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In the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting of Planescape, Xaositects are one of 15 factions. They are notably seen in the Planescape: Torment computer role-playing game.

The Xaositects (pronounced "kay-oss-ih-tekts") hold that there is no order in the universe, against the Harmonium who try to impose order upon an obviously chaotic universe. There is no system, no pattern, no law and no structure. It is obvious to them that order is merely an illusion. A look at the world around you should be clear evidence of that fact. In the instant that you stop fighting the chaos, everything returns to chaos and as such you should cease the fight against chaos and merely admire the beauty of its constructs, fleeting though they may be. As for the The Answer to the multiverse, they say truth lies in Chaos as well. After all, chaos is the natural state of the universe, so the only way to truly get a glimpse on the Big Meaning is to become one with the chaos, and let it guide you.

Xaositects are famous for talking in scramblespeak, a language with no structure. The technique is to hopelessly transpose words so as to confuse, and to randomly utter statements that make no clear sense. For example, one might say "this don't understand you do?" or randomly ask questions such as "if I were more green, what shirt would you like to purchase?"

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