User:Womble/Commercial Products of VK
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New list of stuff to add from "The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom" by P. L. Simmonds
Contents |
[edit] A
- Albrus precatorius_, 643
- Acacia bark, 493
- Catechu_, 495, 577
- dealbata_, 505
- Acer saccharinum_, 205
- Acre, coffee trees to the, 69
- Achira plant, 355
- Achote, a name for arnotto, 447
- Acrocomia fusiformis_, 519
- Adeps Myristica_, 402
- Adme cyperus_, 626
- Adenanthera Pavonina_, 378
- Adansonia digitata_, 378
- African arrowroot, 353
- lard, 525
- purple millet, 307
- Africa, pepper grown in, 422
- tobacco culture in, 615
- Agar-Agar moss, 378, 379
- Agi or Guinea pepper, 429
- Agave Americana--a substitute for soap, 574
- Agaiti oil, 520
- Agricultural wealth of tropical regions, 2
- Aipi, 376
- Akyab, exports of rice from, 297
- Aleurites triloba_, 521, 538
- Alexandrian senna, 648
- Algaroba beans, 313
- bark, 503
- Algiers, tobacco culture in, 615
- Alizaine, 478
- Alkanet root, 442
- Allspice, the common name for pimento, 430
- Almond oil, 510, 533
- Aloes, statistics of exports from the Cape, 632
- varieties of, 628
- Alpinia Galanga_, 419
- Cardamomum_, 419
- racemosa_, 414
- Alstræmeria pallida_, 330
- Althea rosea_, 442
- Amaranthus gangiticus_, 434
- American arrowroot, 352
- flour, countries to which, shipped, 223
- Americans consume most coffee, 40
- Amboyna wood, 439
- Amomum_, species of, 419
- Zingiber_, 414
- Anacardium occidentale_, 495, 521
- Analyses, various, of tobacco, 592-93
- Analysis of the coffee plant, 49
- ashes of the coffee tree, 43
- of catechu, 579
- of Havana tobacco, 591, 615
- of other varieties, 615
- of oil cake, 546
- of soils, 617
- of soils, not so requisite abroad, 7
- of the sugar cane, by Dr. Evans, 154
- of sugar soils in the East, 172
- Anethum graveolens_, 376
- Sowa_, seeds of, 434
- Angola weed, 486
- Aniseed, 437
- Antigua arrowroot, statistics of, 353
- cost of cultivating sugar, 189
- Ants, remedy for, 181
- Anchusa tinctoria_, 442
- Andropogon, species of, 572
- Anileria_, a manufactory for indigo, 460
- Apricot oil, 511, 536
- Apios, 355, 371
- Aquilaria, species of, 439
- Arghel leaves, 647
- Arachis hypogoea_, 513
- Arenga saccharifera_, the _gomutus saccharifera_ of Rumphius, 136, 314
- Areometer, an instrument for testing oil, 532
- Arbor alba_, 566
- Areca nuts, value of the exports from Ceylon, 579
- palm, 577
- Argemone Mexicana_, 511, 521, 626
- Arnotto, 447
- Arpent, a French land measure, about one-seventh less than an acre, 251
- Arracan, exports of rice from, 297
- Arracacha esculenta_, 355, 375
- Arrack, 556
- used to flavor tobacco, 621
- Arroba, a Spanish weight of 25 lbs., the fourth part of a quintal.
- Arrowroot, Benzon's analysis of, 348
- culture and commerce of, 345
- made from the Palmyra shoots, 376
- starch of, 331, 334-35, 337
- Arsenic for steeping grain, poisonous effects from, 233
- Artocarpus incisa_, 318, 330
- Arum colocasia_, 364
- esculentum_, 364
- Rumphii_, 365
- Asafoetida, 633
- Asclepias curassavica_, 625
- gigantea_, 494
- tingens_, 442
- Assamee, an Indian name for the ryot or cultivator, 467
- Assam, introduction of tea culture, 94
- tea sales, 98
- Company, origin of, 98
- manufacture of tea in, 126
- Assaroo, rain sowing, 468
- Astoria theiformis_, used as tea at Santa Fe, 80
- Attap leaf for thatching, 405, 559
- Attar of roses, 570
- Aucklandia, 438
- Auracaria Bidwillii_, 377
- Australia, consumption of tea in, 87, 88
- sugar cultivation recommended, 139
- Austria production of beet-root sugar in, 197, 200
- Avicenna tomentosa_, 444
- Avocado seed yields a dye stuff, 444
- Awl tree, 443
[edit] B
- Babool wood, 493
- Bahu, a land measure in Java, equal to 71 acres.
