Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and manga characters

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Here is a listing of characters (other than those listed in Yu-Gi-Oh! main characters) that appears both in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and Yu-Gi-Oh! first series anime / Yu-Gi-Oh! second series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters; known outside of Japan as simply Yu-Gi-Oh!).

All Japanese names are in Western order (surname after the given name). If the character has a different name in the English anime or English version of the Game Boy Advance Dungeon Dice Monsters video game, that name is also listed.

For more characters, see Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, manga or movie only characters


[edit] Manga, first and second series anime characters

This section uses the names from the English manga.

[edit] Gozaburo Kaiba

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Gozaburo Kaiba (海馬 剛三郎 Kaiba Gōzaburō) was Seto Kaiba's stepfather. He was also the owner of KaibaCorp until 51% of the company was taken over by Seto Kaiba. In the manga, after Seto took control of his company, Gozaburo committed suicide by jumping out the 70th-floor board room window. In the first anime series, Seto electrocutes him. In the English version of the second anime, Gozaburo lost the will to live and died, though it is later revealed that he implanted his thoughts and memories into a computer before death.

In the second anime series, Gozaburo has a biological son, Noah. During the Virtual World arc, Gozaburo uses Noah in a plan to capture and insert his mind into Seto, using his virtual technology. Noah hires the Big Five and promises them, as a reward, the bodies of Yugi Muto (Yugi Mutou in the English manga and Japanese versions), Téa Gardner (Anzu Mazaki), Joey Wheeler (Katsuya Jonouchi), Tristan Taylor (Hiroto Honda), and Kaiba himself. The Big Five is later defeated, save for Nezbitt, who beats Tristan but loses the three-way duel to Serenity Wheeler (Shizuka Kawai). Using Tristan's body, the Big Five duel Yugi and Joey and are soundly defeated. Noah then battles himself and defeats Seto through trickery, but loses to Yugi. Gozaburo takes control and sends waves of monsters against Yugi's group.

Meanwhile, Seto confronts his stepfather and challenges him to a duel, the winner of which will be freed from the Virtual Reality. Gozaburo uses Painful Choice to put four pieces of Exodia the Forbidden One into the Graveyard, and the fifth piece follows after Kaiba destroys it. Gozaburo then plays Contract with Exodia, which summons Exodia Necross, a darker and indestructible version of Exodia that gets stronger with each turn. Although Kaiba deals overflow damage to his stepfather's Life Points, Exodia Necros gains 5000 attack points. Kaiba finally plays Soul Demolition, which removes the five pieces of Exodia from the game and strips Exodia Necross of its power. Kaiba obliterates Exodia Necross with his Blue-Eyes White Dragon, winning the duel. Gozaburo tries to take Seto's body nonetheless but is stopped by Noah. Noah thwarts Gozaburo's attempt to escape into another computer system, and they are destroyed by the seabase's self-destruct mechanism. However, Gozaburo's shadow steps out of the flames and directs them at Kaiba's blimp. He then activates the blimp's jet engines and escapes.

[edit] Kaiba's Butler

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime

1st series name: Daimon (大門) DDM Video Game name: Kaiba's Butler

Kaiba's butler is a sadistic man who engages in a shadow game with Yugi and his friends.

In the manga, he manages a trap at Death-T. Yugi, Jonouchi, Honda, Anzu, and the butler have to sit in electric chairs while watching a scary projection. Anyone who screams is electrocuted. The butler knows how to not scream while Yugi and his friends are close to screaming. Johji wriggles free from Anzu's lap and defecates on the butler's lap. The butler screams and is electrocuted, freeing Yugi and his friends from the chairs. The butler dies after the electrocution.

In the 1st series anime Daimon is the fourth game master. He holds Anzu as a hostage in order to force Yugi to play Duel Monsters with him. Yugi defeats Daimon.

He appears in the first episode of the second series anime to kidnap Sugoroku Mutou. He also appears during various flashbacks of Kaiba's past.

In both the manga and 2nd series anime, he is the reincarnation of Gebelk.

[edit] Ushio

DDM video game name: Demetrius
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime

Ushio (牛尾) is a hall monitor at Domino High School who offers a paid bully protection service to Yugi after he was bullied by Jonouchi and Honda - Jonouchi had thrown one piece of the Millennium Puzzle out the window so that Yugi could not solve it. Yugi says that he is not being bullied. Later, Ushio reveals a beaten Jonouchi and Honda, upsetting Yugi. After Yugi refuses his service, Ushio beats him up and asks him to pay the bully protection fee of 200,000 yen (about $1600 United States dollars). Jonouchi fishes out the piece from where he threw it and gives it to Yugi. Dark Yugi appears and challenges Ushio to a shadow game. In the manga, Dark Yugi also brings twice the amount of money that Ushio asked for.

The game involves 400,000 yen (about $3200 U.S.) and a knife in the manga. The bills are all 10,000 yen notes with the image of Fukuzawa Yukichi.

In the anime, the game involves scaling the building and trying to draw the playing card with the higher number. Ushio loses after he tries to cheat, and Yugi places a penalty game on him. In the manga, Ushio goes crazy and thinks that a pile of leaves and trash is money. In the anime, Ushio imagines there are monsters coming out of a body of water about to eat him, and he is seen trembling and crying in front of the school, which results in him being taken to the hospital. He is mentioned but not named in flashbacks in the English second series (Duel Monsters) anime.

[edit] Manga and first series anime characters

This section uses the names from the English manga.

[edit] Arcade game player

1st series name: Dragon

DDM video game name: Feng Long
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga

The arcade game player plays a fighting arcade game with Yugi, and both of them choose the same character, Bruce Ryu (a take-off on Bruce Lee - In the Toei Anime series Yugi's character is called "Dragon"). After Yugi defeats him several times, the arcade player beats up Yugi in retaliation and takes his puzzle. Jonouchi challenges the arcade player to a fight. In the manga, the arcade player says that they both would place knives in their mouths. The arcade player is cheating as his knife is a false knife that "retracts" when pushed in; Jonouchi tells him to take out the knife, and the player gladly takes it out. In addition, the player had the advantage by fighting in a narrow alley. Jonouchi manages to squirt soda in his face as the player lunged for the kill, and Jonouchi promptly beats him up. Jonouchi returns the puzzle to Yugi. In the anime, they were fighting over a pipe, and "Dragon" had nunchucks. Yet Jonouchi managed to defeat him anyway.

[edit] Ms. Chono

DDM video game name: Miss Lynn Medusa
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Ms. Chono (蝶野 Chōno) is a teacher at Domino High School who is known as the "Wicked Witch of Expel" ("Lynn, the Expelling Witch" in the English DDM game), since she expelled fifteen students in the last six months. In the manga, After a desk check, Chono asks who a love note in the form of a jigsaw puzzle to Miho Nosaka belonged to. Yugi Mutou (Yugi Muto), Katsuya Jonouchi (Joey Wheeler), and Hiroto Honda (Tristan Taylor) stood up, indicated that the puzzle came from each of them. Chono decided to finish the puzzle to determine who the gift is from. Dark Yugi (Yami Yugi) turned the gift into a shadow game. The more she works the puzzle, the more her face starts to turn into pieces. When she finished the puzzle, the pieces from her face appear - her beautiful face shatters, revealing her true ugly face. The other students laugh at her. The gift was from Honda - When it was given to Miho, she rejected him. In the anime, the gift was supposed to be from a girl named Mayumi to Jonouchi but Anzu Mazaki (Téa Gardner) actually made it as Mayumi didn't know what to give Jonouchi. When Anzu complains about the strictness of the school, Chono asks Anzu to collect signatures from other students in a petition asking for laxer rules. Chono then orders some boys to rip up Anzu's signature paper. Dark Yugi challenges Chono to a game involving two mirrors and being blindfolded. Again, her face cracks when she loses to reveal her ugly face. She later appears in episode 12 with Ryuuichi Fuha and again gets her face cracked.

Her English DDM name originates from the Medusa monster.

[edit] Hirutani

DDM video game name: Diesel Kane
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Hirutani (蛭谷) is a leader of a gang of teenage thugs from Rintama High School (Gammon High School in DDM) that wield super-powered yo-yos. Hirutani tries to force Jonouchi into his gang by any means necessary.

In the manga, Hirutani forces Jonouchi to join his gang by threatening to beat up his entire class. Jonouchi doesn't show up to school the next day, and Yugi and his friends find Jonouchi. A thug who is friends with Hirutani hits Yugi, and Jonouchi doesn't say anything, causing Anzu and Honda to insult Jonouchi. When Jonouchi goes to a bar, called "J'Z", with the thugs, Jonouchi hits the thug in retaliation for what he did, causing Hirutani and his thugs to beat up Jonouchi. Jonouchi is taken to a torture chamber where he is beaten. After he kicks a thug in the face while tied up, he is shocked with a stun gun. Yugi finds Jonouchi and tricks Hirutani and his thugs into standing in a puddle of water while a stun gun is lowered into it from the knocked-out thug. Yugi was standing on a tire while the thugs were electrocuted. Yugi managed to rescue Jonouchi.

In a later chapter, Hirutani uses Nezumi to lure Yugi and Jonouchi to his hideout. He then has his thugs try to get Jonouchi to join by slowly strangling Yugi by placing a hook upwards to strangle him with his puzzle. Jonouchi is battered with yo-yos while running to save Yugi. After freeing him, Jonouchi takes out Hirutani's thugs by catching their yoyos on Yugi's puzzle and hanging the cords on the same hook, causing the thugs to be pulled by their fingers. Jonouchi and Hirutani engage in a fistfight while Yugi tricks the rest of the gangsters into falling through a roof by punching holes in the roof. Jonouchi punches Hirutani in the face, but Hirutani then throws glass in Jonouchi's eyes. Jonouchi detects Hirutani trying to place a shard of glass in the back of his neck and punches him off the roof. Hirutani grabs onto a ledge; Jonouchi uses his yoyo to hit Hirutani's fingers, causing the gangster to fall to the ground. The Toei anime uses the plot structure of a previous chapter combined with the yo-yo games of the second set of chapters where Hirutani is found for the sole Hirutani episode.

