Wolf (The 10th Kingdom)

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Name Wolf
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Status Alive
Nationality The 2nd Kingdom
Position Hero of the 4th Kingdom - One of the: Four Who Saved The Nine Kingdoms
Notable Relatives Virginia Lewis (Bride-to-be)
Tony Lewis (father-in-law-to-be)
Portrayed by Scott Cohen
Created by Simon Moore

Wolf is a fictional hero, one of The Four Who Saved The Nine Kingdoms, in Hallmark Entertainment's and NBC's 2000 mini-series The 10th Kingdom by Simon Moore. Wolf was portrayed by Scott Cohen.

His desire is to be a man, but he goes through this phase, like PMS, where he has to eat something - a human being or a sheep or a rabbit or whatever. And because he's in love with Virginia (Kimberly Williams), he wants this to stop. So he sees a psychiatrist and he takes all these books with him wherever he goes.

Scott Cohen, on his character Wolf


[edit] History

Born in the 2nd kingdom, Wolf is half-wolf and half-human. He spent his cub-hood in the wilds of Red Riding Hood Forest. (There is speculation amongst some fans on whether Wolf is or isn't the Half-human grandson of the infamous Big Bad Wolf, who tried to eat Little Red Riding Hood. According to the character guide on the DVD, Wolf is actually a descendant of Little Red Riding Hood herself. It is conceivable that one of his parents was the result of the Big Bad Wolf raping Little Red Riding Hood.) Wolf spent his childhood straddled between the worlds of wolves and humans.

Wolf was rebellious in school but managed to excel in track and field events because of his great speed. He is known throughout the Nine Kingdoms for his voracious appetite. Independent, cunning, and aided with a wolf's keen senses of smell, hearing and sight, Wolf has his mind pretty much on either his last meal or his next.

Wolf has been looking out for "number one" ever since his parents were burned to death by farmers; and because of his wolf-heritage, Wolf faces prejudice from people (farmers, etc.), so he must keep his tail hidden and his behaviour toned down wherever he goes.

To feel "full", Wolf would indulge his wolfish appetite, gorging into blissful stupors (or as he now puts it, "Using Food as a Substitute for Love") and using his "charming" skills to keep out of trouble - until he is incarcerated in the Snow White Memorial Prison for sheep poaching.

[edit] Story of the 10th Kingdom

Wolf is serving time in the Snow White Memorial Prison, for "sheep poaching". The newly liberated Evil Queen makes him an offer for his freedom: obey her without question, as she needs him to seek out and retrieve Prince Wendell (who she had turned into a dog) before the Trolls. The Evil Queen also wants his will; "Give your will to me. Be mine to summon and control."

Enthusiastic to be free of his prison cell, Wolf pursues Prince Wendell down into the cellars of the Snow White Memorial Prison until Prince Wendell discoveres a Magic-Mirror (in an avalanche of discarded junk) and escapes through it into another world (Central Park of Manhattan, New York City).

Wolf continues his mission and pursues Prince Wendell through Central Park. Prince is taken in by Virginia Lewis after a collision with her bike. Wolf misses them in The Grill on the Park/Green Restaurant after discovering the menu, but succeedes in acquiring Virginia's home address by sweet-talking a waitress.

When Wolf arrives at the address, he observes that the Trolls have already been and that Virginia is gone. He then dupes her father Tony Lewis into telling him where Virginia might possibly have gone next, in exchange for a Magic Bean that will grant "Six Glorious Wishes". Wolf is eager to catch-up with Virginia after he saw (and then stole) her picture.

Wolf then makes his way to Virginia's grandmother's apartment, and poses as Virginia's suitor to Virginia's grandmother, with a picture of Virginia to prove it. Once inside, Wolf then ties up the grandmother, and prepares to eat both Virginia and the old woman - until he sees Virginia: "You're fantastic. Your picture doesn't do you justice. Wow. Oh, no. How did this get here. (Drops the meat cleaver. Virginia tries to flee to the bedroom door, but Wolf blocks her.) By the way, where is the dog? Sleeping in if I know royalty. (Blocks Virginia from the other door and smells her hair.) You smell great. I've had little teasers of your scent before, Virginia, but in the flesh... perfumes are not for me. No. I respond favourably to the audacity of a woman who flaunts her own aroma. And you Virginia, you smell like Sunday lunch. - Beautiful eyes, beautiful teeth, all the right stuff in all the right places... no doubt about it, I am in love."