- Bajree, the Indian name for Holcus Spicatus_, 306
- Bales of Cuba tobacco, size of, 613
- Balfour (Prof.) on the starch in potatoes, 330
- Ball's account of the cultivation, &c., of tea, 103
- Banana, starch in, 331
- Baptista tinctoria_, 453
- Barbacue, a platform for coffee drying, 69
- Baphia nitida_, 447
- Barbados arrowroot, 337, 353
- Barcelona, exports of cacao from, 13
- Bark of the larch, its utility, 376
- Barks for tanning, 492
- Barley, history and consumption of, 255
- Barrel of rice weighs 600 lbs. net, 291
- Barus camphor, 634
- Barwood, 445, 447
- Basket of rice, a measure equal to 55½ lbs., English,
- Bassia butyracea_, 136, 512
- Batatas edulis_, 330, 331, 357
- Bauhinia variegata_, 492
- Bayley (Mr.), on consumption of tea in the manufacturing districts
- Bay rush or tapioca, 376
- Beans, analysis of, 264
- Bearing time of different plants, 9
- Beck (Prof.) on various wheats, 222
- Beet root sugar produced on the Continent, 144
- Beet, varieties of the root, 191
- Belgians, large consumers of coffee, 40
- Belgium, production of beet root sugar in, 200
- Benares, production of indigo in, 475
- Ben, oil of, 523
- Bencoolen, pepper grown in, 423
- Bengal, cost of cultivating sugar in, 189
- Bennet on Ceylon, 316
- Bennett (Dr.), description of gambier, 500
- Berar, edible root of, 377
- Berberry, a dye stuff, 442
- Berbice, exports of coffee from, 73
- Bergamot, essence of, 566
- Berger's process of making rice starch, 344
- Bermuda arrowroot, statistics of, 353
- Berry wax, 540
- Betel leaf, 577
- Bhoe Moong, the Indian name for the ground nut, 515
- Bhull rice lands, 293
- Biggah, distinction between this land measure, 471
- Bignonia Chica_, 444
- Bihai, 320
- Bitter cassava, 331
- Bixa orellana_, 447
- Black ginger, 415
- Blood tree, 625
- Bollman (Prof.), on the potato rot, 359
- Bolitus used as food, 377
- Bonynge (Mr. F.) promotes tea culture in America, 97
- Borassus gomutus_, 315
- Borneo, pepper produced in, 422
- Bourbon, cacao grown in, 36
- Bousa, an African beer, 308
- Boussingault's analysis of wheat, 244
- Boyams, food plant, 377
- Bran, analysis of, 231
- Brassica oleracea_, oil from the seed, 539
- Brazilian arrowroot, 330, 367, 369
- Brazil, exports of coffee to America, 63
- Bread fruit, 318, 330
- Brick tea of Thibet, 92
- British Guiana, coffee produced in, 73
- Brood-boon, 319
- Bromelia Pinguin, fruit of, used for soap, 574
- Broom corn, 307, 308
- Brosimum alicastrum_, edible nuts of, 319
- Broussonitia tinctoria_, 485
- Brown bread, its wholesomeness, 230
- Bruce, (Mr. C.A.) on the manufacture of tea in Assam, 126
- Buchanania latifolia_, 494, 521
- Buckwheat, average weight of crop in New Brunswick, 253
- Buck yam, 333, 335, 362
- Bullhoof, yields a narcotic, 589
- Bunbury (Mr.) on Cape aloes, 632
- Butch wood, used to keep off ants, 181
- Butea frondosa_, 507
- Butter of cacao, 11, 12
[edit] C
- Cabacinha_, the Portuguese name for a purgative plant, 626
- Caballine aloes, 630
- Cacao beans or seeds, analysis of, 12
- Cacomite, a species of Tigridia, 374
- Cacoon, oil from, 511
- Cadet's analysis of barks, 495
- Cæsalpinia_, species of, 446
- Cæsalpinia Coriari_, 493
- Caffeine, analysis of, 80
- Cajeput oil, 566
- Caladium costatium_, 377
- Calambak wood, 439
- Calandra oryza_, 279
- Calcutta, exports of castor oil, 545
- Calidad, the best kind of Cuba tobacco, 613
- California, tea proposed to be cultivated in, 97
- Callistemon ellipticum_, 505
- Calophyllum Inophyllum_, 513
- Calumba plant, 638
- Calumbin, 638
- Calystegia sepium_, 642
- Camassia esculenta_, 376
- Camata, a variety of valonia, 508
- Camelina sativa_, 509, 511, 564
- Camotes, a Spanish name for the sweet potato, 375
- Camæladia ilicifolia_, 628
- Campbell (Dr. A.), on the tea culture at Darjeeling, 116
- Camphor, on the collection of, 633
- Cannabis indica_, 643
- Camwood, 447
- Canada, production of maple sugar in, 206
- Canadian yellow root, 626
- Canary Isles, millet exported from, 306
- Candleberry myrtle, 540
- Candlewood, 539
- Candles made of cinnamon suet, 390
- Candle tree, 521, 538
- Cane sugar, composition of, 136, 155, 157
- Canella alba_, 396
- Canna, species of, 355
- Canothus Americanus_, used as tea, 80
- Caoutchouc, 539
- Capa, a term in Cuba for good tobacco, 614
- Cape aloes, manufacture of, 631
- Capsicum, 428
- Carapa_, species yielding oil, 518
- Caracas, large produce of cacao in, 13
- Caraveru, a red pigment, 444
- Carraway seed oil, 437, 566
- Cardomoms, bastard, 419
- Carduus Virginianus_, 376
- Carob bean, 312, 313
- Carolina rice, shipments of, 285
- Carrageen, 379
- Carrots, average weight per bushel in New Brunswick, 253
- Carthamus tinctoria_, 450
- Caruto, a name for the Lana dye, 444
- Carver's treatise on tobacco culture, 607
- Carum carui_, 566
- Caryophyllus aromaticus_, 397
- Caryota urens_, 314
- Cascarilla bark, 396
- Cashew bark, 495
- Cassareep, an antiseptic, 339, 343, 369
- Cassava cakes, 342
- Cassia, a rival to cinnamon, 391
- Castor oil, 510, 511, 527, 536, 542, 563
- Catechu or Cutch, 579
- Cattle, consumption of Indian corn by, 271
- Catty, a Chinese weight, 400
- Cayenne, nutmeg introduced, 412
- Celastrus paniculatus_, 521
- Celebes, coffee grown in, 62
- Centrifugal machine for sugar, 140
- Cephælis Ipecacuanhæ_, 641
- Ceratonia siliqua_, 312, 313
- Cereal grasses, 216
- Ceroxyion andicola_, 541
- Cersium virginianum_, 376
- Cetraria islandica_, 343, 379
- Ceylon arrowroot, 353
- Ceylon, exports of castor oil from, 545
- Chay-root, 449, 478
- Chamarops Palmetto_, 495
- Chandu, the prepared extract of the opium, 585
- Chenopodium quinon_, 310
- Cherrots, Manilla, 619
- Chesnuts, consumed in France, 361
- Chest of opium, about 140 lbs., 58
- Chick pea, 312
- Chicory, extensive consumption of, 37
- Chillies, growth of, 428
- Chimo, powdered potatoes, 361
- China, population of, 86
- Chinese arrowroot, 352
- Chironia sapinda_, 521
- Chloranthus_, flowers used to flavor tea, 85
- Chocolate nuts, 11
- Christison (Prof.), analysis of gamboge, 640
- Chiretta, 641
- Chrysoptranic acid, 488
- Cibotium Billardieri_, 380
- Cigars, consumption of, 596
- Cinchona bark, 635
- Cinnamon, 382
- Citronella oil, 565, 573
- Clagett and Co.'s (Messrs.) tobacco circulars, 601
- Clarifying cane juice, 155
- Clark, (Mr.) on a new variety of tobacco, 613
- Classification and arrangement adopted in the work, 5
- Claytonia acutiflora_, 371
- Clerihew's coffee apparatus, 52
- Climate suited for various plants, 9
- Clove bark, 383
- Cloves, 397
- Cobres a first quality of indigo, 456
- Coca plant, 576
- Cocculus indicus_, 576
- Cochin China, coco nut oil exported from, 556
- Cochineal, value of the dye stuff, 440
- Cocoa, see Cacao, 9
- Cocos nucifera_, 547
- Cocum oil, 521
- Coffee, adulteration of, and substitutes for, 37
- Coimbatore, culture of tobacco in, 618.