The Dungeon Dice Monsters name, Diesel Kane, stems from a gang member character in West Side Story named "Diesel."

[edit] Imori

DDM video game name: Damien Draco
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Imori (井守) is a student at Domino High School, who decides to try to overthrow Dark Yugi (Yami Yugi) from his position of the guardian of darkness by challenging Yugi to a game of Dragon Cards. His grandfather found the Dragon Cards while in Manchuria in World War II. Imori wins the first game against regular Yugi, causing his soul to go into the soul-eating jar. Regular Yugi's last minute grab for the puzzle causes Dark Yugi to come out. The second Dragon Cards duel ends with Imori losing. In the manga, Imori's soul gets sucked into the soul-eating jar, to be eaten by twenty-five dragons. Regular Yugi's soul comes out and is re-absorbed into his body unharmed. In the first series anime, Imori played Dragon Cards at his house instead of at school, and only the dark part of Imori's soul was eaten.

[edit] Johnny Gayle, Bob McGuire, "name unknown"

DDM video game name: Charlie Gale, Bickford Gage, "Snipes Crosshair"
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Gayle, McGuire and "name unknown" are three men at KaibaLand who Seto Kaiba tells to play Stardust Shootout against Yugi, Honda, and Jonouchi. Gayle, an American, is a former Green Beret leader. McGuire, another American, is a former SWAT team leader. "Unknown name"'s nationality is also unknown and he is an assassin. Kaiba rigs the game so that the three men on his team have real lasers that cause fatal electric shocks when fired while Yugi and his friends were given toy guns. In the manga, After Anzu and Johji give away the secret about the rigging of the game to her friends, Honda gets a real laser gun from her, tones it down to a non-lethal voltage, and incapacitates McGuire, and the assassin (Jonouchi had previously kicked Gayle in the face). In the anime, a woman is in place of the assassin, and all five members of Yugi's group (Yugi, Honda, Jonouchi, Anzu, and Miho) participate in the game. Miho's timidity led to the downfall of the three Kaiba Corp employees.

[edit] Professor Kanekura

DDM video game name: Adriel Wainright
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Prof. Kanekura (金倉) is the curator of Domino Museum, who exhibits the Millennium Puzzle after Yugi agrees to let him exhibit it for one day. At the end of the day, Kanekura tries to sell the puzzle to a non-Japanese person. The person is knocked out or killed by Shadi and Shadi goes into Kanekura's room. In the manga, when Kanekura fails Shadi's tests involving the Scales of Truth, he dies when his soul is consumed by Ammit. In the first series anime, he is driven insane and injured after failing the tests.

[edit] Mr. Karita

DDM video game name: Mr. Titus
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Mr. Karita (刈田) is a P.E. teacher who harasses Ryo Bakura on his first day at Domino High School; he regrets this after being turned into a miniature by Dark Bakura (Yami Bakura).

[edit] Kokurano

DDM video game name: Fortuno
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Kokurano (孤蔵乃; 1st anime name: 孤蔵野) is a self-proclaimed psychic in Class 1-A of Domino High School. He gets upset when Yugi says he doesn't believe in psychics and tells him that he will be struck by falling letters. When Yugi goes to the library, the bookstands start to fall on him, but he transforms into Dark Yugi and saves himself. Meanwhile, Kokurano knocked out Anzu with chloroform. Dark Yugi finds a delirious Kokurano and challenges him to a game. In the manga, Kokurano tries to use his powers to lift the bottle, but winds up knocking himself out with it. In the anime, he loses a game involving many bottles falling down. Yugi flees the scene with Anzu.

[edit] Kujirada

DDM video game name: Beluga
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Kujirada (鯨田) is a snobby classmate of Yugi's at Domino High School. Kujirada gets a "Black Star", an aggressive secret "digital pet" (styled after Tamagotchi). In the manga, The Black Star, which had lived for two months while other pets only live for twenty-one days, turns on his master. The monster commands Kujirada to link up with other people's devices so the monster can eat other people's digital pets. Jonouchi's pet, and Anzu's pet, "Peachy" (Sumomo-chan in the original Japanese) are eaten. Yugi's pet, "U2", fights back and destroys Kujirada's monster. In the anime, Kujirada's monster first eats Anzu's pet, and then Jonouchi's pet after Jonouchi's pet battles Kujirada's monster. But Honda's pet sweeps up Kujirada's monster (In the manga, Honda didn't have a digital pet). Kujirada appears to be bullying a student named Haiyama but it is revealed that Haiyama was manipulating Kujirada. In the English Dungeon Dice Monsters, Kujirada was named Beluga after the Beluga whale.

[edit] Miho Nosaka

DDM video game name: Melody

Miho Nosaka (野坂 ミホ Nosaka Miho) is a main character in Toei's Yu-Gi-Oh! anime (the first Japanese series), and a minor character in the manga. Honda has a crush on Miho; Miho rejects him. In the second series anime, both Jounouchi and Honda have crushes on Miho and they both constantly bicker over her. In Toei's anime, Miho hangs out with Yugi and his friends. Miho doesn't appear in the Duel Monsters anime, which, along with the manga, was released in North America and Europe.

[edit] Playing Card Bomber

DDM video game name: Tick-Tock
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

"Playing card bomber" (連続爆弾魔) is a nickname for a man who sets off a string of bombs in Domino. His third attack at the Domino Mall kills eight people. His fourth threatens Anzu's life. In the manga, Dark Yugi saves her life by playing clock solitaire without getting four threes. Afterwards, Dark Yugi reveals where the bomber was to the chief of police, leading to his arrest. In the anime, the bomber has a game involving balloons, Anzu and other passengers are spared. When the game mandates that the bomber is supposed to kill himself, he refuses. Yugi places a penalty game on him, making him go berserk, causing him to fall out of his car; the bomber is therefore arrested by the police.

[edit] Prisoner 777

DDM video game name: Jackpot
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Prisoner 777 is a convict prisoner numbered "777", who escaped from the Domino Police station with a stolen handgun after killing a guard. He holds Anzu hostage at the Burger World restaurant. After blindfolding her, he tells Yugi to get him Lucky Stripes cigarettes and booze. When Anzu yells help for Yugi, he slams her down. Dark Yugi comes out and challenges him to a game. The man aims his gun at Yugi and tells him that he will die after he lights his cigarette. While he is pouring the vodka, Yugi places the lighter on the man's hand. Yugi explains that the Russian vodka is 90% alcohol and that pulling the trigger would cause the lighter to fall into the vodka. In the manga, the man is horrified while he is overfilling his vodka. Yugi leads Anzu away as the cigarette drops from the convict's mouth and lights the vodka ablaze; the convict is set on fire. In the anime, Honda and Miho are working with Anzu, and the prisoner, named Jiro the Yellow Spider (女郎蜘蛛のジロウ), is the manager of the restaurant. He disguises himself as Tetsu Tasaki a.k.a. "Tetsu the Hedgehog", another criminal, while committing several robberies. Eventually Jiro is exposed and he points a gun at Anzu. After Yugi places the lighter on his hand, Jiro disarms and turns off the lighter. Yugi puts a penalty game on him because he moved more than one finger, and the criminal thinks he is set on fire. The story of Anzu's first encounter with Dark Yugi changes in the second Yu-Gi-Oh! series.

[edit] Professor Yoshimori

DDM video game name: Professor Jeremy Harrison
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Professor Yoshimori (吉森) is a Domino University professor who is into archaeology. He is friends with Sugoroku Mutou.

[edit] Dark Master Zorc

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 1st series anime

Dark Master Zorc (闇の支配者 ゾーク Zōku) is a dark spirit that is in the Millennium Ring. Bakura sets him up as the "boss" of the game of "Monster World" he plays with Yugi, Jonouchi, Honda, and Anzu. In the game, Zorc had terrorized the village after killing its king, and it is up to the player characters "Yugi", "Joey", "Hiroto", and "Anzu" to defeat him. In the Japanese anime, Miho Nosaka is also one of the characters, while she isn't one of the characters in the manga. There is a ritual monster card made after him called 'Dark Master - Zorc'.

[edit] Manga and second series anime characters

This section uses the names from the English manga.

[edit] Akhenaden (Aknadin)

English anime name: Aknadin
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Akhenaden (アクナディン Akunadin) is the brother of Akhenamkhanen and the father of Priest Seto in Ancient Egypt. Akhenaden is the man who originally created the Millennium Items. He massacred the village of Kul Elna to create them. His name comes from the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. Note that, although they are all spelled differently, "Aknadin", "Akhenaden", and "Akhenaten" are all pronounced the same. He is the wearer of the Millennium Eye. In the modern Yu-Gi-Oh! setting, he is reincarnated as the father of Marik and Ishizu Ishtar.

Being the brother of the pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, Akhenaden held a high position his court and in order to thwart an impending invasion, used the Millennium Spellbook to find a method from which to stop them. He settled on creating the Millennium Items, objects that would give the user great power as well as use monsters from the Shadow Realm. However, he was forced to abandon his son, Seto and his wife in order to pursue the dark path he was following. Along with his associates, he brainwashed a group of Egyptian soldiers and had them massacre the inhabitants of the village of Kul Elna and used them as sacrifices to create the Millennium Items. Thief King Bakura (who was a small child at the time) was the only survivor of this massacre and the reason he hates the pharaoh since he believes he was responsible for it. As the Millennium Items were created, a dark spirit rose out of a tablet that had risen from the ground. The spirit, Zorc Necrophades, inserted a dark energy into Akhenaden, which would later awaken. Akhenaden struggled back to Egypt, where he gave the Millennium Items to the pharaoh and five other guardians. The seven of them annihilated the attacking army with the monsters they summoned.

Later, Akhenaden oversaw the election of a new guardian for the pharaoh, which he suddenly realized was his own son, Seto, whom he had abandoned years ago. He is astounded that such a boy, despite losing all the privileges associated with a child of the nobility, had clawed his way up the social structure into becoming one of the pharaoh's guardians, a great honor. Akhenaden then determined that his son should be pharaoh due to his royal lineage and that his determination and skill made him the best choice.

