Winter wolf

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In the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the Winter wolf is a magical beast which lives in cold forests and plains. It is likely to be based upon the arctic wolf, and elements of norse mythology. It resembles a normal wolf, only with white or another pale color fur. Despite being large (8 feet long and 4 and a half feet tall), it is somewhat more slender and petite than other wolves.

The winter wolf is pretty similar in habits to normal wolves. It hunts either solitary or in packs, in its desolate environment, searching for game. It has a good sense of smell, is stealthy, and is prized for its fur. It is distinguishable from other wolves, including the arctic wolf, however, in that it has a breath weapon; it can breathe ice. This gives it an obvious advantage in combat. It also attacks with its teeth and claws. There is little else which needs to be said about the creature.

Winter wolves can speak Giant and Common.

They are regarded as neutral evil in alignment.

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