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Extrasolar planet Lists of extrasolar planets

Artist's rendition of XO-1b transiting its sun.
Parent star
Star XO-1
Constellation Corona Borealis
Right ascension (α) 16h 02m 12s
Declination (δ) +28° 10′ 11″
Spectral type G1V
Orbital elements
Semimajor axis (a) 0.0488 ± 0.0005 AU
Eccentricity (e) 0
Orbital period (P) 3.941534 ± 2.7e-05 d
Inclination (i) 87.7 ± 1.2°
Longitude of
(ω)  ?°
Time of periastron (τ) 2453808.917 ± 0.0011 JD
Physical characteristics
Mass (m) 0.9 ± 0.07 MJ
Radius (r) 1.3 ± 0.11 RJ
Density (ρ)  ? kg/m3
Temperature (T)  ? K
Discovery information
Discovery date 2006
Discoverer(s) Peter McCullough, et al.
Detection method Transit
Discovery status Confirmed
Other designations
GSC 02041-01657b

XO-1b (also known as GSC 02041-01657b) is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star XO-1, approximately 600 light-years away in the constellation Corona Borealis.


[edit] Discovery

In 2006, an international team of professional and amateur astronomers discovered a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a Sun-like star, which was later named XO-1b. The team, led by Peter McCullough of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, had four amateur astronomers hailing from North America and Europe.

McCullough and his team employed a relatively inexpensive telescope called an XO Telescope, made from commercial equipment, to search for extrasolar planets. This telescope consisted of two 200-millimeter telephoto camera lenses, and resembled a pair of binoculars in shape. It stands on the summit of the Haleakala volcano in Hawaii.

From September 2003 to September 2005, the XO telescope detected tens of thousands of bright stars. In that time, McCullough's team of amateur astronomers studied a few dozen stars they had previously identified as promising candidates for extrasolar planets. The star XO-1, in particular, was marked as a promising candidate in June 2005. The amateur astronomers observed it from June to July 2005, eventually confirming that a planet-sized object was eclipsing it. McCullough's team then turned to the McDonald Observatory in Texas for information on the object's mass and to confirm it was a planet.

[edit] Transit

McCullough's team found the planet by detecting slight reductions in the star's intensity as the planet moved into transit of the star. The light from the star reduces by approximately 2 percent when XO-1b is in transit. Their observation revealed that XO-1b is in a tight four-day orbit around its parent star.

While astronomers have detected more than 180 extrasolar planets, XO-1b is only the tenth planet discovered using the transit method. It is only the second planet found using telephoto lenses. The first, TrES-1, in the constellation Lyra, was reported in 2004. The transit method allows astronomers to determine a planet's mass and size. Astronomers use this information to deduce the planet's characteristics, such as density.

[edit] Radial velocity

The team confirmed the planet's existence by using the Harlan J. Smith Telescope and the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at the University of Texas's McDonald Observatory to measure slight perturbations induced by the planet on its parent star. The radial velocity method allowed the team to calculate a precise mass of the planet, which is slightly less Jupiter's. This planet is much larger than its mass would suggest. McCullough has been quoted as saying that "Of the planets that pass in front of their stars, XO-1b is the most similar to Jupiter yet known, and the star XO-1 is the most similar to the Sun, but XO-1b is much, much closer to its star than Jupiter is to the Sun."

The technique used by the team to find XO-1b is an innovative method in that it uses a relatively-inexpensive telescope to hunt for extrasolar planets. It, however, is limited primarily to planets orbiting close to their parent stars, and only finds planets large enough to cause a measurable depression in starlight.

[edit] Space telescopes

McCullough believes the newly-found planet is a perfect candidate for study by the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. Hubble can precisely measure the star's distance and the planet's size, while Spitzer can photograph infrared radiation from the planet. By timing the disappearance of the planet behind the star, Spitzer can also measure the eccentricity of the planet's orbit—how much its orbital shape deviates from a circle. A high eccentricity implies a highly elliptical orbit, which would mean that the varying gravitational force from its parent star must heat the planet, expanding its atmosphere and perhaps explaining why the object's diameter exceeds the expectation from its calculated mass.

[edit] Characteristics and Speculations

XO-1b is classified as a "hot Jupiter" planet similar to 51 Pegasi b and TrES-1. Temperatures within its atmosphere could be as high as 900 to 2000 Kelvin, which is hot enough for metals (that is, elements after helium in the periodic table) to be found in gaseous states in the atmosphere. In the Surdarsky classification system, XO-1b would be classified as a type V planet (Silicate Jovian)[citation needed].

[edit] See also

[edit] External links