When the Thief King Bakura invaded the palace of the pharaoh, Akhenaden stood by the other guardians to battle Bakura. However, all of their attacks were useless against the power of Bakura's Diabound. Not until the Pharaoh himself came forward and summoned Obelisk the Tormentor was Bakura beaten back. Later, when Seto organized a party to search for evil monsters in the souls of wicked men of the city, Akhenaden condemned his action and asked him to release the people. Seto refused on the grounds that he was protecting the pharaoh, and Akhenaden regretted the path Seto was taking. At that moment, Bakura revealed himself, having easily eluded the guards with the power of the Millennium Ring that he took from Mahado. Bakura confronted Akhenaden about the Kul Elna incident and reawakened the evil that Zorc Necrophades had placed there. During the pharaoh's pursuit of Bakura, Akhenaden pierced the stone tablet of Slifer the Sky Dragon with a sword in order to cripple it although it invoked a bolt of lightning that struck him down.

Next we see him, Akhenaden is using three criminals, each with their own monster spirits, to test the power of Kisara, whose spirit is that of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Since Kisara does not summon her monster, Seto intervenes and cuts the platform from which they are on in order to send the criminals to their deaths in the abyss. However, one of the monster spirits of one of the criminals was a spider-type monster and the criminal was able to hold himself via the threads his monster had made. Furthermore, the spider had trapped Seto's monster and the criminal instructed his monster to devour them. Kisara then shone with a blue light and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon emerged. With its attack, which shook the entire palace, it obliterated the criminal as well as his monster. Akhenaden then instructed Seto to kill Kisara, steal the power of the White Dragon, and become the new pharaoh (Atem's whereabouts are currently unknown, although he was seen falling into an abyss).

While Atem and the remainder of the guardians battled Bakura in the village of Kul Elna, Akhenaden came to the village and knocked Shada out with a stone and took his Millennium Key. As he came upon the place which housed the Millennium Tablet, Atem had just defeated Bakura with his Dark Magician. Akhenaden then paralyzed the entire group, took their Millennium Items (which included tearing the Millennium Eye from his face) and inserted them into the tablet, where the dark energy of Zorc Necrophades transformed Akhenaden into the Dark Priest (Shadow Magus). Akhenaden then revealed to Seto that he was his father and that he should be the one pharaoh. With his newfound power, he assaulted the group, only to be stopped by Hassan, whom Dark Yugi had summoned from the Dark RPG table with a Master Item. As Hassan repeled Akhenaden's assaults, the power of Zorc revived the Thief King Bakura.

Using Bakura's summoning of Diabound as a distraction, he took Seto into a portal to the palace, where he planned to have Seto slay Kisara to take her power. Seto found Kisara and protected her from Akhenaden, who had summoned a monster reflecting his power. Akhenaden crushed Seto's monster and Kisara called the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. However, Akhenaden sealed the Blue-Eyes away into a stone tablet and then sent an attack at Seto in his rage and his unwillingness to cooperate. Kisara blocked the attack and died in Seto's arms. As Akhenaden approached, Seto struck him with a dagger, killing his physical form but Akhenaden sent his spirit into Seto's body and forced him to battle Atem, who had just arrived. Although the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was successful in destroying Atem's Dark Magician, the Blue-Eyes, still infused with the spirit of Kisara, transported itself into Seto's mind, and obliterated Akhenaden, freeing Seto from his control.

[edit] Akhenamkhanen (Aknamkanon)

English anime name: Aknamkanon
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Akhenamkhanen (アクナムカノン Akunamukanon) is the father of Pharaoh Atem in Ancient Egypt. Thief Bakura blames the late Akhenamkhanen for killing his village, Kul Elna, to make the Millennium Items; Bakura did not know that it was Akhenaden who was responsible for the massacre, although he did know that he participated in it. When Akhenamkhanen finds out about the massacre, he sacrifices himself to the gods of Egypt as a penance, asking only for his son's safety from their wrath in return. Akhenamkhanen speaks with Atem through his sacrophagus during his first battle with Bakura, and his instructions made Atem summon the Egyptian God Obelisk the Tormentor. His next appearance is in the village of Kul Elna, where his spirit protects Atem from the vengeful spirits of those who were slain in Kul Elna village. During the Ceremonial Battle, Akhenamkhanen is seen waiting for his son as he passes into the door between life and death along with the other guardians.

[edit] Arthur Hopkins (Arthur Hawkins)

English anime name: Arthur Hawkins
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Arthur Hopkins (アーサー・ホプキンス Āsā Hopukinsu) is the American best friend of Sugoroku Mutou (Solomon Muto in the English anime) and the grandfather of Rebecca Hopkins (Rebecca Hawkins in the English anime). His original Japanese name is kept in the English video games. In the manga, Professor Hopkins only appears in a photograph with Sugoroku Mutou, and his name is never revealed.

Although he is briefly seen after Rebecca finishes her duel with Yugi, his major appearance is in the Waking the Dragons arc, where he investigated the history of Atlantis and of the Orichalcos. He gives information to Yugi concerning both of them and is instrumental in discovering the location of the lair of Dartz. He also appears during the Grand Championship arc.

[edit] Bakura, King of Thieves

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Bakura, King of Thieves (盗賊王バクラ Tōzokuō Bakura), a.k.a. "The King of Thieves", has a grudge against Pharaoh Atem because he believes Atem's father, Akhenamkhanen, ordered the massacre of Kul Elna to create the Millennium Items. At that time, he was only a child and forced to watch as his family and friends were killed and their bodily components used to create the seven Millennium Items. However, the vengeful spirits of Kul Elna village granted Bakura an extremely powerful Ka: Diabound, which has the ability to learn the abilities of the monsters it destroys.

When Dark Bakura enters the Memory World, he takes control of the Thief King Bakura and assaults the Palace of the Pharaoh alongside his minions. Arriving in the central hall, he deposits the various treasures he has collected from the royal tomb and demands that the seven Millennium Items be returned to him. The six guardians of the pharaoh adamantly refuse and Seto rises to challenge him. The beast he summons is destroyed when Bakura calls forth Winged Sage Falcos, who is the Ka of the late pharaoh Akhenamkhanen. Bakura reveals that he took a Dia Diank from his tomb as well as the capacity to use the former pharaoh's favorite creatures. The rest of the guardians are inflamed and summon various creature to battle Diabound. Mahado's Ka, Illusion Magician, easily destroys the Winged Sage Falcos, but Diabound's assault crushes Akhenaden's, Kalim's, and Shada's creatures. Seto then calls upon Mystic Horseman and Kalim fuses Seto's Battle Ox with Mystic Horseman to form Rabid Horseman. Bakura's Diabound easily disables this new fused beast with its serpent's tail and the Illusion Magician then seals Diabound. However, Diabound breaks free with its attack and crushes Rabid Horseman and Illusion Magician. In an attempt to finish off the guardians, Bakura instructs Diabound to finish them but the attack is stopped by Isis' Spiria, which is destroyed. The Pharaoh then steps forward, and with instructions from Akhenamkhanen, summons the Egyptian God Obelisk the Tormentor. Obelisk attacks but Bakura tells Diabound to attack using White Lightning, which it gained when Bakura used Diabound Carnel to destroy Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon in their duel in the future. Obelisk is stopped by the assault although Diabound is banished from the battle. Bakura retreats and later attempts to raid another tomb, only to find Mahado waiting in ambush.

The battle between Bakura and Mahado is fierce, as Mahado is able to access the power he had sealed there, becoming much more powerful in the process. Therefore, Illusion Magician is able to fight against Diabound with some success, especially after Shadow Ghoul joins the fray on Mahado's side with attacks from the shadows. However, Bakura's Diabound is able to evade Shadow Ghoul's attack and destroy it, severely weakening Mahado. It then deals a serious blow to Illusion Magician, sending Mahado nearly to his death. Bakura is then struck with one of the traps in the tomb but frees himself with one of the hanging blades. He then instructs Diabound to attack from the shadows, something it gained when it destroyed Shadow Ghoul. Illusion Magician is nearly destroyed, and in desperation, Mahado fuses his remaining power with his Illusion Magician to form Dark Magician. The newly formed Dark Magician blasts Bakura and his Diabound out of the tomb with a massive assault, and Bakura is believed to have died in the rockslide that followed.

However, Bakura survived the assault and raids the city of the pharaoh once more. Furthermore, he has acquired Mahado's Millennium Ring and uses its power to evade the guards and enter Akhenaden's monster shrine. There, he speaks to Akhenaden about the assault on Kul Elna and awakens the darkness that was placed there by Zorc when Akhenaden created the Millennium Items. Bakura then instructs Diabound to cause utter devastation and flees, with the Pharaoh Atem in pursuit. Atem calls upon Slifer the Sky Dragon and it engages Bakura's Diabound. Due to the fact Diabound defeated Mahado's Shadow Ghoul, it is able to disappear into darkness, and Bakura utilizes this to hide Diabound from Slifer's power. Although Diabound is hit by Slifer after it reveals itself to attack, it disappears again and begins to lay waste to the city. Atem instructs Slifer to protect the citizens, although Slifer and Atem are badly injured when Diabound assaults again. Atem attempts to end the battle by having Slifer attacking Bakura directly but Diabound is revealed to be right behind Atem. Atem is saved by the swift arrival of Seto's Duos, and they fight Diabound out of the city. As Diabound reveals itself, Atem tells Slifer to quickly attack, something that likely could have destroyed or severely crippled Diabound. However, at this moment, Akhenaden, fully enguled in his dark side, threw a sword at the stone tablet of Slifer the Sky Dragon, crippling it. Diabound then was able to destroy Slifer the Sky Dragon and Atem appeared to have been rendered powerless. The arrival of Yugi, however, rejuvenates Atem and he calls upon the Winged Dragon of Ra, mightiest of the three Egyptian Gods. Ra's inherent nature of being the sun god results in the battlefield being engulfed in light, revealing Diabound. Bakura, still confident, reveals that Diabound now has the power of an Egyptian God due to the fact it destroyed Slifer the Sky Dragon. It then assaults Ra, but is repeled by Seto's Duos. The Winged Dragon of Ra then transforms into Egyptian God Phoenix mode and it incinerates Bakura's Diabound, apparently killing him. However, the Bakura(Zorc) on the Dark RPG table (to be revealed later) activates a Master Item to reverse time to the moment where Diabound was about to attack Slifer the Sky Dragon. Slifer is destroyed again, Atem is crippled, and Bakura is alive once more. Atem then falls into an abyss, barely holding on, and Bakura takes his Millennium Puzzle before sending him to his apparent doom.

