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Yomega is a yo-yo company specializing in semi-affordable, high-performance yo-yos.
Yomega, partnered with HPK Marketing, played a major role in the yo-yo boom of the late 1990s. Yomega is best known for its automatically returning yo-yo, The Brain. The Brain (and X-Brain) use a centripetal clutch mechanism which activates when the spin of the yo-yo slows, freezing the yoyo's transaxle and causing the string to wrap within the string-gap, and the yo-yo to return. The X-Brain was included as part of a major promotion at McDonalds fast food restaurants at the turn of the century, introducing yo-yos to literally millions of people. Many of the world's top one- and two-handed yo-yo champions swear by specially modified Yomega Raider yo-yos because of their near perfect weight distribution and countour. Yomega also sponsors a team of professional yo-yoers for demos and tours.
The Yomega Corporation is based at 638 Quequechan Street in Fall River, Massachusetts, USA.