- Coir, Coco nut, 551, 552, 555, 556.
- Colman (Mr.), on grain production, 219
- Colocasia_, varieties of cultivated, 364
- Colocynth_, 638
- Colombo root, 638
- Coloring principles of the lichens, 487
- Colza oil, 510, 513, 539
- Conium Arracacha_, 375
- Connecticut, culture of tobacco in, 606
- Consumption of rhubarb, 645
- Convolvulus Jalapa_, 641
- Conquin tay, plantain meal, 324
- Constantinople opium, 585
- Consumption of arrowroot, 354
- Convolvulus batatas_, 333, 334, 356
- Coolies employed in Mauritius, 150
- Copey, a Cuba dye wood, 485
- Copperah, 536, 549, 556, 560, 661
- Corakan flour, 304
- Coriander seed, 437
- Coriaria myrtifolia_, 493
- Cork tree bark, 504
- Corn, the common name for maize in America, 270
- Cortes, a description of indigo, 456
- Corypha umbraculifera_, 316
- Costus Arabicus_, 438
- Costa Rica, production of coffee in, 41, 64
- Cotton, information respecting, 9
- Courida bark, 495
- Cow-itch, 625
- Crane potato, 372
- Crawfurd (Mr. J.), estimate of pepper produce, 422
- Croix lachryma_, 304
- Crop hogshead of tobacco, weight of, 605
- Croton Cascarilla_, 396
- Cuba, coffee plantations in, 77
- Cubebs, medicinal, 639
- Cucumber seed oil, 512
- Cucumis Colocynthus_, 638
- Cudbear, imports of, 486
- Culilaban bark, 383
- Curcuma longa_, 419
- Curry stuff, imports into Ceylon, 434
- Cush, an Indian name for millet, 306
- Cutch, the Indian name for catechu, or gambier, 600
- Cuyupa, an Indian tuber, 374
- Cycas circinalis_, 314
- Cynamchum_ leaves, 649
- Cynosurus corocanus_, 306
- Cytisus Cajan_, 304
[edit] D
- Dacrydium cupressinum_, 505
- Dadap, a prop for the pepper, 425, 42
- Datisca cannabina_, 442
- Davis' (Dr.), analysis of maize, 265
- Day's analysis of barks, 495
- Demerara, exports of coffee from, 73
- Dholl, the Indian name for varieties of Cajanus_, 312
- Dhak tree, bark of, 507
- Dhurra, the Egyptian name for millet, 306
- Dicypellium caryophyllatum_, 384
- Didynamia gymosperma_, 520
- Dietetic articles used for the preparation of popular beverages, 11
- Dillock, a preparation with cayenne, 429
- Dioscorea aculeata_, 334, 362
- Diospyros glutinosa_, 494
- Dipterix odorata_, 434
- Dipterocarpus_, oil from, 511
- Divi-divi, 503
- Division of seasons in the tropics, 6
- Dodder cake, 564
- Dogwood, bark of, 627
- Dolichos biflorus_, varieties of, 312
- Domba oil, 513
- Dominica, exports of coffee from, 73
- Dracæna terminalis_, 355
- Drimys bark, 636
- Dryobalanops, species furnishing camphor, 634
- Dubranfaut's process of sugar making, 197, 201
- Dunsterville (Mr.), on Cape aloes, 631
- Duquesne (M.), process of making sugar from beet, 202
- Duration of various plants, 9
- Dutch pound, lighter than the English avoirdupoise pound; 100 Dutch pounds equal to 101 and 1-5th lbs.
- Dutch West Indies, production of coffee in, 41
- Duty, large, levied on tobacco, 598
- Dye stuffs, various, 440
- Dye woods, 445, 447
[edit] E
- Eagle wood, 439
- Earth mouse, 374
- Earth-nut oil, 513
- East India ginger, 416, 418
- East Indies, imports of indigo from, 477
- Eddoes or cocos, 364
- Edward's preserved potatoes, 361
- Egyptian corn, 307
- Elais, species furnishing palm oil, 524
- Elate sylvestris_ fruit, a masticatory, 579
- Elettaria Cardomomum_, 421
- Eleusine corocana_, 304
- Encephalartos cafer_, 319
- English opium, 586
- Eno bark, a black dye, 444
- Epidendrum_, species of, 431
- Ervum lens_, 312
- Erythric acid, 489
- Erythrina, a shade tree for the cacao, 15
- Erysimum perfoliatum_, oil from, 512
- Essences, 565
- Essential oils, 565
- Ethiopian pepper, 421
- Eucalyptus_, bark of, for tanning, 494
- Eugenia caryophyllata_, 397
- Eulophia virens_, 354
- Eupatorium glutinosum_, 643
- Euphorbia Lathyris_, 510
- Euterpe montana_, 549
- Evans' (Dr.) Sugar Planter's Manual, 140
- Evernia vulpina_, 488
- Evodia triphylla_, used as a perfume, 550
[edit] F
- Factory maund, about 70 pounds, 471
- Fagara piperita_, 421
- Fanega, a Spanish measure, the fifth part of an English quarter, equal to 12 quarrees, or 62 and 2-5ths acres, 13, 327
- Fanegada, a Spanish land measure, 9
- Farinaceous plants, 216
- Fennel flower, 421
- Ferula asafoetida_, 633
- Fern roots as food, 377, 380
- Fevillea scandens_, 511
- Finlayson's description of gambier manufacture, 500
- Fish oils consumed, 509
- Fitzmaurice on the sugar cane, 180
- Fixed oils, 510
- Flax seed oil, 509, 501
- Flores, a commercial classification of indigo, 456
- Florida, tobacco culture in, 609
- Flour, damaged, shipped from America, 227
- Flowering of the sugar cane, 182
- Food plants of commerce, 217
