Ystoria Mongalorum
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Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, complied by a Franciscan Friar and papal envoy of Pope Innocent IV named Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols and Carpini was the first European to try and chronical Mongol history.
The report gives a narrative of his journey, what he had learned about Mongol history, as well as Mongol customs of the time. Mainly scholars have speculated that Caprini was undoubtedly on a spy mission because the largest portion the report is detailed descriptions of how well prepared the Mongols were for war and suggestions of how the various military leaders might resist them.
Caprini, as the first person at the time to have visited Mongolia, became some what of a celebrity upon returning to Europe. He gave what would be called today a lecture tour across the continent.
[edit] The Tartar Relation
Two versions of the Ystoria Mongalorum are known to exist: Carpini's own and another, usually referred to as the Tartar Relation. the Tartar Relation is usually attributed to a companion of Carpini's, Benidict the Pole who is also responsible for a very short similar account of Mongolia.