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Fossil range: Late Cretaceous
Conservation status
Extinct (fossil)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Sauropsida
Superorder: Dinosauria
Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Theropoda
Infraorder: Ceratosauria
Family: Abelisauridae
Genus: Xenotarsosaurus
Species: X. bonapartei
Binomial name
Xenotarsosaurus bonapartei
Martinez, Gimenez, Rodriguez & Bochatey, 1987

Xenotarsosaurus bonapartei is a little-understood abelisaurid theropod that lived during the Late Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian). It was described by Martinez, Gimenez, Rodriguez and Bochatey in 1987.

It's possible it could reach weights between 0.7 - 1.0 tons.

[edit] Etymology

"Xenos", Greek for strange; "tarsos", Greek for tarsus; "sauros", Greek for lizard. "bonapartei" From Bonaparte (not Napoleon Bonaparte, but Jose Bonaparte, Argentinian paleontologist)

[edit] Classification

The only fossil evidence consists of two vertebrae and leg bones (femur, tibia, fibula and astragalocalcaneum) retrieved from the Bajo Barreal Formation, Chubut, Argentina. These remains show some similarities to Carnotaurus sastrei, implying that Xenotarsosaurus could belong to Abelisauridae. However, it has also been proposed that Xenotarsosaurus is placed as an allosaur. Either way, its remains are too fragmentary to assure a correct placement.

[edit] External links

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