Wolf attempts to persuade Virginia to go on a date with him. But Virginia pushes Wolf out a window and he falls on top of a pile of bin bags, unconscious.

Wolf wakes up later, confused. Mistaken by a psychiatrist for a referral, he has a chance to gain some insight into his behavioural quirks by reading a number of recommended self-help and improvement books, learning hints on how to tone down the desires of his wolfish side. Wolf pursues Tony through Central Park with his newly acquired self-help books, hoping to catch-up with Virginia.

Wolf returns back the world of the Nine Kingdoms through the Magic-Mirror, shortly after the three Trolls had returned. He trails the Trolls as they escape the Snow White Memorial Prison with an unconscious Virginia (who the three Trolls now believe to a powerful witch from the mythical 10th Kingdom), over the river-border between the 3rd and 4th Kingdoms and back to their father's castle in the beanstalk-ravaged 3rd Kingdom.

Wolf rescues Virginia by incapacitating the three Trolls with his cunning; he throws a gift-wrapped box (with a leather purse inside) through an open window, marked with the words, 'To the Strongest, Bravest Troll'. All three Trolls smell the leather and with their shoe fetish believe the box to contain shoes. They end up knocking each other out over who gets the box; once they were all knocked out cold, Wolf swings in to rescue Virginia. It was just in the nick of time, as the trolls were about to torture Virginia by making her dance in red-hot iron slippers.

Virginia remembers Wolf from her grandmother's apartment, and Wolf explains that he now knows he has a problem: "Don't worry, I'm not who I used to be. I've had extensive therapy. I realize that I have been using food as a substitute for love, and I have the books to prove it." Wolf helps Virginia to escape the Troll's castle, not knowing that she took the Troll King's Magic Invisibility Shoes. After explaining to Virginia that they have to avoid the road that leads back to the river-border to go back the Snow White Memorial Prison, Wolf starts to guide her through a forest of giant beanstalks. After coming across a statue of 'Brave Jack, First Mayor of Bean Town' (Jack and the Beanstalk), Virginia tries to give Wolf the slip with the Magic Invisibility Shoes. He is soon on her scent trail and he finds her as the Magic Invisibility Shoes run out of power; "They're not fully recharged. It's a design fault in the shoes, one of many, in fact."

After Wolf finds Virginia, Wolf is faced with, first, the challenge of not taking advantage of Virginia, when under the influence of the shoes she tries to seduce him: "Oh Virginia, as much as I would love to believe what you're telling me, I'm afraid it's the shoes that are talking, you'd say anything to put them on again.", and second, eluding the incoming Troll King and his men who are in pursuit of Virginia and Wolf to regain the Magic Invisibility Shoes. Wolf and Virginia avoid the Trolls and the dogs by hiding up one of the beanstalks; its potent smell puts off the dogs. When the Trolls pass by, Virginia learns that Wolf has a tail, and that he was in the Snow White Memorial Prison for Sheep Worrying.

[edit] Wolf’s special skills

Throughout the Mini-series and the novel adaptation, Wolf displayed a number of useful and special skills, talents that come with his half-wolf heritage:

