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v  d  e
Quantities of bits
SI prefix
(rare binary meaning)
Binary prefix standards
from IEC 60027-2
Name Symbol Quantity Name Symbol Quantity
kilobit kb 103 (210) kibibit Kibit 210
megabit Mb 106 (220) mebibit Mibit 220
gigabit Gb 109 (230) gibibit Gibit 230
terabit Tb 1012 (240) tebibit Tibit 240
petabit Pb 1015 (250) pebibit Pibit 250
exabit Eb 1018 (260) exbibit Eibit 260
zettabit Zb 1021 (270) zebibit Zibit 270
yottabit Yb 1024 (280) yobibit Yibit 280

A yottabit is a unit of information or computer storage, abbreviated Ybit or sometimes Yb.

1 yottabit = 1024 bits = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits, which is roughly 1014 (100 trillion) gigabytes.

[edit] See also