XSLT elements

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This article lists some of the elements used in XSLT.


[edit] XSLT logic elements

Node Description/ attributes Container/ children Example
xsl: apply-templates Specifies that other matches may exist within that node; if this is not specified any matches will be ignored

If “select” is specified, only the specified templates will be applied.

Any parent

No children


xsl: choose

Multiple choices

No attributes

Any parent

Contains xsl:when blocks



xsl: for-each

Creates a loop which repeats for every match

“select” designates the match criteria

Any parent

Can contain any XML

<xsl:for-each select="input[{@name}=@name]"/>



Yes or No conditions

“test” specifies criteria for entering the if

Any parent

Can contain any XML

<xsl:if test="$type='text' or $type='password'">


xsl: otherwise

The default choice if none of the “xsl:when” criteria are met xsl:choose

Can contain any XML



xsl: stylesheet

Top-level element. Occurs only once in a stylesheet document.

“version” specifies which XSLT version is being used “xmlns:xsl” specifies the URL of that standard

Top-level element. Contains all XML <xsl:stylesheet>

… </xsl:stylesheet>

xsl: template

Specifies processing templates

“match” is when the template should be used.
“name” gives the template a name which xsl:call-templates etc can use to call this template.


Can contain any XML

<xsl:template match="//input">


xsl: variable

Allows a variable to be declared

“name” is the variable name. It can be referred to later with “$name” “select” is the value of the variable

Any parent

no children

<xsl:variable name="type" select="@type"/>


Yes or No conditions

“test” specifies criteria for entering the if


Can contain any XML

<xsl:when test="$type='radio'">


[edit] Example XSLT stylesheet using logic elements

<xsl:template match="//input">
<xsl:variable name="type" select="@type"/>
<xsl:variable name="name" select="@name"/>
<xsl:if test="$type='text' or $type='password' or $type='radio' or $type='checkbox'">
                <xsl:when test="$type='radio'">
                        <select name={@name}>
                        <xsl:for-each select="input[{@name}=@name]"/>
                                <option value={@value}>
                <xsl:when test="$type='text'">
                        <input name="{@name}" type="{@type}">
                <xsl:when test="$type='password'">
                        <input name="{@name}" type="{@type}">

[edit] XSLT file I/O elements

Node Description/ attributes Container/ children Example
xsl:call-template Calls the template whose name is specifed.

“name” matches the “name” in xsl-template

Any parent

children are xsl:with-param

<xsl:call-template name="lib:make-elem">


Retrieves another XSLT file

"href" is the path to the file


No children

<xsl:import href="..\Library\FuncLib.xslt"/>
xsl:output Describes how data will be returned

“method” designates what kind of data is returned
“omit-xml-declaration” indicates if the initial xml tag should be included.
“encoding” designates how the data is returned.


No children

<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/>
xsl: param Designates a parameter which may be passed into the template with xsl:call-template. xsl:template

No children

<xsl:param name="elem-name"/>
xsl:text Outputs the tag content Any parent

No children

<xsl:text>ClaimNumber ClaimSeqNumber</xsl:text>
xsl:value-of Outputs a variable

“select” specifies the variable

Any parent

No children

<xsl:value-of select="$s"/>
xsl:with-param Designates a parameter passed to xsl:call-template. It must be matched by an xsl:param in the template.

“name” specifies the parameter name.
“select” specifies the parameter value


No children

<xsl:with-param name="elem-name" select="'hma:ClaimNumber'"/>

Client-side XSLT can be implemented in a browser by adding a line like the following to the source XML file, right after the root XML tag. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="family.xsl"?>

This is described on the page [http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/10/25/msie/index.html]

[edit] Other XSLT semantics

symbol meaning where used
| union operator. used to group nodesets in XPath expressions. select attributes of elements such as xsl:when, xsl:if, xsl:for-each
& and any conditional or match criterion, for example xsl:if.test, xsl:when.test, xsl:template.select and xsl:for-each.select
<-- begin comment anywhere not in a tag
--> end comment anywhere not in a tag
$ start of a variable name anywhere in a tag, for example xsl:value-of.select and xsl.variable.name
name() the name of the tag being processed. Useful if the matching criteria contains |s any conditional or match criterion, for example xsl:if.test, xsl:when.test, xsl:template.select and xsl:for-each.select
& an attribute within the XML any conditional or match criterion, for example xsl:if.test, xsl:when.test, xsl:template.select and xsl:for-each.select

[edit] Functions defined by XSLT

The following functions can occur in many XSLT attributes, such as xsl:value-of.select and xsl:for-each.select.

Function Description/ Syntax Example
ceiling The ceiling function returns the smallest integer that is equal to or is larger than the numeric value of the number argument. ceiling(3.57)
concat Concatenates two or more strings, which are listed in the parentheses concat($fname,’ ‘, $lname)
count The count function counts and returns the number of nodes in a node-set. count(elements)
floor The floor function returns the largest integer that is equal to or is smaller than the numeric value of the number argument. floor(3.57)
normalize-space Removes white-space from the beginning and end of the string normalize-space($fname)
position The position function returns the position number in the current node list of the node that is currently being processed by an xsl:for-each or xsl:apply-templates element. There are no arguments. position()
round The round function rounds a number to its closest integer. round(3.57)
string The string function converts the value argument to a string. string()
string-length The string-length function returns the number of characters in a string. The string argument is optional. If omitted, the default is to use the string value of the context node. string-length(‘hello’)
substring A segment within a variable value. Substring takes three parameters: the input variable, the first character to be selected, and the length of the resulting string substring($dob,4,2)
substring-after The substring-after function returns a portion out of the string specified in the string argument that occurs after the substring specified in the substring argument. substring-after(‘In 1814 we took a little trip’, ‘we’)
substring-before The substring-before function returns a portion out of the string specified in the string argument that occurs before the substring specified in the substring argument. substring-before(‘In 1814 we took a little trip’, ‘we’)
sum The sum function adds and returns the total value of a set of numeric values in a node-set or list of values. sum(1,3,7,12)
translate Takes the string in the value argument, replaces all occurrences of a string specified in the string1 argument with substitute characters specified in string2 argument and returns the modified string. translate(‘colored armor’, ‘or’, ‘our’)

[edit] External links