  • Persuasion - Wolf has a talent for almost always getting what he wants. It is emphasised in the novel adaptation that Wolf can make his eyes flash a hypnotic green, while in the Mini-series, Wolf could make his eyes go a feral yellow. However he never tried to use this talent on Virginia.
  • Keen Senses: Smell, Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste – as a half-wolf, Wolf has the keen senses and instincts of a wolf, assets that come in useful when it comes to surviving in certain conditions in the Nine Kingdoms. All of Wolf's senses become more keen during a Full Moon. According to Wolf, he had known all along that Virginia and the The Evil Queen were daughter and mother from the moment he had smelled them.
  • Cunning – Like all wolves in the world of the Nine Kingdoms, Wolf has 'wolf-like-cunning' and a talent for scheming: In the beginning, after he is released by the Evil Queen and in his pursuit of Prince Wendell (who was currently spellbound as a dog) Wolf uses his cunning and 'Persuasion' to sweet-talk Candy Fitzsimmons to get Virginia's home address; with the airs of a con-artist, Wolf talks Tony into reveal Virginia's possible location in exchange for a Magic Dragon-Dung Bean; and to out-wit all three of the Troll King's children before they could begin to torture Virginia with red-hot iron shoes. Nearing the end of the story, Wolf fools everybody (good guys and bad guys) and swaps the Evil Queen's poison for Troll Dust.
  • Intelligence – As a native of the world of the Nine Kingdoms, Wolf, like most wolves in his world, is very intelligent as well as cunning. Wolf was smart enough to know his way around Virginia's Grandmother's Kitchen (there are no fridges in the world of the Nine Kingdoms). After he sees the Psychologist, Wolf acquires a number of self-help and improvement books and reads them diligently - Wolf is a fast learner. Throughout most of the story, Wolf acts as a guide for Virginia and Tony as they pursue the Magic-Mirror, telling them both (especially Virginia) anything he knows.
  • Charming and Charismatic – Wolf can be very charming and charismatic: Early in the story, Wolf uses his charm and charisma, along with his 'Persuasion' to sweet-talk Virginia's friend Candy into giving him Virginia's home address. Wolf is often as sweet, charming and charismatic as possible as he tries to court Virginia throughout the story. Near the end of the story, Wolf uses his charm to deceive the Evil Queen into believing that he's on her side.
  • Speed and Agility – As a half-wolf, Wolf can travel fast, his official bio at the top of the page mentions that he excelled at Track and Field; Wolves are known for being able to sprint long-distance for hours while traveling. This trait came in handy to cover the distance to catch up with Virginia and Tony in the Deadly Swamp after the events in the Kissing Town. Agility is another asset that Wolf has, as a half-wolf, that comes with speed.
  • Tracking and Trailing – As a half-wolf, tracking and trailing comes easy to Wolf, armed with his keen senses and wolves instincts. These traits come in handy to him as he trails Prince within New York, follows Virginia when the three Trolls abducted her, displayed his knowledge about tracking to impress Virginia, guided Tony and Virginia through the Disenchanted/Thousand Mile Forest, and trailed Virginia to the Deadly Swamp after the events in the Kissing Town.

[edit] Description of Wolf

[edit] Character

Impulsive, compulsive, gluttonous, passionate, Over the top mannerisms, enthusiastic, wild, loving, tender, sweet, emotional, temperamental, moody, loyal.

[edit] Appearance

Wolf has a tall, lean build, he has dark-hair, a perpetual five o’clock shadow and being a half-wolf, Wolf has a tail. Wolf is often described as: sexy, handsome, cute, attractive, rakishly handsome).

[edit] Facts and Trivia on Wolf

The facts detailed here are observed from The 10th Kingdom mini-series and/or from The 10th Kingdom novel adaptation.

  • Through most of his scenes in the miniseries, Wolf wears clothes suspiciously similar to the pinstripe jacket outfit sported by the Big Bad Wolf in Tex Avery's famous "Red-Hot Riding Hood" cartoons.
  • Wolf dislikes dogs: in the mini-series he says, "Oh, I hate dogs" when Virginia refuses to leave Prince in the Snow White Memorial Prison. In the novel adaptation, Wolf says: "A dog is a wolf crossed with an old pillow. They are tail-wagging slipper collectors. And wolves can be shot on sight in his miserable kingdom. "
  • Wolf had/has siblings. Back in the Little Lamb Village, during the Full moon, Wolf said: "My Mama was obsessed with the moon. She used to drag us all out, just to watch it when we were cubs."
  • Throughout most of Wolf's story in the mini-series and novel adaptation of The 10th Kingdom, Wolf read a number of books that were recommended by a psychiatrist. Known books mentioned are:
  1. Breaking the Cycle (How to Survive in Spite of Your Parents in the novel)
  2. Heal Yourself in Seven Days (The Courage to Heal in the novel)
  3. Stop Blaming Yourself Please (When Am I Going to be Happy in the novel)
  4. Help for the Bedwetting Child
  5. Women Who Love Men, Who Hate Women (Women Who Love Too Much in the novel)
  6. Iron John
  7. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
  8. Curing why I'm so Miserable (What Do Women Want in the novel)
  9. How to Marry the Girl of your Dreams
  • Whenever Wolf has been stressed, angered, frustrated, etc., he utters a Nine Kingdoms profanity (possibly for wolves only): "Cripes" and "Huff-Puff" or else he just growls.
  • Wolf has bad handwriting.