Bakura returns to Kul Elna and inserts the Millennium Ring and the Millennium Puzzle into the Millennium Tablet and converses with Zorc, who instructs Bakura to find the eighth key (which is the true name of the pharaoh, Atem). Bakura then awaits the arrival of Atem and his guardians in Kul Elna and calls upon Diabound to fight them. Mahado arrives in the form of Dark Magician to aid Atem and Mana comes with her Dark Magician Girl to help as well. Although the attacks of these spellcasters are powerful, Diabound is protected by a shield created by the spirits of those who died in the Kul Elna incident. Seto, Kalim, and Isis arrive and Seto and Kalim combine their Duos and Curse of Dragon respectively to create Duos Dragon, with Dark Magician at its helm. This new beast is able to combat Diabound until Bakura uses a small monster to attack Kalim himself, bringing him close to death and destroying Curse of Dragon, and separating the fusion. As Bakura tells the spirits to slay Atem, who is defenseless, the spirit of the former Pharaoh Akhenmkhanen appears and repels the spirits. This also empowers the Dark Magician, who literally rips apart Diabound with its assault. With Diabound defeated, Bakura is on the verge of death and desperately attempts to put the Millennium Items back into the Millennium Tablet. However, due to the fact that some of the items are still with their respective guardians, this is worthless until Akhenaden arrives and paralyzes the entire group. At this point, the Bakura(Zorc) on the Dark RPG table informs the Thief King Bakura that he has outlived his usefulness and the Thief King Bakura is reduced to sand.

When Akhenaden transforms into the Dark Priest, the power of Zorc revives the Thief King Bakura. Bakura summons Diabound, revealing that the power of Zorc is so great that even though its tablet is destroyed, Diabound can still be summoned. Bakura then proceeds to toy with the group, putting them in different parts of Kul Elna and having mummies chasing them. He then appears in the middle of the village and sacrifices himself to summon Zorc Necrophades.

[edit] "Bandit" Keith Howard

No Image Available
No Caption Available
Appears in manga:
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Original manga)
Yu-Gi-Oh! R
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Duel Monsters) (2nd series anime)
Debut Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Volume 3, Duel 28
Original Japanese manga Volume 10, Duel 87
Birthday August 12
Deck {{{Deck}}}
Sign Leo
Age 26
Height 190 cm (about 6 feet and 2 inches)
Weight 85 kg (187 pounds)
Blood type O
Favorite food Steak
Least favorite food Sushi
Status at debut N/A
Relations N/A
Seiyū Hajime Komada
Voice actor(s) Ted Lewis

English anime name: Bandit Keith

Main Article: Keith Howard.

Keith Howard (キース・ハワード Kīsu Hawādo) is the champion of the American Duel Monsters tournament (known as the Intercontinental tournament in the English anime). He is known as "Bandit Keith" (バンデット・キース Bandetto Kīsu) for winning all the prizes in every single tournament. He enters the Duelist Kingdom tournament after Pegasus publicly humiliated him. During that incident, he and Pegasus were dueling in a regional tournament overseen by Seto Kaiba, when Pegasus suddenly wrote down some instructions onto a piece of paper and called down a boy from the audience to take his place (in the English anime translation, the boy's name is given as 'Sam'), claiming that even a child could beat him. Following the instructions given to him by Pegasus, the boy did in fact defeat Keith in the duel, and ever since then, his reputation as a duelist had been tarnished forever.

Bandit Keith is an unscrupulous duelist who doesn't think twice to using underhanded tricks to gain the upper hand. He had formed his own group of lackeys (which included "Ghost" Kotsuzuka (Bonz)) in Duelist Kingdom to seek out and defeat weaker opponents for their star chips, without actually dueling them himself. He eventually abandoned them and stole their star chips in order to gain enough to qualify for the semi-finals. He also attempted to disqualify Katsuya Jonouchi from the tournament by stealing his entry card, as well as hiding key cards from his deck in his wristbands to be pulled at the right moments during his semi-finals duel with Jonouchi. Despite this, he eventually lost his duel and his cheating ways found out, but broke free from Pegasus' guards before they could escort him off the premises, running back and confronting Pegasus with a pistol if he didn't give him the prize money (the gun was subsequently edited out in the English anime translation). Once again, he was humiliatedly thwarted by Pegasus via trap door and forcibly expelled from Duelist Kingdom. In the manga, Keith confronts Pegasus while Pegasus is walking to his duel with Yugi. He threatens him with a knife and tells him to give him the prize money. Pegasus forces a Penalty Game on Keith and makes Keith think his hand turns into a gun. It shoots Keith in the temple, killing him.

This was not the last that was seen of Keith, however. In the anime, he was eventually found drifting in the ocean by Marik, and subsequently brainwashed into becoming one of them, confronting Yugi in an abandoned warehouse after leading him there by posing as a wandering fortune teller and tricking Yugi into giving him the Millennium Puzzle. Forced to duel without the help of the spirit within the Puzzle, Dark Yugi, Yugi almost won his duel against Keith, until Dark Bakura interferred, sensing the dark energies controlling Keith and disrupting their control over him with the Millennium Ring. Disoriented and confused, Keith went haywire, inadvertently damaging the dueling field he and Yugi were using for their duel and sparking a fire that consumed the warehouse. Keith escaped, but disappeared shortly afterwards. His current location and status is unknown, though in the second series anime, his "Lost Soul" is seen in the realm of lost souls during the Waking the Dragons arc when the pharoah goes to see Yugi.

Also, in the manga Yu-Gi-Oh! R, Keith is discovered to be alive.

Keith's deck is centered around powerful Machine-type monsters, with Barrel Dragon and Machine King as his forerunners.

[edit] Big Five

Appear in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

The Big 5 are five members of the board of KaibaCorp. In the Duel Monsters anime, they are (Japanese names listed first, followed by English anime names):

  • Konosuke Oshita (大下 幸之助 Ōshita Kōnosuke) / Gansley
  • Shuzo Otaki (大滝 修三 Ōtaki Shūzō) / Crump
  • Chikuzen Oka (大岡 筑前 Ōka Chikuzen) / Johnson
  • Soichiro Ota (大田 総一郎 Ōta Sōichirō) / Nezbitt
  • Kogoro Daimon (大門 小五郎 Daimon Kogorō) / Leichter

(The names of the Big 5 are not stated in the manga.)

All the Big 5 members' Japanese family names start with the kanji (大) for "big" or "large", read as "Ō" for the names of the first four, and as "dai" for the fifth member.

In the Japanese anime, Otaki is the Managing Director and Chief of the Personnel Department (he is an accountant in the English anime, where it's revealed he hates Seto Kaiba for refusing to build a penguin-themed amusement park); Oka is the legal advisor of KaibaCorp; Ota is the Manager of KaibaCorp's military factory (in the English anime, he is the Vice President of New Technology); and Daimon is the right-hand man of the CEO(In the Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime, while dueling against Seto Kaiba, Daimon reveals he expected to be chosen to be KaibaCorp's new CEO and hates Kaiba for taking the job).

Oshita does not mention his job title in the Japanese anime, but he says that as a subordinate of KaibaCorp, he merged and took over many other companies (in the English anime he mentioned himself as the Vice President of Business Strategy).

In both the anime and manga, the Big Five secretly despise Seto for taking over Kaiba Corporation and transforming it from a military weapons manufacturer into a gaming technology firm and sought to overthrow him and take over the company in order to revert it back to what it was (In the second series anime - at least in the Brazilian translation - only Ota despises Seto Kaiba for this reason while the Big 5's common reason was the fact they expected to have more power inside the company for helping Seto taking over it). However, due to a corporate bylaw that states that only a Kaiba heir can legally run the company, the Big 5 were forced to divert their attention to subverting Mokuba Kaiba (Seto's little brother) to their will as a means to accomplish their goals. During the Duelist Kingdom saga in the anime and manga, the Big 5 teamed up with Maximillion Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford in the Japanese versions), offering Pegasus KaibaCorp's advanced holographic imaging technology in exchange for his help in taking out Seto and capturing Mokuba. After this failed, Seto fired the Big 5, though in the anime, the Big 5 attempted to save themselves by convincing Seto to try a 'finished' prototype of a Duel Monsters holographic RPG that Seto had been working on prior to Duelist Kingdom. It turned out to be a trap, though, as Seto learned quickly after his mind was trapped inside the virtual system. When Mokuba brought Yugi Mutou to help save his brother, the Big 5 uploaded their minds into the virtual game in an attempt to stop him. They once again failed, and the resulting backlash of psionic energy linking their minds to the virtual system separated their consciousness from their bodies, leaving them trapped without a physical form inside the virtual system, where they wandered until they met up with Noah Kaiba, the biological son of Gozaboro Kaiba, their former boss. Realizing that Noah's goals against Seto were the same as theirs, they teamed up with him, challenging Yugi and his friends for their bodies when the group became trapped in Noah's Virtual Realm. In this endeavor, they failed a third and final time, their unscrupulous methods of dueling irking Noah (who desired to prove himself superior over Seto through a fair fight) to the point that he completely erased their consciousnesses from cyberspace. (Note that this all happens in the anime; the manga has no such stories, and as such, the Big 5 are simply fired from KaibaCorp. after Duelist Kingdom, never to be seen again.)