- Foo-foo, the dough of the plantain, 324
- Fortune (Mr. R.) on the tea districts, 89
- Fortune's (Mr. R.) wanderings in China, 103
- Fownes (Mr.) on clarifying cane juice, 164
- France, production of beet sugar in, 194, 200
- Frazla, the Arabian name for a bale of variable weight, in Mocha about 16 lbs. avoirdupoise,
- Free trade policy, effects of, 2
- French berries for dyeing, 443
- Fucus amylaceus_, 380
- Fundi or Fundungi, an African grain, 310
- Fustic, 445, 447, 485
[edit] G
- Gallipoli oil, 531
- Gallo tannic acid, 492
- Galidupa arborea_, 521
- Garancine, quantity and value of, 483, 484
- Gambier plant, 496
- Gamboge, 451
- Garcinea elliptica_, 451
- Garbelled, a term for sorted or picked
- Gabilla, a finger or hank of tobacco, 613
- Galangale root, 351, 418
- Garcinea Gambogia_, 640
- Garnett (Mr. A.) on the culture of the plantain, 320
- Galam butter, 538
- Gastrodia sesamoides_, 375
- Gesner (Dr.), plants recommended by, for cultivation, 371
- Genipa Americana_, 444
- Genista tinctorea_, 453
- Gentian, plants furnishing it, 640
- Ghee, 538
- Ginger, culture of, 414
- Gin, made from rye in Holland, 258
- Gigartina Iichenoides_, 379
- Gingelie seed oil, 511, 533
- Ginseng, 436
- Glen (Mr. J.), his experiments on Cassava starch, 370
- Gloves made from bark, 376
- Gluten contained in various grain crops, 264
- Gluten, composition of, 221
- Glycirrhiza, 643
- Glyrine Apios_, 371
- Glycerine, 643
- Glycirrhiza glabra_, 642
- Gnizotia oleifera_, 535
- Gohyan, an Indian name for upland rice, 282
- Gold of pleasure oil, 509
- Gomuti palm sugar, 136
- Gomatus saccharifer_, 314
- Goor, the Indian name for half-made sugar, 308
- Gorham's (Prof.) analysis of maize, 264
- Gourds used for packing aloes, 630
- Gracelaria lichenoides_, 379
- Graham (Dr.), on gamboge, 639
- Gram, the Indian name for the Ervum lens_, and _Cicer arietinum_, 312
- Grain crops, 217
- Grape sugar, properties of, 136
- Grater for rasping arrowroot, 338
- Grenada, cost of cultivating sugar in, 189
- Great Exhibition, results of, 2
- Green tea, mode of manufacturing, 113
- Griffith (Dr.) on tea plants in Assam, 111
- Groundnut oil, 511
- Guano, not much required in tropical countries, 7
- Guayaquil, large exports of cocoa from, 13
- Guazuma ulmifolia_, 164
- Guillemen's (M.) report on the tea plantations of Brazil, 128
- Guiana, cost of cultivating sugar in, 189
- Guinea pepper, 429
- Gums used by the dyers, 453
- Gum tree of Australia, 494
- Gun stock tree, 164
- Gunnera scabra_, 495
- Gunny bags, rough canvas bags, 392
- Guntang, an Indian dry measure of rather more than 15 pounds, 297
- Guaco, or snake plant, 627
- Gynerium saccharoides_, 136
- Gyrophora murina_, 486
[edit] H
- Hamatoxylon campechianum_, 484
- Hamilton (Dr.), on oil of ben, 523
- Havana tobacco, classification of, 613
- Hayti, exports of tobacco, 615
- Hazel nut, oil from, 510
- Hebradendron Cambogoides_, 451, 639
- Heather, dye from, 453
- Hectare, a French land measure, equal to about 2½ acres, 204
- Hectolitre, a French measure 192¼ bushel's
- Helot's lichen test, 452
- Herreria sarsaparilla, 646
- Heliconia humilis_, 320
- Hemlock tree, bark of, 494
- Hemp seed oil, 509
- Henna, a dye stuff, 486
- Hepatic aloes, 630
- Herring's palm kernel oil, 525
- Hernandez (Mr.) on Cuba tobacco, 608
- Heuchera Americana_, 494
- Hibiscus rosa sinensis_, 494
- Hingalee, the best Bengal tobacco, 617
- Hino bark, 606
- Hogs, large consumption of maize by, 271
- Holcomb (Mr.) on the wheat crop of America, 245
- Holcus avenaceus_, 307
- Holland, tea sent to, 86
- Honduras, export of indigo from, 460
- Hooker (Dr.) on brick tea, 92
- Hops, cascarilla bark used to adulterate, 397
- Horse gram, 312
- Hungary, production of beet sugar in, 197
- Hura crepitans_, 512, 626
- Husking rice, 290
- Hydraulic press for coco nut oil, 557
- Hydrastica canadensis_, 625
- Hymenoea Courbaril_, 313
- Hyperanthera Moringa_, 523
- Hypericum, species of, furnishes gamboge, 454, 640
[edit] I
- Iceland moss, 343, 379
- Illepe oil, 537, 511
- Ilex Paraguayensis_, indigenous to Brazil, 130
- Illicum anisatum_, 438
- Impey (Dr.) on Malwa opium, 587
- Implements of colonial agriculture few and simple, 6
- Imports of arrowroot, 351, 354
- Import commerce, our principal, articles furnished by the Vegetable Kingdom, 4
- Incense wood, 439
- Indigo, details of, 453
- Indigofera_, species of, 453
- India, tea culture in, 98
- Indiana, tobacco culture in, 607
- Indian aloes, 630
- Indian corn, weight of, 280
- Intoxicating liquors made from Cassava, 369
- Iodine, 378
- Ipecacuan, bastard, 653