[edit] Speculation on Wolf

  • Wolf must not have been imprisoned in the Snow White Memorial Prison ('SWMP') for very long (or at least very long by standard sentences in the world of the Nine Kingdoms): When Wolf and Virginia sneak into the 'SWMP' Wolf says that new prisoners usually put into E Block; in the Novel Adaptation, in the Swamp Witch's shack in the Deadly Swamp, Clay Face the Goblin says "You were the wolf in E Block who ate all the...".
  • Wolf revealed himself as a "Half-Wolf" (half-man, half-wolf) meaning that either one of his parents is human and the other a wolf, OR both his parents were themselves both half-wolves: during their stay in Little Lamb Village, Wolf said: "My Mama was obssesed with the moon" - and during his session with a psych-analyst, he said that his parents "were both enormous, they couldn't stop eating."

[edit] Wolf's Quotes

Quotes taken from the screen and novel adaptations:

  • Rare implies dangerously cooked. When I say rare I mean let it look at the oven in terror, then bring it out to me.
  • A Shepherdess, makes quite a mess, but little Lambs are lovely.
  • Don't worry, I'm not who I used to be. I've had extensive therapy. I realize that I have been using food as a substitute for love, and I have the books to prove it.
  • We're in a tunnel together, how can I do that?
  • Magic is very nice, but it's very easy to get addicted.
  • A dog is a wolf crossed with an old pillow. They are tail wagging slipper collectors. And wolves can be shot on sight in his miserable kingdom.
  • How can I stay away from her, we're on a very small boat? I might bump into her at any given moment.
  • I hope we'll be bonding soon, Tony, I can't take many more of your fishing stories.
  • Tony! You're ruining the bacon. I can smell it burning.
  • It was a simple magic-fish-spell, gold-finger mistake, Tony. It was almost predictable.
  • But Virginia, breakfast is bacon. Nothing sets my nostrils twitching like bacon in the morning. Little pigs parading up and down with their curly corkscrew tails. Bacon sizzling away in an iron frying pan. Baste it, roast it, toast it, nibble it, chew it, bite right through it. Wobble it, gobble it, wrap it round a couple of chickens and am I ravenous.
  • I'm following my nose.
  • Love and romance, please. Marriage, children, how long do I will have to wait until the creamy girl of my dreams to say yes, that sort of thing.
  • We either live happily ever after, or get killed by horrible curses.
  • You know if you had been kidnapped, it would have been alright. But Virginia! Ohoo... have I lost my one true love.
  • Don't talk to me like that or I'll bite you in a minute.
  • Cripes!
  • Huff Puff!
  • No siree!
  • Goodness me!
  • There's no question there.
  • There's no question about that.
  • I've always wanted to say this. 'Love of my life, let down your lustrous locks!
  • Well you might not get hurt. But huff puff, you won't get loved either.
  • Do you have any idea what you do to me. You will never know love like mine, I am your mate for life.
  • Virginia, please forgive me, I didn't mean to be so rude. Its just my cycles coming on. You see once a month I get very irrational and angry, and I just want to pick a fight with anyone who comes near me.
  • It's just my tail. What? You have succulent breasts and you don't hear me saying anything.
  • Doc, I met this terrific girl and I really really really like her. But, I'm not sure if I want to love her or eat her.
  • Virginia, I could follow your scent across time itself.
  • Butter would not melt in my mouth. Okay, it would melt. Of course it would melt, but very slowly.