

The {{unreferenced}} tag was removed without adding references in many of the places needed. For clarity, I've tagged the most important individual claims which are currently unreferenced. -- Beland 17:57, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

I'm sorry for that, still learning. Thank you for "quotation needed"-s --Marko Jurcic 02:19, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Vocabulary

Just a note that "manifestation" is a noun more appropriate to a ghost; "event" or "demonstration" are usually associated with assemblies of people. -- Beland 17:57, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Contradiction

The list of prides with participating group apparently conflicts with the claim that the fourth Pride was organized anonymously. (That's why one of the claims is marked as "dubious".) Can anyone clarify? -- Beland 17:57, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

There is a difference in logisticalsupport of the pride (office, bank account) and the real organizing team. I listed down in the end Pride supporters, not organizers. Organizers were always listed as indivuduals gathered in the Pride Committee. Pride Committee formes when a logistic group (usualy Kontra) or last yars organizers call the first meeting. It is made clear in the firs paragraph of the article, that the organizers are "group of individuals" under Pride Committee, usualy representing themselves, rearly other LGBT groups.
Fourth Pride was organized by "anonymous" feminist group Epikriza, because the Pride Committee was called off by Iskorak, that year's logistic supporter, a week before pride supposed to happen and decided not to do Pride in June/July. Epikriza announced that will march for Pride and support was given to Epikriza by a human rights and peace group Center for peace studies (croatian: Centar za mirovne studije), lesbian group Kontra (who gave that 1500USD) and a persons forom former (2002,2003,2004) Pride Committees. Sources are in the text, but some in Croatan. That was the only time Pride Committee, or the "group of individuals", did not organize Pride in Zagreb. --Marko Jurcic 02:01, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Platform

The operational platform of Zagreb Pride is queer-feminist and it stems from the peace and antiviolence movement, feminist movements, the environmental movement, the union rights movement, the human rights movement, and LGBTIQ movements. Pride principles imply public activism which openly works to eliminate homo/bi/trans–phobia, sexism, violence against animals, violence against nature and environment, nationalism, racism, inequality, and discrimination of any kind.

It's unclear to me that this represents an enduring official platform, rather than one person's idea of what Zagreb Pride is about. (Especially since the article also says that the platform is adopted anew each year.) I also wonder whether all or even most of the participants were say, vegetarians, or had a unified stance on Croatian nationalism. (If not, it's important to explain the differences between the official platform and a diversity of "on the ground" views.) Anyway, is there a reference for this claim? -- Beland 18:13, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

Platform was this year re-build with the union's righst. It is adopded anew each year, but in a way accepting the "platforms tradition". Peace, non violence agaistn animals, feminist and anti homo/bi/transphobia, anti-racism and anti-nationalism were the values from the first Pride on.
Accepting the platform means that people in the pride crowd, people coming on the Pride do not deny or violate it, and that the organizers will implemente it throughout the whole organization of the Pride, public relations, and public and political activism and also fund raising. Witch basecly means not accepting money from coorporations that test on animals, meat and fur industry, invite persons or performers who promote or use nationalist/homo-bi-transhpohobic, sexist, racist rhetoric, recieve money from the goverments of the coutries who are at war, serve vegan food on the assembly to promote non violence towards animals, etc...So basecly in the conclusion, platform is enduring in a way, but it is also adoptind each year, because all the persons in forming Pride Committee have to agree on this grounds. If you have a better word for "adopt", please suggest it. Please see the Zagreb Pride principles, the official platform here [1], and re-implemente this paragraph in the Zagreb Pride article.
Please if you could help me how to implemente all this into an article to make this things clear and understandable to all. English, so you can see, is not my first language and it is hard for me just to translate sources in Croatian to make it clear to everybody. If something else is still unclear, please do point it out. --Marko Jurcic 03:58, 10 October 2006 (UTC)