- Ipomoea batatas_, 365
- Ireland, tobacco consumed in, 596
- Irish rock moss, 379
- Iron, quantity of, in tobacco, 617
- Irrigation for the tea plant never practised in China, 122
- Isatis Indigotica_,104
[edit] J
- Jaggery sugar, 555
- Japanese camphor, 633
- Japan, tea culture, 94
- Jatropha curcas_, oil from, 512
- Jacobson's (Mr.) work on tea culture in Java, 102
- Jalap, 641
- Jamaica, cost of cultivating sugar in, 189
- Jameson (Dr.) on the culture of tea in India, 106
- Java, cinnamon cultivated in, 383, 392
- Jack fruit tree, 319
- Janipha, starch in, 331
- Jasmine oil, 570, 574
- Jatropha gossypyfolia_, 625
- Jellies, clearness of, 337
- Jesuit's bark, 635
- Joar, the Indian name of the Sorghum vulgare_ or millet, 304, 306
- Job's tears, 304
- Johnson (Dr.) on manufacture of rose water, 570
- Jones's process for making rice starch, 344
- Jumowah, irrigated sowings, 468
- Juniperus, oil of, 565
[edit] K
- Kafir bread, 319
- Kamas root, an edible, 376
- Kanari kernels made into cakes, 547
- Katjang oil, produce of the ground nut, 515, 299
- Kawan, the Java tallow tree, 511
- Kashmir, culture of rice in, 295
- Kemmayes, an Arabian truffle, 381
- Kew Gardens, tea plant grows in, 101
- Kekune oil, 539
- Kentucky tobacco, statistics of, 598, 600
- Keora oil, 565
- Khoonte, the Indian name for a second cutting, 471
- Kiln-drying madder, 481
- Kilogramme, a French weight, equal to 21bs. 3oz. avoird., 194
- Kino, Australian, 506
- Knowltonia vessicatoria_, 626
- Koster's Travels in Brazil, 186
- Kous-kous, 311
- Kooyah plant, 376
- Kukui oil, 539
- Kumaon, tea plantations in, 117
[edit] L
- Laudanum, 584
- Lawsonia inermis_, 486
- Laminaria saccharina_, 379
- Lathyrus tuberosus_,374
- Larch bark edible, 376
- Laurus camphora_, 633, 35
- La Guayra, cacao from, 13
- Lana dye, 444
- Lecythis Tabucajo_, 512
- Lemon grass oil, 672
- Legumes, varieties of, 312
- Lecanora, species of, 432
- Lentils, 312
- Leaf tobacco shipped from the Havana, 614
- Liberia, suitability for coffee culture, 77
- Lichen tribe as food, 378
- Lichens, 486
- Lichenin, 343
- Licospermun racemosum_, 605
- Lindley (Dr.) on the cinchonas, 635
- Litmus, 452
- Lignum aloes, 439
- Litre, a French measure, equal to 1¾ English pint nearly, 202
- Lime, its influence on cane juice, 161
- Lindley (Prof.) on the wheat of South Australia, 221
- Lindley's classification of the plantain tribe, 322
- Liptospermum, oil of, 565
- Lilium Pomponium_, 356
- Lindley (Dr.) on the lichens, 486
- Linseed, 535
- Little (Mr.) on opium, 587
- Libra, a Spanish kind of tobacco, 613
- Liquorice, 642
- Logwood, 445, 447, 484
- Lotus seeds, used as food, 356
- Locust tree, 313
- Louisiana, cost of producing sugar in, 189
- Loxa bark, 636
- Luffas, properties of, 626
- Luggie, a measuring rod, 471
- Lucca oil, 531
[edit] M
- Macfarlane (Mr. A.) on the tea plant,117
- Madder, culture of, 478
- Madia sativa_ oil, 520
- Mahowa oil, 537
- Maclura tinctoria_, 485
- Mauritius weed, 486
- Mangrove bark, for tanning, 493
- Mac Micking (Mr.) on making cigars, 620
- Margose oil, 537
- Macaw tree, 519
- Maxwell (Dr.) on Neem oil, 537
- Marc of olives, 531
- Mango, kernel of, for bread, 378
- Marmala water, 574
- Malabar cardamoms, 419
- Manila, exports of indigo from, 476
- Mattrasses, stuffed with blades of Indian corn, 281
- Macculloch's (Mr.) estimate of indigo, 478
- Maize, number of varieties cultivated, 278
- Malphigia bark, for tanning, 495
- Maslin, quantity grown in France, 250
- Mace, imports of, 414
- Malt, quantity made, 255
- Mahoe, furnishes a dye stuff, 444
- Mauritius, exports of pepper, 426
- Mangrove bark, 450, 506
- Madagascar cardamoms, 419
- Mangostana Gambogia_, 451, 640
- Maple sugar, 205
- Manettia glabra_, 641
- Madeira, introduction of the tea plant, 94
- Madras, tea culture suitable for, 101
- Marah (Mr.) prize essay on coffee culture, 69
- Malambo bark, 636
- Machinery for sugar, 140
- Magdalena river, cacao indigenous on its shores, 14
- Magnolia fuseata_, used to flavor tea, 85
- Majoon, an opium confection, 585
- Malabar, production of coffee in, 41
- Malwa opium, 580
- Manure, a special for tobacco, 592
- Manures, suited to the coffee tree, 50
- Manioc, see Cassava
- Manihot, species of, 367
- Mansana, a land measure of 100 square yards, or nearly two British statute acres, 455
- Manyroot, 625
- Maranta arundinacea_, juice of an antidote to poisons, 627
- Marattia alata_, 380
- Maryland tobacco, statistics of, 598, 600
- Mate, a name for the Paraguay tea, 133
- Matico, 643
- Matias bark, 636
- Maund of Surat, 39¼ lbs.
