Star Wars: X-wing (series)

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Star Wars: X-wing is a nine-book series of Star Wars novels by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston. Stackpole's contributions cover the adventures of a new Rogue Squadron formed by Wedge Antilles, while Allston's focus on Wraith Squadron, another creation of Antilles'. The first four novels, all by Stackpole, focus primarily on Corran Horn, a character created by Stackpole for the series. Allston's novels focus mainly on Kell Tainer, Wedge Antilles, and Garik "Face" Loran, although Allston also pays a lot of attention to other characters in his squadron, such as Gara Petothel.

The first seven novels take place 6.5-7.5 years ABY. Isard's Revenge takes place 9 years ABY, and Starfighters of Adumar takes place 12-13 years ABY. While the first eight books are largely continuous, the first four form a complete story arc, and the next three form another complete arc. Isard's Revenge mostly refers back to characters and situations created in Stackpole's first four novels. Starfighters of Adumar focuses on a few major characters (namely, several officers from Rogue Squadron, including Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson, and Hobbie Klivian). Like the other eight novels, it details the adventures of pilots in an X-wing squadron, but it is often considered to be a book of its own that shares little resemblance or continuity with the rest of the series, aside from the use of Rogue Squadron and some of its personnel.


[edit] Books in the series

  1. Rogue Squadron by Michael A. Stackpole (1996)
  2. Wedge's Gamble by Michael A. Stackpole (1996)
  3. The Krytos Trap by Michael A. Stackpole (1996)
  4. The Bacta War by Michael A. Stackpole (1997)
  5. Wraith Squadron by Aaron Allston (1998)
  6. Iron Fist by Aaron Allston (1998)
  7. Solo Command by Aaron Allston (1999)
  8. Isard's Revenge by Michael A. Stackpole (1999)
  9. Starfighters of Adumar by Aaron Allston (1999)

[edit] Plot arcs

[edit] Rogue Squadron to The Bacta War

The first four novels detail the reformation of Rogue Squadron as it makes a name for itself by performing several key missions, the first being the destruction of a key facility on Borleias, which puts the Rebel Alliance in a position to conquer Coruscant. Rogue Squadron plays a crucial role in the conquest of the Imperial capital in Wedge's Gamble. In order to entrap the New Republic, Imperial leader Ysanne Isard releases the Krytos virus on Coruscant, which directly leads to the Bacta War and the liberation of Thyferra by an independent Rogue Squadron.

[edit] Wraith Squadron to Solo Command

The fifth through seventh novels deal with the creation of Wraith Squadron and the missions and adventures that made that misfit squadron famous. The focus of the Wraiths is against Warlord Zsinj, who is waging a war against the New Republic. Wraith Squadron, Iron Fist, and Solo Command detail the squadrons struggles against Warlord Zsinj. Unlike the first plot arc, the squadron's attempts do not see a conclusion by the end of Solo Command, as Warlord Zsinj is not defeated until The Courtship of Princess Leia.

[edit] Isard's Revenge and Starfighters of Adumar

Isard's Revenge and Starfights of Adumar are largely stand-alone novels that do not tie into a cohesive plot arc. Isard's Revenge details Rogue Squadron's final attempts to destroy Ysanne Isard (who miraculously survived apparent death in The Bacta War), and Starfighters of Adumar relates the attempts by the New Republic and Rogue Squadron to convince a newly-discovered planet, Adumar, to join the New Republic.

[edit] Important characters

[edit] Rogue Squadron

[edit] Wraith Squadron


[edit] Other Rebel personnel

[edit] Imperial personnel

[edit] Miscellaneous personnel

Star Wars: X-wing
Rogue SquadronWedge's GambleThe Krytos TrapThe Bacta War

Wraith SquadronIron FistSolo Command
Isard's Revenge
Starfighters of Adumar

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