[edit] Bobasa

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

In the anime, Bobasa (ボバサ) is used mostly for comic relief. He is a Non-Player Character (NPC) in the Dark RPG that Dark Yugi (Yami Yugi) and Dark Bakura (Yami Bakura) play in the Millennium World story arc. He is a key switch that can lead the player to where the Pharaoh's name is if the player gives him enough food to eat.

In the manga, Bobasa is a member of an Egyptian cult that protects the Millennium Items. He has the Scales and the Key. Bobasa protects the items by placing them on his abnormally-shaped chest and locking his clothes. He then swallows the key, and is able to regurgitate the key at will. Also in the manga, he is actually Hassan, were they are different people in the anime.

[edit] Croquet

Japanese name: Crocketts
English name: Croquet
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Mr. Croquet, known in the Japanese version as Mr. Crocketts (Mr.クロケッツ Kurokettsu), is the right-hand man of Maximillion Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford in the original Japanese). His duties includes relaying the progress of Pegasus' plans, often unknowingly stating the obvious to his boss (who, with the use of the Millennium Eye and keen intuition, usually predicts the outcome of a situation he's involved with before Croquet can inform him of it).

At one point in the English anime translation, Pegasus punishes Croquet for his multiple failures by threatening to 'lock him away...again', which leaves one to speculate whether or not Croquet had also experienced his soul being trapped in a card by Pegasus, or if he was the victim of another form of confinement altogether.

[edit] Cyndia (Cecilia Pegasus)

English anime name: Cecelia Pegasus
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Cyndia (シンディア Shindia) is Pegasus's lost love. Cyndia first met Maximillion Pegasus at a party thrown by his businessman father in Las Vegas fourteen years ago. Cyndia and Pegasus were married and Pegasus, an artist at the time, constantly drew pictures of his love. However, Cyndia died of a disease, and this prompted Pegasus to search for a way to bring her back, ultimately culminating in his acquiring of the Millennium Eye from Shadi. Pegasus' feelings towards his beloved were eventually revealed to Yugi Mutou and his friends after they found Pegasus' diary, which displayed his emotions.

A possible reason on why Cyndia's name was changed in the English anime is because "Cyndia Crawford" resembles "Cindy Crawford". ("Crawford" is also Pegasus' surname in the Japanese versions).

[edit] The Death Imitator (Mimic of Doom)

English anime name (revealed in "Reshef of Destruction"): The Mimic of Doom

The Death Imitator was one of Pegasus's hired Player Killers (Eliminators in the English anime dub version). He was either an extremely talented master of disguise or, more likely, a shapeshifter. He even seemed capable of altering his own body weight. His true form was that of an ugly, obese clown who dressed up as Kaiba to duel Yugi. He claimed that Kaiba was dead and that he was Kaiba's ghost back for revenge (in the dub, he said he was Kaiba's evil half that Yugi sent to the Shadow Realm). The Imitator had taken Kaiba's deck and used it in the duel. Yugi defeated him and used the Millennium Puzzle's power to send the Death Imitator into a coma (in the dub, he drove all evil from the Imitator). In the manga, the Imitator controlled a dummy version of Seto Kaiba that was channeling the real Kaiba. When Yugi won, he made the dummy come to life and beat up the Imitator.

[edit] "Dinosaur" Ryuzaki (Rex Raptor)

English anime name: Rex Raptor

"Dinosaur" Ryuzaki (ダイナソー竜崎 Dainasō Ryūzaki) is the runner-up in the Japanese Duel Monsters tournament. He tends to use cards related to dinosaurs (thus his nickname "Dinosaur"). After losing to Katsuya Jonouchi (Joey Wheeler in the English anime) he and Insector Haga try to get revenge on him and Yugi Mutou several times, but they always fail.

[edit] "Esper" Roba (Espa Roba)

No Image Available
No Caption Available
Appears in manga:
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Original manga)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Duel Monsters) (2nd series anime)
Debut Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Volume 10, Duel 91
Original Japanese manga Volume 17, Duel 150
Birthday April 1
Deck {{{Deck}}}
Sign Aries
Age 17
Height 172 cm (about 5 feet and 7 inches)
Weight 48 kg (105.6 pounds)
Blood type A
Favorite food Pizza
Least favorite food Umeboshi
Status at debut N/A
Relations Four unnamed younger brothers
Seiyū Maiko Itou
Voice actor(s) Sebastian Arcelus

English anime name: Espa Roba

"Esper" Roba (エスパー絽場 Esupā Roba) is a psychic (ESP) duelist who duels with Katsuya Jonouchi. In reality he is a fraud who uses his younger brothers to spy on and relay back to him the cards in his opponent's hand, thus allowing him to 'predict' the opponent's strategies almost before they perform them.

His only appearance is in the Battle City arc, where he is first seen crushing "Dinosaur" Ryuzaki's Serpent Night Dragon with his Jinzo and winning the duel. Ryuzaki advises Jonouchi not to duel Roba on the grounds that his psychic abilities allow him to read all the cards in his hand. With an air of self-confidence, Jonouchi accepts the duel and begins. Although Roba initially gains an advantage due to the fact he knows what cards are in Jonouchi's hand and on his field, Jonouchi infers what is happening and attempts to confuse his watchers from above by putting the cards Skull Dice and Graceful Dice close to each other in order to confuse Roba (although this situation is unlikely as Skull Dice is a Trap Card and Graceful Dice is a Spell Card, so the difference would have been obviously apparent). Mokuba Kaiba eventually discovers the source of Esper's "psychic" abilities in that his brothers spied upon Jonouchi's hand from upon a high rise building. However, the brothers plead with Mokuba to let Roba continue with the duel, stating that he is a strong duelist despite his cheating ways. The psychic front was to build an impression of an undefeatable duelist and thus deflect any abuse that was usually heaped upon Roba and his brothers. To Mokuba, this situation paralleled his brotherly relationship with his older brother, Seto and he let Roba continue the duel. Due to this, Roba's psychic reputation is tarnished but he continues his duel with Jonouchi nevertheless.

Roba eventually called upon Jinzo, whose ability to negate all Trap Cards severely crippled Jonouchi's overall strategy. Furthermore, with the addition of another Spell Card, Jinzo grew in strength each turn and Roba also summoned Reflect Bounder to ward off any assaults on Jonouchi's part. Finally, Jonouchi played Roulette Beetle which forced Jinzo to attack a random target on the field, whether it be Jonouchi or Roba directly, Jonouchi's monster, or Roba's Reflect Bounder. Roba was responsible for choosing when it would stop and when he called it, Jinzo assaulted his Reflect Bounder, who then reflected the assault back on Jinzo, destroying them both and losing Roba the duel. Due to the Battle City regulations, Roba forfeited his rarest card, Jinzo, to Jounchi upon his defeat and commented that he was ready to stand up to his brothers without cheating.

The Jinzo card that Roba gave Jonouchi would prove one of his key cards throughout his duels, crippling Odion Ishtar's (Rishid Ishtar in the Japanese anime) Trap Deck and gaining a momentary advantage for Jonouchi against Zigfried von Schroeder.

[edit] Gebelk

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Gebelk (ゲベルク) is the keeper of the pharaoh's dungeons. Kaiba's butler is the reincarnation of Gebelk.

[edit] "Ghost" Kotsuzuka (Bonz)

English anime name: Bonz
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

"Ghost" Kotsuzuka (ゴースト骨塚 Gōsuto Kotsuzuka) is at first a minion of Bandit Keith during the Duelist Kingdom arc and he attempts to defeat Katsuya Jonouchi (Joey) using Call of the Haunted, which continuously revives as his monsters with greater attack strength. He is ultimately defeated when Jonouchi uses Sword and Shield to switch his monsters' attack and defense points. He was then able to win since his Zombie Sub-Type monsters all had 0 defense points, ensuring their destruction.

He leaves Bandit Keith after this and forms his own gang, which haunts the graveyard during the Battle City arc. However, they need one more locator card, when they are accosted by Dark Bakura (Yami Bakura). Kotsuzuka' meager dueling skills (he gains locator cards by scaring other duelists) pale in comparison to that of Dark Bakura's, who uses a powerful Occult Deck. Dark Bakura is eventually victorious when he sacrifices his Earl of Demise with Ectoplasmer to directly damage Kotsuzuka' Life Points, and Kotsuzuka and his friends are doomed. In the manga, Dark Bakura tells Kotsuzuka that he is dead, and then inflicts a Game Punishment, making Kotsuzuka think he is dead. In the Japanese second series anime, Kotsuzuka and his friends are pulled down into the soil. In the English anime Bonz and his friends are banished to the Shadow Realm.

"Bonz", the English anime name, is a misspelling of "bones". In the English manga, his name is misspelled as "Kozuka".

[edit] "Insector" Haga (Weevil Underwood)

English anime name: Weevil Underwood

"Insector" Haga (インセクター羽蛾 Insekutā Haga) is an insect-loving duelist (thus his nickname "Insector") rival of Yugi Mutou. He tries several times along with Dinosaur Ryuzaki to get revenge on Yugi and Jonouchi, but they always fail.

[edit] Hassan

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Hassan (ハサン Hasan) is a mysterious ancient being and is the messenger of the Egyptian Pharaohs. He made a vow with Atem's father, Akhenamkhanen, to protect his son no matter what. His role in the Dark RPG is that of Dark Yugi's Master Item. It is also possible that Hassan is the past self of Shadi.

[edit] Isis

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Isis (アイシス Aishisu) is a priestess that serves Pharaoh Atem in Ancient Egypt. Ishizu Ishtar is the reincarnation of Isis. She is named, obviously, after the Egyptian god Isis. "Isis" is actually a Greek corruption of "Aset".

[edit] Isono (Roland)

English anime name: Roland
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Isono (磯野) is one of the Battle City Tournament officials. He also appears to be Kaiba's right-hand man and business advisor, as he appears later in the anime series to help Kaiba manage Kaiba Corporation.

