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Zacazonapan is a tiny municipality in México State, near Mexico City. The estimated population in 1990 was about 1,482 inhabitants. In English the name could be spell as(sah-kah-so-NAH-pahn), is located in Mexico, specifically in central Mexico, 40 mi/64 km SW of Toluca de Lerdo; 18°58'N 100°11'W.

The most important economic activity is the agriculture of maize (corn), sugarcane and other minor crops, and the cattle raising of the variety zebu, which is very suitable to raise in the subtropical weather of this location. The subtropical weather is due to the height of the location above the sea level.

The way to Zacazonapan from Mexico City begins firstly in Toluca, then around the volcano "Nevado de Toluca" following the road to Valle de Bravo, the visitor can see the typically forest landscapes near the volcano and then after the climbing, suddenly the change and the appearing of tropical and subtropical vegetation.

Zacazonapan comes from the indigenous language Nahuatl and means in Spanish "En el río del zacate cabezón", literally translated in English as "over the river of the big headed grass."

Zacazonapan is surrounded by a beautiful landscape, with the hills called los Tres Reyes Magos "The Three Wise Men", called so, because of the shape of three tops of the hills resemble the shape of the popular biblical characters of the kings in the way to visit baby Jesus in Bethlehem. The other peculiar landmark is the hill Sombrero Japonés "The Japanese Hat" a mountain with a shape that resembles the hats used by the Japanese peasants.

The only industrial activity in the area came in 1995 with the opening of zinc mine, located almost 10 kilometers from the town, this mining facility equipped with a concentration plant, produces zinc and lead concentrates with a few traces of gold and silver, the whole production is sent to Torreón, Coahuila (northern Mexico) and to Japan.

There is a famous song that tells about Zacazonapan and the surrounding area.

En el Estado de México nací
yo soy de Zacazonapan..... donde crecí,
viendo la Peña Preñada
y Los Tres Reyes llenos de pinos,
la vieja cuesta y El Fraile,
cañaverales y sus molinos..... si señor
llenas de cumbres mi tierra es un tazón,
pocas casitas y un raro cerro Pelón.
Y se escapan
de mi Zacazonapan
cantares que atrapan
al corazón
Todos, todos tomemos
que brindaremos por Zacazonapan
y por el Estado
de México
Valle de Bravo muy chavo conocí
ora tiene una laguna que antes no vi
luego pasé por Toluca,
que es del estado, la mera nuca
y sin entrar al distrito,
viví en Satélite y el Molinito..... si señor
en Tlanepantla se palpa un dineral
es con Naucalpan la zona más industrial.
y se escapan de mi Zacazonapan...........
México, patria y estado..... si señor
soy mexicano dos veces..... mi doble honor
todavía en hora temprana
pinta Velázquez..... y escribe Sor Juana
y allá en Texcoco, inspirado
Nezahualcóyotl canta al estado..... si señor
casi rodeando al Distrito Federal
como diadema lo luce la capital.
y se escapan de mi Zacazonapan..........


In the State of Mexico I born,
I am from Zacazonapan..... where I grown,
looking the Peña Preñada
and the Tres Reyes plenty of pines,
the old slope and the El Fraile,
sugar cane fields and its mills..... yes sir ,
full of summits my land is a bowl,
a few little houses and a very strange bald hill.
and let out
from my Zacazonapan
singing that catch
the heart
All, all drink
that we will toast for Zacazonapan
and for the State of Mexico,
Valle de Bravo as a child I known
today has a lagoon, that before I didn't see
then I passed by Toluca,
that is the Head of the State,
and bypassing the distrit,
I lived in Satélite and in el Molinito..... yes sir,
in Tlanepantla big money is the name
is together with Naucalpan the most industrial zone.
and let out
from my Zacazonapan
singing that catch
the heart
Mexico, native country and state..... yes sir,
I am Mexican twice..... mi double honour
yet in the morning paints Velázquez..... and writes Sor Juana
and there in Texcoco, inspired
Nezahualcóyotl sings to the state..... yes sir
almost surrounding the Distrito Federal
like a headband its wears the capital city.
and let out
from my Zacazonapan
singing that catch
the heart
In other languages