- Melaleuca minor_, 566
- Metrosideros tomentosa_, 505
- Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum_, 494
- Menispermum coceulus_, 576
- Megass, a name given to the dried cane stems, or trash used for fuel, 168
- Meleguetta pepper, 420
- Melsen's process of sugar boiling, 203
- Mespilus Bengalensis_, 443
- Mendo, a wild sweet potato of North America, 372
- Menomine, an Indian edible root, 372
- Mexican thistle, 626
- Mexico, imports of indigo from, 477
- Metroxylon sagus_, 314
- Millet, varieties of, cultivated, 304
- Miller on tobacco culture, 608
- Mill, rude one, used in Siam for hulling paddy, 302
- Mills for cleaning rice, 286, 288
- Minot, a Canadian grain measure about one-eighth less than a bushel, 251
- Milloco, a tuberous plant, 374
- Mint, culture of, 567
- Mimosa bark, 504
- Mico or mijo, a vegetable butter made in Java, 313, 512
- Monkey bread, 378
- Morinda, species of, 443, 449
- Morewood (Mr. E.), his exertions in Natal, 140
- Mocha, production of coffee in, 41
- Mother cloves, definition of, 397
- Moussache, the fecula of the manioc, 315
- Mountain rice, 285, 290, 296
- Morphia, proportion in opium, 584, 585
- Mora excelsa_, 495
- Morinda citrifolia_, 478
- Moringa oil, 523
- Musa, species of, 319
- Musquash root of the Micmacs, 371
- Mustard seed, 437
- Muscovado sugar, cost of producing, 189
- Mucuna pruriens_, 625
- Muchowa_ oil, 511
- Musa textilis_, 321
- Mustard oil, 510, 511
- Munjeet, 449
- Munjestha_, 484
- Muracuja ocellata_, a narcotic, 489
- Myrica cerifera_, 494, 540
- Myrtus carophyllata_, 284
- Myristica_, varieties of the tree, 401
- Myrobolans, 506
- Myrtle wax, 540
- Mysore, production of coffee in, 41
[edit] N
- Napoota_ oil, 620
- Nauclea Gambir_, 496
- Namur oil, 572
- Natal Agricultural Society, its endeavours to promote sugar cultivation, 139
- Narthex asafoetida_, 633
- Nelumbium_, seed of, as food, 378
- New South Wales, suited for madder, 482
- Negrohead tobacco, 601
- New Orleans, capabilities for rice culture, 287
- Nerium_, 453
- Neem tree oil, 511, 537
- Nicaragua wood, 445, 447
- Nipa fruticana_, 136
- Nipah, leaf for thatching, 559
- Nicotine, 590
- Nicotium_, species of the plant, 590
- Nitrogen, in grain, 307
- Nigella, species of, 421
- North West Provinces, tea culture in, 117
- Nostoe edulis_, 378
- Northern Australia, directions for growing tobacco, 623
- Nut oil, price of, 517
- Nutgall, tannin in, 492, 495
- Nut pine, 377
- Nutmeg tree, 401
- Nux vomica_, 577
- Nyctanthes arbortristes_, 494
- Nymphæa lotus_, starch obtained from, 352
[edit] O
- Oats, proportion of oil in, 564
- Oatmeal, imported 218
- Oats and beans, produce of in England, 248
- Oak bark, tannin in, 492
- Ocas, a tuberous plant, 374
- Ocoes or taniers, 331
- Ocymum tuberosum_, 356, 367
- Ohio tobacco, statistics of, 598, 600
- Oil of aniseed, 438
- Oil, proportions of in various crops, 264
- Oil of cubebs, 639
- Oil of cloves, 398
- Oilcake as a manure, 50
- Oil palm, 525
- Oils, burning properties of various, 508
- Oldenlandia umbellata_, 449
- Oleaginous plants, 509
- Olea fragrans_, 528
- Olives, mode of preserving the fruit, 530
- Olive oil, prices of, 531
- Omen-e-chah, the Indian name for a wild bean, 372
- Onions, planted with arrow root, 347
- Ophelia chitrata_, 641
- Opium, history and trade of, 580
- Orceine, 488
- Orchilla weed, 452
- Orchids furnishing salep, 354
- Orituco cacao, superior quality of, 14
- Oryza, varieties of, 284
- Orlong, a land measure in the East, equal to 1-1/3 acre, 297
- O'Shaughnessy's analysis of Ceylon moss, 380
- Oswego starch factory, 343
- Otto of khuskhus, 573
- Otaheite cane, 153
- Oude, production of indigo in, 464, 475
- Oxalic acid, used for vinegar, 312
- Oxley (Dr.) on nutmeg culture, 402
[edit] P
- Paddy, a name for rice in the husk, 297
- Patchouly, 537
- Pannam kilingoes, 376
- Parchment coffee, 60
- Pao Crava_, one of the spice barks, 384
- Pachyrrhizus angulatus_, 377
- Palm oil, imports of, 527
- Palm oil, 509, 524
- Palma Christi, 542
- Palmetto palm, 495
- Palmyra nut, first shoot of, edible, 376
- Pan, a masticatory, 577
- Pancratium, species of, 625
- Pandanus, fruit of eaten as food, 377
- Panicum, various species of, 304
- Panax quinquefolium_, 436
- Palos de Velas_, 521
- Paper made from plantain fibre, 335
- Papsalum exile_, 310
- Papaver somniferum_, 580
- Paraguay tea plant common in Brazil. 130
- Parietinic acid, 488
- Parmenteira cerifera_, 521
- Parmelia, species of lichens, 486
- Peas, analysis of, 264
- Peeling coffee, 51, 60
- Peligot (Mr.) on the composition of wheat, 230
- Pepper, black, 421
- Peppermint oil, 566
- Peon, the Spanish term for a laborer, 135
- Persea gratissima_, 444
- Perfumed oils, 569
- Persian berries, 443
- Peas imported, 218
- Pessaloo, an Indian name for the Phaseolus mungo_
- Pereira's classification of the cinchonas, 636
- Peruvian bark, 635
- Pearl sago, 318
- Piper angustifolium_, 643
- Petty rice, 310
- Pekea_, species of, yielding oil, 512
- Pea-nut, 516
- Persian tobacco, 615
- Phaseolus, varieties of, 312
- Phaseolus Mungo max_, 171
- Phalaris caniesis_, 314
- Phlomis, 643
- Philippines, cassia brought from, 394
- Philippine Islands, sugar cultivation in, 153
- Philippines, export of indigo from, 476
- Phillip's (Dr.) analyses of Guinea corn, 307
- Phyllodadus trichomanoides_, 505
- Physic nut, 512, 625
- Picul, a Dutch weight of 133-1/3 English pounds, 36
- Piddington's (Mr.) analyses of tobacco, 617
