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Yusafiyah is located South West of Baghdad. It is primarily Sunni, but in late August 2006, more Shiia moved into the center of the city. Agriculture is the main form of employment.
Yusafiyah has proved difficult for the US Military and Iraqi Security Forces to control. When the 1st BN, 502nd Infantry regiment arrived in late 2005, they immediately restored peace on Yusafiyah proper. The soldiers took their fight to the outlying areas and became engaged in a year long fight. Bravo Company of the 1/502 was assigned responsibility for Yusafiyah. This company lost 12 men throughout their year in Iraq, including PFC's Kristian Menchaca and Tom Tucker.
B/1/502 conducted operations in Mullah Fayyad, Rushdi Mullah, the Yusafiyah Thermal Power Plant, and the villages along the Euphrates River.
Many Sunni Insurgent groups operate in the area in and around Yusafiyah. The residents openly support the Wahhabi sect, Saddam Hussein, Abu Musab Zarqawi, AQIZ, and other Insurgent Groups. Jaish el Mahdi also operates in Yusafiyah, though only in the city center where they have the support of the Shiia.
Many buildings have been destroyed by terrorist in Yusafiyah, including the Police Station, the Governorate Building, schools, and the market area. The 1st Bn, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army division is tasked with security in the city. They have been moderately successfull, and have worked well with their US counterparts.