Workforce Skills Qualifications

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The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) system is a national continuing education and training system designed for adult workers which complements the formal education system for students. WSQ training is accessible to all workers and does not require academic pre-requisites. The WSQ provides training for skills upgrading and also recognition and certification of workers' existing skills. There are seven qualification levels from basic Certificate to graduate Diploma and these spell out the upgrading and career advancement pathways for workers. Workers can also be certified with Statements of Attainment for individual modules to fill gaps in their skills.

WSQ is based on industry agreed national skills standards, and courses only cover skills training which is determined by employers to be relevant to prevailing occupations in the industry. WSQ training is quality assured by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and is delivered to suit adult workers - modular, flexible, not necessarily classroom based and recognises past skills and experience that workers already acquired. WSQ, developed by WDA, was launched by the Minister of Manpower in October 2005. Through the WSQ system, we can enhance the professionalism of industries, improve their global competitiveness and create training avenues for workers to advance in their jobs and to enter new industries.

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