[edit] Ryota Kajiki (Mako Tsunami)

No Image Available
No Caption Available
Appears in manga:
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Original manga)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Duel Monsters) (2nd series anime)
Debut Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Volume 2, Duel 12
Original Japanese manga Volume 9, Duel 71
Birthday March 1
Deck Water
Sign Pisces
Age 19 at debut; 20 at series' end
Height 178 cm (about 5 feet and 9 inches)
Weight 68 kg (149.6 pounds)
Blood type B
Favorite food Fish dish
Least favorite food Shiitake mushroom
Status at debut Fisherman
Relations Father: lost in a shipwreck
Seiyū Daisuke Namikawa
Yuki Nakao (childhood)
Voice actor(s) Andrew Rannells

English anime name: Mako Tsunami

Ryota Kajiki (梶木 漁太 Kajiki Ryōta) is a fisherman who wants to become the greatest fisherman ever in honor of his father, who died on a shipwreck. (In the English anime, Mako is searching for his long-lost father, who survived the shipwreck, indicated by a missing lifeboat.) He uses mostly water-based cards in his Duel Monsters deck. Kajiki was the third place winner of the Japanese national Duel Monsters tournament.

His first appearance is in the Duelist Kingdom arc, where he duels Yugi Mutou in a battleground near the sea. Due to the fact that his side of the field was water, all of his monsters gained power bonuses and they were able to hide themselves from attack. Therefore, Kajiki's monsters were able to devastate Yugi's monsters until Yugi played Full Moon to increase the attack points of his Silver Fang. From here, he shattered the moon with Giant Soldier of Stone, draining the sea and exposing Kajiki's monsters. From here, he played Curse of Dragon which in combination with the Burning Land card, incinerated Kajiki's monsters and won Yugi the duel.

His next and final duel in the series is during the Battle City arc, where he duels Katsuya Jonouchi to determine which one of them will go to the playoffs. Using the Field Spell Card Umi, Kajiki gains offensive and defensive bonuses for his monsters as well as hiding them. Eventually, Kajiki calls forth his Legendary Fisherman, who is immune from Spell Cards and monster assaults as long as Umi is on the field. To Kajiki, the Legendary Fisherman is the embodiment of his father and also what he aspires to be in life. Kajiki then summons Fortress Whale, whose power allows him to dominate the field. Jonouchi eventually uses Panther Warrior in conjunction with the Equip Spell Card Lightning Blade in order to weaken the Fortress Whale as well as increase the power of the Panther Warrior. Kajiki then used his Legendary Fisherman as a shield to protect his Life Points but with the removal of Umi via Jonouchi's Giant Trunade, it was easily destroyed, winning Jonouchi the duel.

He is shortly seen along with the rest of the duelists during the semifinal match between Seto Kaiba and Yugi Mutou, in which he marvels at the power of the Egpytian Gods Obelisk the Tormentor and Slifer the Sky Dragon.

In the final episode of the Japanese version of the second series anime, Kajiki is seen on a boat that has a sail that reads "Tairyō" (大漁), which means a large catch of fish. When Kajiki arrives on shore, he encounters the Roba brothers, with "Esper" Roba ready to duel.

Kajikimagurō means "swordfish". His English anime name, Mako, originates from the mako shark, and a tsunami is a type of large wave formed by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

[edit] Kalim (Karim)

English anime name: Karim
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Kalim (カリム Karimu) is one of the six priests that guarded Pharaoh Atem 3,000 years ago. He wields the Millennium Scales. His Ka is the Curse of Dragon, a monster which appears in Yugi's deck at several points in the series. It is a common theory that the first holder of the Millennium Scales was his father, as they look extremely similar. Kalim, unlike most of the Ancient Egyptian cast, does not have an evident modern form(Although his name is an anagram of "Malik", the antagonist of Battle City); his Scales are held by Shadi throughout the series.

[edit] Kisara

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Kisara (キサラ Kisara) is a mysterious woman with pale skin, white hair, and blue eyes. She carries the spirit of the Blue Eyes White Dragon (referred to simply as the White Dragon) within her. She and Priest Seto share a deep bond.

[edit] Meikyū Brothers (Paradox Brothers)

English anime name: Paradox Brothers
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters), Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)

Mei (迷) and Kyu (宮 Kyū) are Player Eliminators at the Duelist Kingdom. In the original Japanese, they are named after the Japanese word for labyrinth, Meikyū (迷宮). In the English anime, they are named after paradox. Their most powerful monster is the Gate Guardian.

Their first appearance is in the Duelist Kingdom arc, where they await at the end of a labyrinth for any duelists who manage to get through. Due to the fact that Bakura's Millennium Ring points them in the direction of Maximillion Pegasus' Millennium Eye, they make their way through the maze. They then challenge Yugi Mutou and Katsuya Jonouchi to a tag duel. At the start, they play Labyrinth Wall, which changes the game into a Labyrinth Game, where each monster must navigate the labyrinth and can move spaces equal to their level. The brothers attempt to waylay Yugi and Jonouchi's monsters as they pass through with cards such as Jirai Gumo and Wall Shadow. The turning point comes where Yugi destroys the Jirai Gumo with Mystic Box, and this allows the Dark Magician to destroy the brothers' Labyrinth Tank. However, the brothers assemble the three pieces of Gate Guardian: Sanga of the Thunder, Kazejin, and Suijin. They then summon Gate Guardian, a composite monster of the three beasts that form it. They then use the Suijin part to flood the maze but Yugi uses Summoned Skull and its lightning attack to trace back on the water and destroy Suijin, leaving Sanga and Kazejin as the only remaining pieces. The brothers then play Riryoku, which takes half of Yugi and Jonouchi's Life Points away and gives it to Gate Guardian as attack points. Jonouchi eventually summons Black Skull Dragon but the brothers reveal that the Black Skull Dragon cannot move in the labyrinth since it is not allowed to fly. Yugi then uses the Shift card to switch the Black Skull Dragon's position with the Dark Magician and the Black Skull Dragon destroys the Gate Guardian. In a final attempt to waylay them, the brothers reveal that the two doors behind them lead either to the exit or to an endless labyrinth. It is revealed that the brothers can change which door leads to which and Yugi tricks them into showing them the right door, and they now have enough Star Chips to enter the tournament playoffs.

They also appear in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX series, where they duel against Jaden Yuki and Syrus Truesdale in their punishment duel. The brothers initially gain an advantage through their summoning of Kazejin quickly to the field via sharing their monsters through Tribute Doll. This allows them to stop the attack of Syrus' Steam Gyroid. They then summon Sanga of the Thunder by sacrificing Kaiser Seahorse and Suijin through another Tribute Doll. They then summon Gate Guardian, which crushes Syrus' Steam Gyroid. Jaden and Syrus are forced onto the defensive and the brothers play Fairy Meteor Crush, from which Syrus responds with Mystical Space Typhoon. The brothers negate it with Judgment of Anubis, and destroy one of Jaden's monsters in the process as well as dealing damage to their Life Points equal to its attack points. Syrus is depressed at this point by Jaden encourages him and he summons Elemental Hero Sparkman, which combined with Spark Blaster, changes Gate Guardian to defense mode. The brothers then play Defense Wall, which will intercept any attacks. Syrus then summons Drilloid, which automatically crushes any defense-position monster it battles and it destroys Defense Wall. Syrus then plays Shield Crush, which destroys the Gate Guardian, shocking the crowd (and Crowler for that matter). The brothers thank them for destroying the Gate Guardian since they play Dark Element, which can only be activated when Gate Guardian in the Graveyard and they pay half of their Life Points, and they summon Dark Guardian, which has 3800 attack points and cannot be destroyed in battle. Jaden stops its attack with Hero Barrier and he summons Elemental Hero Tempest. He then makes a pointless move with Skyscraper, and neither monster is destroyed as Tempest preserves itself through the sacrifice of one of Syrus' cards. Dark Guardian then attacks again and Jaden incurs 1000 damage as Tempest is forced to sacrifice Skyscraper to stay on the field. Syrus then summons UFOroid and fuses it with Tempest via Power Bond to create UFOroid Fighter, which has attack points equal to the sum of the monsters that compose it or 4000 attack points in this case. It is then doubled to 8000 because of Power Bond and it attacks Dark Guardian, defeating the brothers through overflow damage.

[edit] Mask of Light and Mask of Darkness (Lumis and Umbra)

English anime name: Lumis and Umbra
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Mask of Light and Mask of Darkness (光の仮面; 闇の仮面) are members of Marik's Ghouls organization. They pride themselves on being an unbeatable tag team. As their names suggest, their tag-team deck is composed of Mask cards that weaken and manipulate the opponent's cards while lowering their life points.

[edit] Mahado (Mahad)

English anime name: Mahad
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Mahado (マハード Mahādo) is one of the priests who serves Pharaoh Atem. He wields the Millennium Ring. In order to defeat Thief King Bakura, he sacrificed his life and fused his Ba and his Ka together to create the Dark Magician. He also was the best friend of the Pharaoh Atem since they was children. Before and and after his death, Mahado always keep loyalty to his king.

[edit] Mana

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Mana (マナ Mana) is a childhood friend of Atem and Mahado and studies magic under Mahado as his apprentice. After Mahado's death, she swears to become a great magician and eventually is able to summon her own Ka, the Dark Magician Girl.

[edit] Koji "the Spider" Nagumo

DDM video game name: Stringer
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters), and Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light

Koji Nagumo (名蜘蛛 コージ Nagumo Kōji) is a student in Domino High School.

In the manga, Nagumo asks Yugi to play "Monster Fighter" with him while at Domino High School. While playing, Nagumo hits Yugi and takes his gun and monster, Alti. It is revealed that Nagumo is stealing monsters and selling them for ¥30,000 (About $300 US) each. Dark Yugi comes into his store and fights Nagumo and his "Wild Spider" with Jonouchi's monster, "Killer Emaada". As the game was a shadow game, Nagumo's face was cracked in the first set, which went to Yugi; the shadow game dictated that the players, instead of the monsters, get damaged in the game. In the second set, Nagumo cheated by kicking Yugi in the side. An enraged Dark Yugi raises the shadow mode to level three. When Nagumo tries to cheat again, his legs are held down by all of the monsters, including his own. Nagumo's soul is purged of the Darkness.

