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WS-Policy is a specification that allows web services to use XML to advertise their policies (on security, Quality of Service, etc.) and for web service consumers to specify their policy requirements.

WS-Policy was submitted to the W3C on the 13th April 2006


[edit] Policy Assertion

Assertions can either be requirements put upon a web service or an advertisement of the policies of a web service.

[edit] Operator tags

Two "operators" (XML tags) are used to make statements about policy combinations:

  • wsp:ExactlyOne - asserts that only one child node must be satisfied.
  • wsp:All - asserts that all child nodes must be satisfied.

Logically, an empty wsp:All tag makes no assertions.

[edit] Policy Intersection

The policy intersection is a semantic (as opposed to syntactic) intersection of two policies. The intersection is a new policy that complies with both their requirements/capabilities - or, if the policies are incompatible, this is discovered by both parties.

[edit] See also