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The Hohenstein is the central forest of Witten, (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany). As a forest its name is just "Hohenstein". But "Hohenstein" is also the name if a city-district of Wittens borough "Mitte". It has the district-number 19. As a district it has nearly no population.
As a forest the Hohenstein is well known in the region, the "Mittlere Ruhrgebiet" (Middle Ruhr valley) because of its Berger-Denkmal, from which visitors have a view over the whole Ruhr valley between the cities of Witten and Wetter. The monument was build in remembrance for the German industrial Louis Constans Berger (1829-1891), whose factory – the former Gussstahlwerk - is still producing steel for the world market. The factory now calls Edelstahl Witten-Krefeld.
[edit] External links
- Route Industriekultur, the Berger-Monument in Witten (german language)
- Ruhr-Guide, The Hohenstein (german language)