Nagumo makes a brief appearance during the Battle City of the manga and the second series anime as a particpant trying to steal cards from the loser of a duel he is in. Seto Kaiba appears and says that Nagumo is able to stay if he is able to defeat him. The duel is not seen; Kaiba unleashes Obelisk the Tormentor and defeats him. Another brief appperance was in Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie, where he was a bystander during Joey's duels at the beginning of the movie.

Nagumo is not given a name in the second anime series.

[edit] Pandora (Arkana)

English anime name: Arkana
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Pandora (パンドラ Pandora) is a Rare Hunter and member of the Ghouls organization, who frequently uses the Dark Magician (Black Magician in Japan) card in duels. He was once a famous stage magician, with his lovely assistant fiancé called Katherine, but fell into despair after a dangerous illusion he was performing went awry, scarring his once-beautiful visage to the point where he drove his fiancé away in his anguish. Ruined and depressed for causing his love to leave him, he stumbled from day to day until he met Marik Ishtar, who promised to help him regain the love of his fiancé if he became a Rare Hunter. However, after he was defeated and saved by Yugi Mutou in a duel in which the loser gets his legs chopped off by a buzzsaw (in the English anime, the buzzsaws were changed to Dark Energy Disks that sent the loser's mind to the Shadow Realm upon contact), he realized that the promise was a lie and that, had Yugi not had saved him, Marik would have left him to die. He does not appear after his initial duel with Yugi.

Pandora's name was changed to Arkana in the English anime because "Pandora" is a feminine name in English. "Arcana" is the plural form of the Latin word "arcanus". The English word "Arcane" is derived from that word.

[edit] The Pantomimer (Strings)

English anime name: Strings, the Quiet One
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

The Pantomimer (パントマイマー Pantomaimā) is a Rare Hunter as well as Marik's "mind slave" (i.e. puppet). He was seen during the Battle City arc and was one of the Rare Hunters to challenge Yugi Moto for his Millennium Puzzle which Marik coveted. At first, he appeared to be a stationary mime in the park and was a curiosity for many of the people there but upon Marik's taking control of him, he went to confront Yugi and duel him.

The chief card that the Pantominer used was the Egyptian God Slifer the Sky Dragon and he was able to do so since Marik was controlling his actions and his mind. Using a four card combination based upon Infinite Cards, Card of Safe Return, Revival Jam, and Jam Defender, Slifer the Sky Dragon's attack points seemed limitless and it also had an indestructible shield in Revival Jam. Furthermore, Revival Jam could intercept all attacks via Jam Defender and when it regenerated itself from the Graveyard, the Pantominer could draw three more cards due to Card of Safe Return as well as increase Slifer's attack points by 3000. Due to this combination, Slifer's attack points reached extreme levels and despite all of Yugi's efforts, Slifer remained standing. Just as Yugi was losing hope, Seto Kaiba arrived and cajoled him into action. Yugi then used Brain Control to gain control of Revival Jam, thus activating Slifer's ability and destroying Revival Jam. The Pantominer then drew three cards and Revival Jam was regenerated on Yugi's field. However, this triggered Slifer's ability again, which in turn caused an infinite loop. Therefore, at the conclusion of every loop, the Pantominer would draw three cards but he would eventually draw every card in his deck (a duelist loses when he or she is unable to draw cards from his or her Deck). As the Pantominer drew his last cards and thus lost the duel, Marik released his mind control, knowing that Yugi would now wield Slifer the Sky Dragon. However, as he released the Pantominer, he reminded Yugi that he still wielded the Winged Dragon of Ra, mightiest of the three Egyptian Gods.

[edit] Player Killer of Darkness (Panik)

English anime name: Panik
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Player Killer of Darkness (「闇」のプレイヤーキラー Yami no Pureiā Kirā) is a player eliminator hired by the Duelist Kingdom. He appears to be a rather brutal man and as Yugi Mutou and his group arrive, Mai Kujaku (Mai Valentine) has just been defeated by him. In order to salvage the situation and return Mai's Star Chips, Dark Yugi challenges the Player Killer to a duel. Using the power of Castle of Dark Illusions, Player Killer clouds the field in darkness and hides his monsters. Yugi eventually reveals his monsters with Swords of Revealing Light. He then uses Catapult Turtle in conjunction with Gaia the Dragon Champion to damage Player Killer's castle. Although the castle remains after the assault, its flotation ring is destroyed, and as Yugi puts it, the Swords of Revealing Light are the only thing sustaining the castle's flight. After the Swords of Revealing Light expire, the castle falls to the ground, destroying of all of Player Killer's monsters and depleting the remainder of his Life Points. Player Killer then activates the flame ejectors that are in the ring, attempting to incinerate Dark Yugi. However, Dark Yugi is safe due to the power of the Millennium Puzzle and he inflicts a Mind Crush on Player Killer. In the English anime, Panik's soul is sent to the Shadow Realm.

Titan, from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX!, is his counterpart. He uses a tactic based not on preventing the opponent from attacking but from targeting his card, he also claims to play the Shadow Game, like Player Killer, a "duel in shadows."

[edit] Rishid Ishtar

Japanese name: Rishid Ishtar
English name: Odion Ishtar
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Rishid (リシド Rishido), known in the English anime as Odion, is the adopted brother and servant of Marik Ishtar. As a baby, Rishid was found by Marik's mother near the home of the Tombkeepers. As the couple had no children to carry on their legacy, the mother suggested that Rishid be allowed to carry on the legacy of the Tombkeepers through undergoing the Tombkeeper's Initiation. Marik's father steadfastly refused and Ishizu Ishtar was born shortly afterwards. A few years later, Marik Ishtar was born and Rishid was charged to be his protector. One day when he and Marik were playing with a ball, a serpent attacked Marik and Marik's father severely beat Rishid for his failure to protect Marik. When Marik was about to undergo the Tombkeeper's Initiation, Rishid volunteered to go through the ordeal in his stead, but Marik's father adamantly refused. To show Marik that he felt his pain, Rishid revealed that he had drawn a tattoo onto his own face. When Marik wished to explore the outside world, Ishizu grudgingly accepted and Rishid followed Marik as he explored the area. However, once they returned, Marik's father was furious and prepared to kill Rishid as a punishment but at this point, Dark Marik awoke and took the Millennium Rod. Using it, he killed his father (in the English anime, he was sent to the Shadow Realm). When Marik came back to his senses, Rishid shielded him, and from that point forward, Rishid's presence prevented Dark Marik from taking control of Marik.

Even as Marik devoted his life to acquiring the power of the nameless Pharaoh, Rishid willingly followed him. As Marik built the Ghouls organization in order to scout for rare cards (specifically the Egyptian God Cards), Rishid was his right-hand man. During the Battle City arc, Rishid often brought news to Marik and nearing the advent of the playoffs, presented Marik with twelve locator cards, enough for him and Marik to enter the playoffs. At this point, Rishid posed as Marik while Marik took on the guise of Namu.

His first duel was against Katsuya Jonouchi (Joey Wheeler) in the second semifinal match. Rishid played a Trap Deck, with his entire deck almost solely being based upon Trap Cards and crippling his opponent. At the start of the match, he played Temple of the Kings, which allowed him to play Traps from his hand. Even when Jonouchi attempted to clear the field with Giant Trunade, Rishid responded with Judgment of Anubis, negating the card and destroying one of Jonouchi's monsters as well as dealing damage to his Life Points equal to that monster's attack points. Eventually, Rishid summoned three Embodiment of Apophis cards, which functioned as "Trap Monsters", in that they were Trap Cards but acted as Monster Cards. These beasts devastated Jonouchi's ranks until he finally called upon Jinzo, whose abilities crippled Rishid's strategy by negating of all his Trap Cards. Rishid fought back by summoning Mystical Beast Serket, which gained attack points depending on the monster it destroyed. As the Mystical Beast Serket destroyed all of Jonouchi's monsters and prepared to finish him, Marik demanded that Rishid end the duel by using the Winged Dragon of Ra, something to dispel all doubts that Rishid was not Marik. As Rishid used the Temple of the Kings to sacrifice his Mystical Beast Serket and summon Ra, Ra rebelled against his command to attack and hit both players with a bolt of lightning. As Jonouchi was the first to rise, he was declared the victor, although Rishid's unconscious state resulted in Dark Marik (Yami Marik) being set free from Marik's mind.

Throughout the rest of the Battle City arc, Dark Marik tries numerous times to kill Rishid in order to gain complete control over Marik's mind. However, Ishizu safeguards Rishid by hiding him and when Rishid awakes, he immediately sets out to the final duel, where Yugi Mutou is dueling Marik. As the Shadow Game that the two are playing dictates that the body of their hosts (Yugi and the original Marik in this case) must be diminished when either Dark Yugi a.k.a. Yu-Gi-Oh (Yami Yugi) or Dark Marik lose Life Points, Marik was almost totally gone since Marik had used the Winged Dragon of Ra's One-Turn Kill ability (called Point-to-Point Transfer in the English anime) to reduce his Life Points to one and give Ra additional attack points equal to the amount of Life Points he lost. Rishid's arrival enabled Marik to fight back against his darker side and after Yugi destroyed the Winged Dragon of Ra with the Spell Card Ragnorak, the positions of Marik and Dark Marik were reversed. At this point, Marik yielded the duel, effectively destroying Dark Marik. After the events were concluded, Rishid returned to Egypt along with Marik and Ishizu.

He is later seen in the Memory World arc, where he along with Marik and Ishizu await the arrival of the pharaoh from his Memory World, where he searches for his true name. After he returns, Rishid, Marik, and Ishizu take the group to a tablet between the worlds of life and death. Rishid witnesses the final duel of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series between Atem and Yugi, with Yugi's victory sending Atem's spirit to rest.

[edit] Saruwatari (Kemo)

English anime name: Kemo
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Saruwatari (猿渡) is one of Pegasus' suits. He worked for Kaiba Corporation as one of Seto and Mokuba's private bodyguards, but he was actually working for Industrial Illusions the whole time, gathering information from within Kaiba Corporation and giving it to Pegasus.

