Yorta Yorta people

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The Yorta Yorta people are the Indigenous Australians who traditionally lived around the the junction of the Goulburn and Murray Rivers in present-day northeast Victoria.

Yorta Yorta Family Groups include the Bangerang, Kailtheban, Wollithiga, Moira, Ulupna, Kwat Kwat, Yalaba Yalaba and Nguaria-iiliam-wurrung clans.[1]

The language is referred to generally as the Yorta Yorta language.

Prominent Yorta Yorta people include Burnum Burnum and Sir Douglas Nicholls.

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/dse/nrenlwm.nsf/LinkView/7FA349BEAE0F5A3FCA256E8D00210309A4AD52AC7C448F1A4A256DEA0024EDD2

[edit] See also