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Non Available
Publisher(s) [EJ Thayer]
Designer(s) [EJ Thayer]
Release date(s) 2000 and occasionally updated
Genre(s) RPG
Mode(s) MMO
Rating(s) N/A
Platform(s) Windows
Media Download
System requirements Direct-X9.0
Input Keyboard, Mouse, das keyboard

Xenimus is a MMORPG created by EJ Thayer, in 2000. The game has a tightly-knit community, and much diversity in character build. Overall, the game has a small community, which enables end-users to have direct communication with the only designer/programmer. It is amazing one guy can make such an addictive game. The game is free to download and contains a 14-day trial, after which a $5 monthly fee applies. Xenimus features a very large game world with many dungeons. And isn't worth five cents.


[edit] Community

As a community, Xenimus struggles to cater for new players, mainly due to the game creators ignorance and arrogance when faced with opinions from many players (the beta testers) that differ from any of his. A lot of the Xen community are happy to ignore newcomers and the game's intrinsic help for new players is limited and tedious (once again due to the game creators lack of thought and persistent ignorance to listen and take advice from those who play his own game more than himself). New players are also easy prey for bored higher levels to kill. Help is not completely absent, some people will be willing to help you occasionally, but Xenimus' contemporaries blow it out of the water on the helping new players front. Be under no illusion, if you are to play Xenimus you face a tough task becoming an experienced player. This is the main reason Xenimus is a top heavy game with more high levels then low levels. The website is here, where players can get directions and download the game. The official forum is here, where newcomers try and get help to start the game. There is a larger unofficial forum here where most of the higher levelled experienced players go. This forum is an interesting product of the top heavy community of Xenimus. All the old alumni of the game go here which means this forum actually wields more members then the official forum. This is because there are less new players then old.

The largely populated unofficial board is a tight community, there are no swear filters and you can talk about things which are illegal in the game such as 3rd party programmes and character sales. It is much more advisable to go to the official forums if you want to genuinly discuss Xenimus, and the unofficial forums for a light hearted chat in which you may up getting insulted by the many forum trolls!

[edit] Basics

The world of Xenimus is broken into two main regions, good and evil. Currently, the good region is much more developed as it was the entire world in previous versions of the game. There are several additional islands including a large neutral continent on another server. There is also a Dungeon Server, with another map as large as the main world, that can be accessed at various points in the world. Available quests are generally simple, and only a select few harbour any reward that is not just trivial. These quests are obviously the only ones that get done. The Jeloc quest is the final quest, a rigourous test of a player's skill and ability. The game works quite simply, the main controls of the game are customised to the player. Each user gets to map their spells they want to their keyboard. Things such as items, spells, and chat text can all be keyed in so the player don't have to run through their spell list, or type a certain thing many times to say it.

The good side is the top left of the map, while the evil side is the bottom-right. All things aren't shown on the official in game map. For instance where water can be seen one place on the map, may actually be some hidden place in the real Xenimus world. Players in theory could explore this area, but the lack of updates means the world is 99% explored, all useful parts of the map are in constant use by other players.

When a character is created, the player assigns ability points, a race, a class and a name. Depending on whether a good or evil race was chosen, the character will randomly be spawned in a town on that side of the map. Towns are generally ghost-towns, so good luck in getting a good start to the game!

[edit] Races and Classes

In Xenimus, there are races and classes that define the player's character. Each class has their different abilities for example wizards are generally better at magic than say, a fighter. Each race has their different advantages & disadvantages as well. If the player is a dreg race, they cannot be a magical class such as a wizard or a warlock.

Classes Xenimus provides a fair variety of classes including:

    - Fighters
    - Rangers
    - Warlocks
    - Paladins
    - Clerics
    - Wizards
    - Warlocks
    - Druids
    - Darkwars
    - Barbarians

Races These are the races players can choose from in Xenimus:

    - Dreg
    - Elf
    - Gnome
    - Scallion
    - Human
    - Behock
    - Idget
    - Half Orc
    - Sominex
    - Dark Elf
    - Minion

[edit] External links