- Pigeon-pea, 304
- Pignons, use of as food, 377
- Pimpinella Anisitm_, 437
- Pimento, 430
- Pinang, nutmegs in, 412
- Piper Betel, 577
- Pinus Pinea_, seeds of the cones used for food, 377
- Piney tallow, 512
- Plantation sugar, imports, 139
- Plantado passado, 323
- Plantain, dye stuffs obtained from, 444
- Planche, his memoir on the sagos, 315
- Plumeria_, essences of, 524
- Plectranthus graveolens_, 573
- Plough used in Brazil, 184
- Polygonum fagopyrum_, 260
- Poa Abyssinica_, 308
- Pomegranates, for dyeing, 440
- Potash an important element in maize, 267
- Potatoes, mode of keeping in Peru, 361
- Potato, information respecting, 10
- Poisons, 627
- Pomme des Prairies_, of the Canadians, 373
- Pounding coffee, 61
- Population of Great Britain, &c., 87
- Porto Rico, exports of coffee, 77
- Poonac, as manure, 50
- Pomegranate bark, 493, 495
- Poonay oil, 511-13
- Polygonum tinctorium_, 453
- Pongamia glabra_, 521
- Pogostemon patchouly_, 573
- Poppy, culture of, 581
- Polypodium crassifolium_, used as a perfume, 550
- Preserved Plantains, 323
- Prices, average of sugar, 145
- Prickly poppy, 626
- Princeza snuff, 594
- Prince of Wales Island, clove culture in, 399
- Prosopis pallida_, 313
- Protein compounds, 307, 310, 342
- Produce of various plants, 9
- Production, average of various plants, 9
- Provence oil, 531
- Province Wellesley, clove culture in, 400
- Prussia, tobacco consumed by, 596
- Pruning coffee tree, 69
- Psoralia, varieties of, 372
- Pteris esculenta_, 380
- Pterocarpus marsupium_, 493
- Pulping mill for coffee, 51
- Purging nut, 625
- Pulse, culture of, 312
- Putchuk or Costus, 438
- Punjaub, proposed culture of tea in, 101
- Pustulatus_ moss, 486
[edit] Q
- Qually, an iron vessel for drying sago, 317
- Quarree, a Spanish land measure, about 5¾ English acres, 326
- Quassia wood, 643
- Quas, a fermented Russian beverage, 308
- Quercitron, 443
- Quercus tinctoria_, 443, 485
- Quintal, the Spanish cwt., equal to 101¾ lbs. English,
- Quinine, imports of, 636
- Quillai, bark of, used for soap, 574
- Quinoa, 310
[edit] R
- Railways, large consumption of oil for, 513
- Ramos (Mr.) his dessicating agent for sugar, 140, 162
- Ramalina fufuracea_, 486
- Ram-til, 535
- Ramsay (Mr. C. J.) on beet sugar manufacture, 200
- Ranunculus, properties of, 626
- Rape oil, 609
- Rape seed, quantity imported, 563
- Raphis fabelliformis_, 314
- Red pepper, 429
- Reseda lutea_, 452
- Revenue from sugar, 143
- Rhamnus, varieties of, 442
- Rhizaphora mangle_, 493, 506
- Rhubarb, 644
- Rhus, species of, 450
- Ricinus communis_, 542
- Rial, a Spanish coin worth 6d., 135
- Rice starch, 344
- Rice imported, 218
- Richardsonia scabra_, 641
- Rimu, or red pine, 505
- Robertson (Mr.) on the collection of Paraguay tea, 133
- Robiquet (E.) analysis of aloes, 629
- Rocella dye, 452
- Room, an Indian dye stuff, 443
- Roucou, a name for arnotto, 447
- Rotation of crops, 243
- Root crops, 355
- Rollers, proportionate advantages of those with 3 & 4, 168
- Roxburgh on the sugar cane, 179
- Roses, cultivation of, 570
- Rottlera tinctoria_, 442
- Royle's (Prof.) productive resources of India, 103
- Rubia cordifolia_, 484
- Ruellia tuberosa_, 625
- Ruellia, a dye stuff, 443
- Rupee, an Indian coin worth about, 2s
- Russia, production of beet sugar in, 199
- Rye, analysis of, 258
[edit] S
- Sappan wood, 445, 446, 447
- Salisbury (Dr.), analysis of maize, 265
- Saxony, beet sugar manufacture in, 199
- Salt, recommended as a fertiliser, 172
- Santalum album_, 565
- Saa-ga-ban root of the Indians, 371
- Saga, the Java name for bread, 314
- Saccharum sinensis_ of Roxburgh, 136, 169
- Safflower, 450
- Salangore sugar cane, an excellent variety, 154
- Sandwich Islands, arrowroot made in, 352
- Sandbox, seeds of, emetic, 626
- Saul tree, wood useful for tea boxes, 114
- Sarsaparilla, 645
- Saguerus Rumphii_, 314, 316
- Salep, 354
- Samshing, a refuse produce of opium, 585
- Sandoway in Arracan produces superior tobacco, 616
- Saponaceous plants, 674
- Sapindus, varieties of, 574
- Salvadora persica_, 521
- Sapindus marginatus_, 521
- Saouari oil, 512
- Sanguinaria canadensis_, 511
- Scammony, 642
- Scharling's (Dr.) test for adulterated arrowroot, 349
- Schomburgk (Sir R.), arrowroot forwarded by, 352
- Scotland, produce of grain in, 249
- Seed leaf tobacco, 606
- Senna, varieties of, 647
- Sesame oil, 511, 533
- Setaria italica_, 305
- Shanghae oil, 511
- Sheet lead, manufacture of for tea cases, 114
- Shorea robusta_, 114, 521
- Shier (Dr.), his opinion on cassava starch, 370
- Shea butter, 538
- Shiraz tobacco, 613
- Sicily oil, 531
- Siam gamboge, 639
- Sidu lanceolata_, 574
- Sugar, obtained from the palm tree, 314
- Simaruba amara_, 643
- Singapore, produce of gambier in, 501
- Sinapis, species of, yielding oil, 512
- Silica, essential for wheat soils, 240
- Singhara nuts, 378
- Sinde, culture of rice in, 293
- Smith (Dr.), his experiments in tea culture in America, 95
- Snuff, duty received on, 597
- Sorghum officinarum_, 136
- Soap, made from coco-nut oil, 559, 562
- Soil suited to coffee, 68
- Solly (Prof.) on the want of a hand-hook for the cultivator, 1
- Society of Arts, premiums offered by, 2
- Soconusco, the finest cacao, 13
- Socotrine aloes, analysis of, 629
- Soja hispida_, 313
- Soy, mode of making, 313
- Sohrinjee oil, 478, 523
- South Australia, tobacco culture in, 624
- South Carolina, exports of rice from, 285
- Sooranjee, 478, 523
