Talk:Z.Vex Fuzz Factory

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[edit] Internal Photos

Would it be acceptable to post this in the article?

A Fuzz Factory's innards. Note the incredibly small circuit that is used to make this incredibly variable effect.
A Fuzz Factory's innards. Note the incredibly small circuit that is used to make this incredibly variable effect.

Sure, don't see why not..

Daisy-berkowitz 21:05, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

Well, I guess acceptable wasn't the right word, I meant 'relevant'. --Hector 04:07, 21 July 2006 (UTC)

that picture would be ok, but i'd like to see a more standard pic up- i like the amoeba paintjob just dandy, but it's not really what most FFs look like. as for the internal pic, as long as you're not showing the traces side of the board, you're fine. Tremspeed 06:58, 23 August 2006 (UTC)