Winterton Dunes

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Winterton Dunes is an extensive dune system on the east coast of Norfolk, England, which has been designated as a National Nature Reserve.

The site is unusual in that it shows greater ecological similarities to the dune systems of the Baltic - which support acidic plant communities - rather than the dunes on the North Norfolk Coast - where the sand is calcareous.

The site supports well developed areas of dune heath, wet 'slacks' between dunes and dune grassland which grades into grazing marsh and birch woodland.

Natterjack Toads breed in shallow pools within the site.

Winterton Dunes is also known as the first site in Britain where the Southern Emerald damselfly occurred (Nobes 2003).

[edit] References

  • Nobes, Geoff (2003) Southern Emerald Damselfly Lestes barbarus (Fabr.) - The First British Record Atropos No. 18 pp.3-6