His first appearance is where he aprehends Mokuba Kaiba after his duel with Yugi and takes him to Pegasus despite the fact Yugi defeated the Mimic of Doom in a duel. He later confronted Kaiba as he entered the island with a gun to his head (which was edited out in the English anime) but Kaiba disarmed him with a card. He then forces Saruwatari to take him to where Mokuba's cell is and Saruwatari does so. He later acts as the guard at the entrance to Pegasus' castle and attempts to stop the group from entering since half of them aren't duelists but Mai Kujaku (Mai Valentine) stops him.

His last appearance is during the group's first stay in the Virtual World, where he attempts to break into the room where their bodies are and Anzu Mazaki and Hiroto Honda put up a desperate defense to stop them using furniture to block the door. After everyone awoke after Yugi and Kaiba's Master of Dragon Soldier defeated the Big Five's Five God Dragon (F.G.D), Saruwatari fled in order to warn the Big Five members. It is likely that he was fired at that point as he is not seen in the series again.

[edit] Satake and Takaido (Zygore and Sid)

English anime name: Zygore and Sid
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Satake (佐竹) and Takaido (高井戸) are lackeys of Bandit Keith. (Takaido is the one with glasses.) They later forms a gang with Ghost Kotsuzuka (Bonz). In Duelist Kingdom, they dragged Katsuya Jonouchi (Joey Wheeler) to duel in a hidden arena. Jonouchi later finds out that they were part of Bandit Keith's gang. After Kotsuzuka is defeated by Jonouchi, Keith attacks them and takes their star chips so he can go to the Duelist Kingdom playoffs.

They are later seen with Kotsuzuka in the Battle City arc when Kotsuzuka attempt to gain enough locator cards to enter the finals by scaring people and taking their locator cards. However, the arrival of Dark Bakura, someone who isn't easily intimidated, spells their doom. When Dark Bakura announced that they were playing a Shadow Game, Satake and Takaido attempted to flee, only to arrive back in the same spot. When Dark Bakura crushes Kotsuzuka due to his inferior dueling skills, Satake and Takaido are pulled into the soil (in the English anime they are sent to the Shadow Realm).

Their names are never stated in the manga.

[edit] Seto

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Seto (セト Seto) is a priest who is a cousin of Pharaoh Atem. Seto Kaiba is the reincarnation of Priest Seto. His name comes from the Egyptian god Set.

Back 3000 years ago (5000 in the English anime) Priest Seto and Pharaoh Atem were friends and rivals who helped each other by testing their skills (just like Yugi and Kaiba did); as children their relationship was Atem as a prince and Seto as a priest on training. Bakura, the King of Thieves (Tōzoku Ō in Japanese) showed the royal court his Ka, Diabound's great power before running away. Seto decided that Bakura should be stopped and looked for a Ka that was stronger than Diabound. People could be tortured into revealing their Kas, so he decided to try rounding up and torturing citizens. During his quest to find a Ka greater than Diabound, he found Kisara. Kisara was a foreigner who was being atacked by the people of her village because she was different. Seto rescued her twice (once when they were children from a raiders' camp, and when the townspeople were throwing rocks at her and calling her a demon) and found out that Kisara had the Ka of a White Dragon. Priest Akhenaden, another priest (and Seto's father), wanted to use Kisara's Ka to fight Diabound. Seto disagreed with him, because if a person's Ka was extracted, that person would die. Akhenaden was the brother of Atem's father, Akhenamkhanen, which meant Seto was Atem's cousin. Seto believed his father died in battle so he didn't know Akhenaden was his father. Seto knew that if Atem died, Seto would be Pharaoh. Akhenaden extracted the Blue Eyes anyway for Priest Seto to use against Atem, resulting in the death of Kisara. Later, Seto became possessed by the corrupted spirit of Akhenaden, whom Seto had stabbed after he killed Kisara, and dueled Atem. He used the White Dragon in this duel. Though he defeated Atem, Kisara freed Seto's mind from Akhenaden's spirit.

[edit] Shada

Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Shada (シャダ Shada) is one of the six priests that guarded Pharaoh Atem 3,000 years ago. He wields the Millennium Key.

[edit] Siamun Muran (Shimon Muran)

English anime name: Shimon
Video game name: Shimon Muran
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Siamun Muran (シモン・ムーラン Shimon Mūran) is a vizier of Pharaoh Atem. Sugoroku Mutou (Solomon Moto) is the reincarnation of Siamun. When Atem goes to the World of Memory, he initially confuses Siamun by calling him "Grandpa". The name "Siamun" is pronounced the same as "Shimon".

He was originally one of the Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen's original guardians, and he was granted the Millennium Key to hold. His Ka (or his monster spirit) that he summoned was Exodia the Forbidden One and he swore to seal it and never use it again after he destroyed the force that was attacking the Egyptian capital. He apparently gave up his position of guardian to Shada, and to him he relinquished the Millennium Key.

He plays a largely minor role in the Millennium World (Dawn of the Duel in the English anime) arc as first, as he introduces much of the ancient ways and terminology to the Pharaoh Atem.

When Zorc Necrophades rises and begins to march on the city, Siamun takes up the Millennium Key that Isis brought back and he summons Exodia to combat Zorc. Although Exodia experiences some success, especially after Siamun demonstrates its ability to regenerate after its arm was torn off by Zorc, Zorc overpowers Exodia since its power is based on Siamun's, while Zorc can draw power from the darkness. Therefore, Exodia is destroyed and Siamun is killed. After Zorc was defeated by the Pharaoh Atem, it is likely that he still retained his position of vizier for the new Pharaoh: Seto.

[edit] Step Johnny (Johnny Steps)

English anime name: Johnny Steps
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Step Johnny (ステップ・ジョニー Suteppu Jonī) is Anzu's dance rival. the "date" that After cheating in an attempt to beat Anzu at a dance game, he attempts to get her on a date. Dark Yugi, who is present with Anzu, challenges Johnny to a duel to determine if he can take her on a date and Johnny agrees.

At first, Johnny's deck seems to have no overall strategy as he summons monsters to the field randomly and forgets basic things such as switching his monsters' modes. This allows Yugi to acquire a lead until Johnny plays Musician King, which combined with the Metalmorph card, allows Johnny to overpower Yugi's monsters. Yugi then summons Dark Magician who destroys the Musician King. Johnny, revealing his ineptness with the game, is confused why Metalmorph did not add half of Dark Magician's attack points to Musician King as it is supposed to when Yugi answers that it only does so when his monster attacks. Johnny then recognizes Yugi as the King of Games and the one who defeated Maximillion Pegasus and flees when being faced with such a powerful opponent. Anzu confronts him about running away and it is shown here than Johnny, despite his air of being popular, has no real friends. Anzu consoles him and sends him off with more self-confidence than he had before.

[edit] The Great Evil God Zorc Necrophades

English anime name: Zorc the Dark One
Appears in: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2nd series anime (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

Zorc Necrophades (大邪神 ゾーク・ネクロファデス Daijashin Zōku Nekurofadesu) is a demon that was born when the Millennium Items were originally created (in the English anime, he is the creator of the Shadow Realm, and therefore likely predates the items, though they were made using his power). He can be summoned when all 7 Millennium Items are brought together in an underground crypt in Kul Elna village. 3,000 years ago (5,000 years ago in the Dub), he was summoned and attempted to destroy the world, but was stopped by Pharaoh Atem. Atem sacrificed his life by sealing both himself and Zorc within the Millennium Puzzle, but not before Zorc pulled off one final trick by sealing a small portion of his soul within the Millennium Ring. Zorc later resurfaces when he possesses Ryo Bakura, though he has no memory of who he really is, except that he wants to gain all seven Millennium Items in order to gain a great power. The second time Atem faced off with Zorc, he was able to kill Zorc by fusing the Egyptian Gods to form the Creator of Light Horakhti. A common fan spelling of his name is Zork also referred to the devil, zorc has a large dragon/snake appendage between his legs, also to fans known as the second head.

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Japanese manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! (in future updates) | Yu-Gi-Oh! R

Japanese anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! (Japan-exclusive) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

English manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist / Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium World

English anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! | Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters

Movies: Yu-Gi-Oh! (Japan-exclusive) | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light

Media and release information: Yu-Gi-Oh!


Protagonists: Yugi Mutou | Dark (Yami) Yugi | Katsuya Jonouchi (Joey Wheeler) | Anzu Mazaki (Téa Gardner)
Hiroto Honda (Tristan Taylor) | Ryo Bakura | Miho Nosaka (Melody)

Antagonists: Dark (Yami) Bakura | Pegasus J. Crawford (Maximillion Pegasus) | "Bandit" Keith Howard | Meikyū Brothers (Paradox Brothers) | Big Five | Marik Ishtar | Dark (Yami) Marik | Noah Kaiba | Gozaburo Kaiba | Dartz | Rafael | Valon | Amelda (Alister) | Siegfried von Schroider (Zigfried von Schroeder) | Akhenaden (Aknadin)

Other characters: Seto Kaiba | Mokuba Kaiba | Sugoroku Mutou (Solomon Muto) | Shadi | Mai Kujaku (Mai Valentine) | Shizuka Kawai (Shizuka Jonouchi, Serenity Wheeler) | Insector Haga (Weevil Underwood) | Dinosaur Ryuzaki (Rex Raptor) | Rebecca Hopkins (Rebecca Hawkins) | Ryuji Otogi (Duke Devlin) | Ishizu Ishtar | Rishid Ishtar (Odion Ishtar) | Leonhart von Schroider (Leon von Schroeder)

See also: Yu-Gi-Oh! main characters | Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and manga characters | Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, manga or movie only characters


Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game | Duel Disk

Yu-Gi-Oh!-related books (not including manga)

In English: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Monster Duel Official Handbook | Yu-Gi-Oh! Enter the Shadow Realm: Mighty Champions

In Japanese: Yu-Gi-Oh! (novel) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game Duel Monsters Official Rule Guide - The Thousand Rule Bible | Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game Duel Monsters Official Card Catalog The Valuable Book: See this link | Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guide Book - The Gospel of Truth

Yu-Gi-Oh!-related video games

In other languages