Wolfe conditions

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In (unconstrained) optimization, the Wolfe conditions are a set of inequalities for performing inexact linesearches; that is, for efficiently selecting a step length in the linesearch algorithm.

Let f:\mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R be a smooth objective function, and let \mathbf{p}_k be a given search direction. A step length αk is said to satisfy the Wolfe conditions if the following two inequalities hold.

i) f(\mathbf{x}_k+\alpha_k\mathbf{p}_k)\leq f(\mathbf{x}_k)+c_1\alpha_k\mathbf{p}_k^{\mathrm T}\nabla f(\mathbf{x}_k),
ii) \mathbf{p}_k^{\mathrm T}\nabla f(\mathbf{x}_k+\alpha_k\mathbf{p}_k)\geq c_2\mathbf{p}_k^{\mathrm T}\nabla f(\mathbf{x}_k),

with 0 < c1 < c2 < 1. Inequality i) is known as the Armijo condition and ii) as the curvature condition. i) demands that αk gives 'sufficient' decrease in f, and ii) ensures that the slope of the function \phi(\alpha)=f(\mathbf{x}_k+\alpha\mathbf{p}_k) at αk is greater than c2 times that at 0.

The Wolfe conditions provide a computationally more attractive way of computing a step length than minimizing exactly φ over \alpha\in\mathbb R. However, the conditions can result in a value for the step length that is not close to a minimizer of φ. If we modify the curvature condition to say

iia) \big|\mathbf{p}_k^{\mathrm T}\nabla f(\mathbf{x}_k+\alpha_k\mathbf{p}_k)\big|\leq c_2\big|\mathbf{p}_k^{\mathrm T}\nabla f(\mathbf{x}_k)\big|

then i) and iia) together are the so-called strong Wolfe conditions, and as such αk is forced to lie close to a critical point of φ.

[edit] References

  • J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization. Springer Verlag, New York, NY, 1999.