- Spergula sativa_, flour from the seed, 377
- Sphoeroccus crispus_, 379
- Spanish moss, 380
- Spices, plants which furnish, 382
- Spikenard oil, 572
- Spondius lutea_, 495
- Spergula sativa_, 512
- Stalagmites cambogoides_, 451
- Star anise, 438
- Starch producing plants, 329
- Starch contained in various grain crops, 264
- Statice coriaria_, 444
- Stenhouse (Dr.) on the lichens, 490
- Stillingia sebifera_, 512
- St. John's bread, 312-13
- St. Lucia, cost of cultivating sugar, in, 189
- St. Kitt's, cost of cultivating sugar in, 189
- St. Domingo, exports of coffee to the United States, 63
- St. Vincent, introduction of the clove to, 399
- Straits settlements, nutmeg culture in, 407
- Sumbul root, 649
- Surat maund, 39¼ lbs., 401
- Sumach, 450
- Sunflower oil, 509-10-36
- Sullivan (Mr.) on cost of beet root sugar, 191
- Sugar, cost of producing in different countries, 189
- Sugar cane, varieties of, 137, 153, 168
- Sugar, information respecting, 10
- Sugar maple, 205
- Sumatra, production of coffee in, 41
- Sumatra, production of pepper in, 422
- Sweet cassava, 331
- Sweet potato, 330-31-37-65
- Swift (Mr.) on the culture of madder, 480
- Swamp potato, 373
- Sxygium carophyllæum_, 384
- Sylvanus surinamensis_, 279
- Symplocos, varieties of, 442
[edit] T
- Tacca plant, species of, 354
- Tahiti arrowroot, 354
- Talipot palm, furnishes sago, 316
- Tallicoonah oil, 518
- Tallow tree of China, 512
- Tanping, a Chinese oil cake, 312
- Tannin of nutgalls, 492
- Tannia, 334-35-36-37
- Tanahaka bark, 505
- Tapioca sago, 315
- Tasmannia aromatica_, 421
- Taro, 364
- Tartareous moss, 486
- Taniers, or ocoes, 331
- Taurine, Leibig on, 80
- Tea, total outlay for by the British public, 86
- Teel or Til oil, 511, 533
- Teff, an African bread, 308
- Teinsing, a Chinese vegetable dye, 104
- Temperature requisite for various plants, 8, 9
- Tempering cane juice, 158
- Tenacity of starches, 336
- Terminalia angustifolia_, 494
- Terra Japonica, a misnomer, 490
- Teuss, a Chinese legume, 312
- Texas, production of sugar in, 147
- Thespesia populnea_, 444
- Thea viridis_, 103, 110
- Theine, analysis of, 80
- Thistle oil, 511, 103, 110, 626
- Theobromine, 11
- Theobroma_, description of the tree, 11
- Tikoor, a local name for Indian arrowroot, 351
- Til oil, 511
- Tip-sin-ah, a wild prairie turnip of North America, 372
- Tinnevelly senna, 648
- Ti plant, 355
- Tirhoot, production of indigo in, 475
- Tobacco, memorial of American Chamber of Commerce, 595
- Tonquin beans, 434
- Tous-les-mois, starch of, 330-33-35-37-40
- Topinam bar, 365-76
- Topping the coffee tree, 68
- Towai bark, 505
- Toddy, 555
- Travers (Mr. J.I.) on consumption of tea, 87
- Trinidad, exports of coffee from, 73
- Tropæolum tuberosum_, 536
- Tripa, a name for damaged tobacco leaves, 611
- Tripolium alpinum_, 643
- Truffle, 381
- Tuberous plants, new, recommended, 370
- Tuber cibarium_, 381
- Turkey berries, 442
- Turmeric, 419, 434, 442
- Turnips, average weight of crop in New Brunswick, 253
- Turpentine, spirits of, 565
- Typha bread, 380
- Tye, a preparation of opium, 585
[edit] U
- Unearia Gambier_, 496
- United States, production of sugar in, 145
- Upland rice, 302
- Ure (Dr.), on arrowroot manufacture, 347
- Urania guianensis_, 444
[edit] V
- Valenaria edulis_, 376
- Valonia, 507
- Van Diemen's Land, culture of oats in, 258
- Vanilla, 431
- Vara, a Spanish land measure, 9
- Variolaris_, species of lichens, 486
- Varzeas, a Portuguese name for low and marshy ground, 183
- Vateria indica_, 512
- Vegetable butter, 538
- Velvet moss, 486
- Venezuela, coffee culture in, 62
- Verbesena sativa_, 535
- Vernonia anthelmentica_, 521
- Vinegar, made from millet, 306
- Virginian tobacco, statistics of, 598, 600
- Virola sebifera_, 401, 512
- Voandzou, 371
- Voelcker (Dr.), analysis of quinoa, 310
- Volatile or essential oils, 565
- Vuelta abajo_, the best class of Cuba tobacco, 613
- Vulpinic acid, 488
[edit] W
- Wabessepin, a wild American potato, 372
- Wages paid in the Mauritius, 150
- Walnut, oil from, 510
- Wangle, oil seed, 533
- Watappinee, an Indian edible root, 372
- Water, proportion of in different kinds of wheat, 221
- Wax berries, 546
- Weinmaunia_, bark of, 499
- Weight per bushel of crops in New Brunswick, 253
- Wellstead (Lt.) on Socotro aloes, 629
- Westring (Dr.) on the Swedish lichens, 489-90
- West India ginger, 418
- Wheat, weight of, as an index of value, 236
- White pepper, statistics of, 428
- Whisky, quantity of maize used for, 271
- Wilcockes on Paraguay tea trade, 135
- Williams's Middle Kingdom, extract from, 105
- Willoughbeia edulis_, 378
- Wilson (Mr. T.) on the cost of producing sugar, 189
- Wilson's rice-cleaning machine, 290
- Winnowing coffee, 51
- Woad, 452
- Wood dyes, 449
- Wray's practical sugar planter, 140
- Wrightia tinctoria_, 463
[edit] X
- Xanthoxylum piperitum_, 421
- Xiguilite_, the indigo shrub, 460
- Xylocarpus granatum_, 519
- Xylopia aromatica_, 421
[edit] Y
- Yam, back, 333, 335, 337-38-39, 362
- Yams, varieties of cultivated, 362
- Yampah root, 376
- Yellow berries, 443
- Yerba, Spanish and native name for the Paraguay tea tree, 133
- Yucca amarga_, 331
- Yucca, the Peruvian name for cassava, 367, 375
[edit] Z
- Zamia, arrowroot obtained from, 319, 352
- Zanzibar, clove plantations in, 400
- Zea Mays_, description of, 260
- Zingiber officinale_, 414
- Zizania aquatica_, 284
- Zones, Meyen's division of, 25
- Zollverein, production of beet root sugar in, 198